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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. In a world where McKinstry has more leverage than Ibanez.
  2. The only way McKinstry is starting on the regular is if a couple of guys get hurt for a decent stretch of time, and if that happens, we ain’t winning anything anyway.
  3. I think a bigger reason is that they have Jace Jung they want to play at third.
  4. Is A.J. unique in this regard?
  5. And all because of a Ford!
  6. I’m with you on this. I would advise people not to hide in their bubble from what’s going on outside of it. It really does make sense to understand what people who don’t share your beliefs think and feel and believe. It’s valuable information for understanding how things in the world stand. By “advise”, I don’t mean people have to actively and continually engage with others who have points of view that are actively hostile to them, or to swim in the same waters as people who would consider you to be their enemy, or as vermin, as a matter of course. I don’t even believe people should have to take intellectually-, ethically-, or morally-bankrupt ideas seriously. Everyone is the master of their own information feed and how they respond to it. For now, anyway.
  7. Peas in a pod flock together
  8. Perfect
  9. Nancy Mace may be a survivor of rape at the hands of a high school classmate, and it’s very sad and tragic that she went through that. Her efforts to bar a fellow female Congressional representative from using the public bathroom of the gender the rep is legitimately identified with does nothing to address Mace’s own personal history, with the possible exception that she was raped in a bathroom by a man dressed as a woman—which by her own admission she was not. If Mace is using her story as the reason she wants to punish another rep who had nothing to do with the story, then not only would that be a corrupt and inappropriate use of her congressional power, but it actually backfires on her and makes her look like nothing less than a bully. And that goes double since Mace is a devoted and vocal disciple of an adjudicated rapist. The most likely reason Mace is doing this is so she can personally profit from it. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/nancy-mace-transgender-bathroom-bill-t-shirts/ Additional future fundraising pleas directly related to this issue to come, I assume.
  10. So much bible-thumping is a cover that it’s hard not to wonder, if not assume, any time you see it. Any time a business puts Jesus right in their marketing materials, I stay away because it makes me wonder whether it’s a cover to rip off sweet, gullible believers.
  11. I like the McStinky signing. He's versatile and put up a solid second half. I figured he'd be back.
  12. Honestly, I think this is fine. Cities seem to be finally waking up to the fact that even residents who want major league teams in their area don't want to have hundreds or thousands of their tax dollars spent on such blatant corporate welfare.
  13. Watching this, I feel as though they agreed on a teed-up question here. The question is, essentially, "Even though there are no reported cases of trans violence in bathrooms, please remind us why they are still a threat." Newsmax has not been lost, Aaron. If anything, they're elbowing Fox to try to get to the head of the line.
  14. I can't believe all the pixels being spilled over the phantom threat of trans people here. What a ****ty non-issue.
  15. Especially the few good people he's hired. But yeah—Americans despise competent people who make them feel inadequate about themselves. That's why America is like a big middle school: the bullies are in charge, and when that happens, the people who work hard and get good grades get bullied.
  16. As three wise men in a collective called Rush once opined, "We need someone to talk to and someone to sweep the floors." That's how our educational system has been and will continue trending: one system for people of means to train their children to become critical thinkers and the leaders of the future; and the other for people to learn just enough so they can run the machines, do the paperwork, and sweep the floors.
  17. Yeah, so, so many missed opportunities to ask my parents about an era I’m semi-obsessed with now.
  18. Awwww! How’s he gonna get anything from Malek al Kabob now??
  19. Not true to anyone who voted for the trumpublicans for “run the country like a business”, which I take to mean eliminating as many departments as possible, firing the entire workforce attended to them, and diluting the quality of the product from the remaining departments as much as possible in the service of maximizing profits, which the shareholders on the inside can then pocket as dividends, while the rest of us customers pay as high a price as they can manage to get away with setting it at. That’s how businesses run. Microeconomics 101.
  20. You and I are old enough to refer to the late 1970s in terms of “as recent as”, while most people alive today refer to it as literally ancient history. I occasionally have to remind myself how long ago the 1970s that I lived through and totally remember is by remembering that when I was in my 20s, the 1930s was a long ago as the 1970s is today, and in no way would I have thought of anything that happened during the 1930s as being any flavor of “recent”.
  21. It’s the fragmented media environment that leads a hundred million-plus people to be Trump fans and supporters and voters, because they never hear a thing about his bankruptcies, business failures, or any of the rest of it. All they hear about is how the price of gas and eggs were a lot lower when he was president, and how he did a great job with the border and no wars and keeping scary transsexuals out of girls’ bathrooms. Everything else reported everywhere else is fake news, and these failures never happened. What’s killing me is how he gets credit for things he is actually trying to destroy, such as overtime pay and other protections for the very working people in thrall to him. He’s like evangelical God in that very basic way: credit for all the good things, no blame for any of the bad things. Which totally tracks.
  22. Been there.
  23. I remember on the old board pegging Bondi to be his VP pick back in 2016 because she looked so damn ****able.
  24. They have what is arguably a Hall of fame catcher and what is already one of the greatest shortstops in history, barring catastrophic injury, and they loaded up in the offseason specifically to make a run at the playoffs. They didn't exactly come out of nowhere.
  25. Losing your dad to an assassin's bullet will do things to a teenage boy.
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