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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Next handoff worked nicely, though.
  2. I can’t believe the Masked Singer is an actual thing still. It’s, like, decline-of-western-civilization-level bad.
  3. Good coverage of the middle on that double fake handoff play.
  4. Who had Lions up 10-0 midway through the 1st quarter on their bingo card?
  5. Which might be the most offensive part of the tweet. But hey, he’s in Georgia. If it’s not SEC football, it’s not a sport.
  6. Interesting tweet mixing politics and sports, from someone whom I totally assume is in the "shut up and dribble" crowd when it comes to athletes.
  7. I'm not talking about the difference between not-at-all serious and heart-attack serious within this country. I'm talking about how seriously it's taken among different countries. I would also expand it to include people beyond those tasked with the technical implementation of firearms on set.
  8. Reading through this I see they suggest this system in place of a router. Did you replace a router with this system, or else connect it to you original ATT gateway without a router? We have an ASUS router on top of our ATT gateway and I have tried a mesh system using our old ASUS router once we got an updated router, but it didn’t seem to work, at least the way I set it up. Could this be used on top of a router+gateway setup?
  9. I was just wondering whether the ubiquity of firearms in America contributes to some level of nonchalance leading to how Hollywood treats guns in production, as though having a firearm around is no big deal, not really. Guns are so common in real life, and so many people you know have one, maybe it’s like they’re thought of as little more than a toy. Some of the same people I know who gravely intone on the one hand how serious a responsibility having a gun is, will still wax childishly on the other hand about all the features and potential some new gun they just acquired has. I’m a little unnerved when they do. I’ll bet movie capitals in other countries don’t treat even prop firearms at all nonchalantly during production.
  10. I know, Rosario would not be a good pickup, but he’s a hot commodity at this moment, and I think some people might be into it. That’s the joke. Bet he still gets a couple years and eight figures from someone, unless he completely collapses in the Series. I wouldn’t want that to be us. Fun fact, though: Rosario has achieved at least 1.1 WAR in each of his first seven years in the majors, including the short 2020. That’s pretty rare.
  11. Eddie Rosario, Detroit Tiger, anybody? 😜
  12. This space for rent.
  13. Yes, exactly! I remember when I first started going out on dates as a teenager, driving my first car (a ‘73 Vega, I kid you not), having to slam on the brakes and instinctively reaching over as the driver to protect my passenger, the way my mom did for me when I was little. My date had zero understanding of why I did this. She thought I was making a move on her in transit. There was no second date.
  14. I would have completely agreed with this a year ago, but I’m gonna give them at least this year to prove that they have gotten smarter about roster management such that they can make actual sustainable gains beginning with next season. I don’t need them to make a “big splash” to win me over, but I do want them to prove out their born again philosophy, which has been remaking the front office, with the acquisition of first-division big league talent this year.
  15. Bunker is on a mission.
  16. Debate 101: Team Resolved is responsible for providing the research on their own claims, not the opposition. No exceptions.
  17. Actually, didn’t Trump claim that he actually won the popular vote in 2016 but for fraud? So, yeah, it’s not fair when all your votes are not belong to them.
  18. I will feel a hell of a lot better when it can be proved that it doesn’t work.
  19. Isn't it hilarious that literally (by which I mean literally and not figuratively) everything they accuse their enemies of doing are the very same things they do themselves?
  20. Big fan of THE
  21. I think MTG is in it for the money.
  22. Oh Jesus, you can't unsee that.
  23. We've arrived at the point in history where people in control can work up a narrative about a major incident for public consumption, can obtain cooperation from most of those below them who want to maintain their employment and/or profession in good standing, and anyone else who goes off message publicly can be effectively dismissed as an attention-seeker, crackpot, malcontent, any number of things. This has happened and can again. I am not all predicting any this of will happen. I'm just answering your point, is all. And anyway, Christopher Walken was watching.
  24. I'm just reacting to the idea the police could never cover anything up.
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