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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. I don’t care about the money. I care about the years. So whether they sign a player like Semien for 4/60 or 4/120 doesn’t matter, except for the four years. I wouldn’t want to give Semien four years, let alone more. He has never strung together even two really good seasons in a row that might warrant four years for his ages 31-34 at the kind of money Wasserman will demand and get.
  2. My buddy lives in Tampa, and if they face the Dodgers or Giants in the Series, the plan is go to Tampa, see the Stones on Friday night, and Rays-NL on Saturday night. So that’s what I am rooting for. We’re also rooting for afternoon games for Astros-White Sox this Saturday and Braves-Brewers on Sunday, because he’ll come up and we’ll see those. That’s my skin in this game.
  3. I guess there’s a reason he was a four-year rookie this year. I hope he savored every moment of this season. If he can turn a phrase, maybe he can write an inspiration book about it.
  4. Hey, good one! It costs nothing to be wildly optimistic!
  5. You are defending Trump on this very page. And Trump is a shameless liar, something that is also well-documented across four-plus decades. Anytime anyone presents what he says at face value as evidence, they are either being willfully ignorant, or being truly ignorant, and neither one of those is a good look. And be assured, we see you.
  6. Assuming I guess Haase doesn’t turn into a pumpkin next year.
  7. He has a humongous platoon split which makes that a bit of a problem. He hits southpaws like a decent-hitting pitcher hits. I’d afraid that might infect the rest of his batting game.
  8. Many at the Capitol were causing violence. Many did break windows and go through broken windows to go in. Many of the people you’re trying to excuse participated in this. Stop excusing these people. Also, stop excusing this entire incident. You can’t have thousands of angry people egged on to converge on the Capitol without violence and bloodshed. Bad apples will always show up and poison the barrel. They can turn otherwise ordinary people who wouldn’t go out of their way to hurt others into bloodthirsty animals because the opportunity is being presented to them in a highly-impassioned group setting. That’s exactly how lynchings worked.
  9. This is nuts. Nothing about Trump is peaceful or patriotic. He is all about creating chaos and undermining America. His voluminous record on this account speaks for itself. And every reasonable person can easily see that Trump worked as hard as his imagination would allow him to destroy the peaceful transfer of power. So get out of here with this garbage. We’re not a Facebook group here.
  10. Serves her right. She knew Loyalty St. was one way when she turned down it.
  11. Barring a big FA hitter signing, I could see Grossman-Candy-Greene-Tork-Miggy. I’m leaning toward Baddoo takes a step back in spring.
  12. Looking beyond the Tigers just for a minute: Yankees need to lose two to Tampa, Boston needs to split with Washington, Seattle has to win two from the Angels, and Toronto has to win two from Baltimore. If that happens, there’s a four-way tie for two wild card spots.
  13. I took his use of the word “retired” at face value. I also think it unlikely they just eat tens of millions of dollars and cut a future Hall of Famer who’s expected to wear the hat there.
  14. I will never understand how people can honestly believe that Miggy is going to simply retire early and forfeit his remaining dollars for the good of the Tiger organization.
  15. Seriously, how does one cosplaying guy with a sword overpower several presumably-armed special ops soldiers?
  16. 😏
  17. Just as we thought: any "fraud" they catch is coming from the Trump side.
  18. I whiffed pretty hard on basically all my predictions, except the not-so-bold one about Manning.
  19. Eleven categories? What are they?
  20. The one thing Victor can do pretty well on a regular basis is run bases. He's above average in that. I think Victor's future might be in Asia, and I don't necessarily mean Japan. Or maybe Mexico would be a better fit for him. I could see him hitting around .400 there.
  21. I think of Victor Reyes as a sort of canary in the coalmine: if he’s on your team, your team is probably not very good, and the more you have to rely on him, the worse your team probably is.
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