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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Now THAT’S the kind of big chunk pass play I can get with.
  2. OK, so, no blood, and nice return too. EDIT: and one second after I posted this, the flag got thrown.
  3. Terrible decision, terrible throw. We had the ball, there’s over eight minutes left in the third quarter, we had so much time to drive down for a touchdown.
  4. That big pass really hurt AND THE PICK!
  5. Also a really good pick, itself.
  6. And just like that… Four INTs. So far.
  7. I hate sports betting, but I approve this bet.
  8. Heyyyyy … I’m starting to think we might not win this game …
  9. From the Dept. of Lemonade: three of the four scores were field goals and not touchdowns. This game is still well within reach.
  10. People sometimes like to point out that Tork came back after Toledo and improved, and this chart shows that is objectively true, but he still had long stretches of games late where he was well under .300 wOBA. For context, MLB average wOBA is .310.
  11. Another fluky interception. Can’t buy a break.
  12. That was for Terrion, not you.
  13. I don’t think we’re in Alabama anymore, Toto.
  14. God damn it, Terrion, stop playing the guy and start playing the ****ing ball!
  15. I saw Rush a few time, maybe three or four, and the bummer part about it was that they were literally all alike, down to the order of songs and the same AV before certain songs like Tom Sawyer. Talk about phoning it in …
  16. Well, I wasn’t arguing against that … 😉 😁
  17. Hope they include the Art Fleming seasons.
  18. Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute: $1.7 million in lost pay over just the past three years? Was she a senior vice president at the company?
  19. I think I would take third parties more seriously if they ran candidates up and down the ballot in every state, instead of basically just running spoiler candidates at the top every four years. As far as the logic of “sending a message”, as some advocates maintain, I’ll never see it that way. The last two third party candidates who won electoral votes were Strom Thurmond in 1948 and George Wallace in 1968. What kind of message did those results send that had any real lasting impact?
  20. Third parties will never truly work in this country until we move to a parliamentary system, which, lol.
  21. That may have been some time ago and a general feeling, but the past couple days it’s been the RWM like Fox and Newsweek and the Post sounding the alarm bells about Democrat chicanery—as if they don’t have a right to thwart the American people or something Ike that..
  22. Isn’t it already running like a startup? Spending billions and billions practically indiscriminately against far less in revenue? The only real difference is that instead of being propped up and funded by a few billionaire venture capitalists, they’re funded by all the rest of us, and the capitalists are along for the ride. In fact, the venture capitalists are actively skimming and pocketing the proceeds, aided by the company’s officers, and now that everyone can see tat the company is in danger of failing, they’re all circling it like vultures waiting for the right moment to go in and strip it for parts. At least that appears to be the goal. You may see it differently.
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