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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. They know it's going to be the reigning AL Cy Young winner starting.
  2. I wonder how ballmich is taking this.
  3. To be replaced by ... ?
  4. Whatever kompromat the Russians had on Vance to make him flip on Trump isn’t going away when he dies.
  5. To answer this, just imagine, where is she the least qualified and thus can do the most damage, hurting and impoverishing the most people? Housing and Urban Development would be a good one for that.
  6. https://bsky.app/profile/thedailyshow.com/post/3lauawimmoc25
  7. Tremblay. Archdiocese of Ottawa?
  8. We grew up with a piano in the house and none of the seven of us kids bothered to learn to play it. As a result, even though I’m very musical, I’m not a musician. My wife bought me an electric Casio full piano with heavy keys for Xmas some years ago. It would sit for months untouched until I got a song in my head and I would sit down to pick it out, then that would be it for another long stretch of time. In the past year, I was at my brother’s for Thanksgiving. He has a piano (again, doesn’t know how to play it) and some of the kids were plinking around with it. I joined for a couple minutes but couldn’t do anything with it. Earlier that year I’d been at a resort hotel, saw a piano in the lobby, and really wished I could sit down and play something, anything. I felt embarrassed because, again, I’ve had a damn piano in my place of residence for probably most of my life. So this year, I made an actual New Year’s resolution to learn to play five songs on the piano, so that whenever I would see one out in the wild, I’d be able to sit down and confidently play something at least halfway decent, and play it at least halfway decently. And so, after committing to the work, I can now play “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” (i.e, Cheers theme song); “He Gives Us All His Love” by Randy Newman; the piano part of “Great Gig in the Sky” by Pink Floyd; and almost all of the piano part of “Layla” by Derek and the Dominoes. For my fifth song, I am currently working on completing “Fred Jones Part 2” by Ben Folds Five. All these songs are quite simple and rather short, but they are, to me anyway, very beautiful-sounding songs that I think people might be at least a little impressed seeing someone play them. I can’t play them all with zero mistakes yet, but I’m far enough along I feel pretty confident about going to my brother’s this TG, playing the songs and surprising some people who’ve known me for six-plus decades and would swear on a holy bible that I can’t play piano, same as them. And moral of the story is: it’s not too late to call the audible.
  9. Well, there’s some CGI and a little blood, and you could argue there is a bit of a superhero in it, although not an MCU type. Stanley Tucci yells a little bit in one scene.
  10. I don’t think most Americans necessarily want a right wing authoritarian dictatorship—although maybe 20% or so do—but I do think the rest who voted for him either think it’s going to roll over on someone else and not them, or that they think he’s joking and it’s not going to actually happen.
  11. I don’t see how Tulsi does not give the Kremlin back door access to literally everything we have, including write privileges so they can go in and alter documents to throw people like you off your game.
  12. It's his entire MO.
  13. Doesn't hurt him, he's a white cisgender man of great means.
  14. Nice P.R. piece.
  15. Welcome to my nightmare.
  16. Provided the 2026 elections are free and fair. You can ask Edman about that.
  17. Yeah, that's kind of how it looks to me. The account is following me and there's not any connection that I can see to me or anyone here.
  18. Yes, but the main trick is determining whether the replacement at hand is better than the resource you have in house. If so, the next trick is to not overpay in years and risk checkmating yourself if it's not working out.
  19. I only vaguely remember this, but had Monaghan successfully moved the team out of town, I'm not so sure Detroit would have gotten a replacement team anytime soon after, despite the market size. We might still be without a team today had that happened. After all, there's another top ten market, bigger than Detroit, that went without a team for over three decades.
  20. That's fine, as not only would this or a new owner benefits with billions from the move, but it would re-open up the #11 market in the country as the prime foil in the Build-Me-A-New-Stadium-Or-I'm-Moving-The-Team gambit.
  21. That didn't fly over your head! 😉😝
  22. Time for Tork, or time for the Tigers?
  23. Did you see it? Did you like it?
  24. I guess it's technically a timer, since timers count down and clocks count up. So, timer's ticking. Meaning someone's fi'na get booted.
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