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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute: $1.7 million in lost pay over just the past three years? Was she a senior vice president at the company?
  2. I think I would take third parties more seriously if they ran candidates up and down the ballot in every state, instead of basically just running spoiler candidates at the top every four years. As far as the logic of “sending a message”, as some advocates maintain, I’ll never see it that way. The last two third party candidates who won electoral votes were Strom Thurmond in 1948 and George Wallace in 1968. What kind of message did those results send that had any real lasting impact?
  3. Third parties will never truly work in this country until we move to a parliamentary system, which, lol.
  4. That may have been some time ago and a general feeling, but the past couple days it’s been the RWM like Fox and Newsweek and the Post sounding the alarm bells about Democrat chicanery—as if they don’t have a right to thwart the American people or something Ike that..
  5. Isn’t it already running like a startup? Spending billions and billions practically indiscriminately against far less in revenue? The only real difference is that instead of being propped up and funded by a few billionaire venture capitalists, they’re funded by all the rest of us, and the capitalists are along for the ride. In fact, the venture capitalists are actively skimming and pocketing the proceeds, aided by the company’s officers, and now that everyone can see tat the company is in danger of failing, they’re all circling it like vultures waiting for the right moment to go in and strip it for parts. At least that appears to be the goal. You may see it differently.
  6. Yea A’m shoked
  7. You may be completely right about that, but that does not mitigate one bit the fact that the tweet by whoever Patrick Bet-David is proceeds from a premise that is completely full of ****.
  8. Exactly. If Justice wants to do anything about this, they have exactly two months and ten days to implement, conduct, and conclude the case with a conviction against them, because what legal hot water could they possible be in starting January 20?
  9. It’ll be very sad when she dies in the next two years, and the court ends up with a 7-2 majority, including new justices in their 30s replacing Alito and Thomas. I find it interesting that all the suggestions about Sotomayor retiring are coming from right wing media, with the obvious intent of riling up their readers with thoughts of Democratic duplicity and underhandedness.
  10. Trump ran up a f***ton of deficits so that post is full of ****.
  11. So this is very timely because we had a minor outburst in our family over this. My brother hosts TG and sent a group text asking who's coming, and specifically asked our sister "C", since she lives in another state far away. I saw her response, which thankfully no one replied to, and I thought three things: (1) I'm sad she's not showing up because she couldn't make it last year, either; (2) I had no idea the worm was so deep in her brain; and (3) even in total victory, red hats still whine and complain about how no one respects them. It's a little ironic because half the people who show up almost certainly voted Trump, including the host, but we've had a standing detente for the last eight years that we simply don't discuss politics anymore.
  12. I don't know what your local Kroger's plays on their music system, but our local Mariano's, which is owned by Kroger, is really leaning into a very specific genre: early to mid-1970s deep cut Billboard hits. Songs you heard for maybe four or six weeks at the time and you haven't heard since. Just in the past few weeks, I heard them play "Backfield in Motion", "Break Up to Make Up", "Midnight at the Oasis", and "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia". It's as though they have narrowly targeted the store music to guys in their 60s who were obsessed with AM hit music when they were 12. I half expect them to play "The Streak" and "Shaving Cream" next time I'm there.
  13. Not only that, but I also think some of the tweets you did successfully post no longer show up. For example, this is all I am seeing on one of your posts above:
  14. This right here is a huge pet peeve of mine, because it's such an obvious line of horse****.
  15. Out of reactions, so: 😆
  16. Obviously if Ttump actually dies he can't preside, but I'm not sure any level of cognitive decline would lead to his removal, because no way could that be sold to his voters. After all, these people did not vote for J.D. Vance, or the Republican Party writ large—they voted for Jonald J. Ttump, period. So any effort to remove him from office had better be accompanied by a casket, because otherwise there will be hell to pay. He could decline enough to make late-life King George III look downright lucid and I still don't think he's going anywhere. The power of everyone around him is tied explicitly to Ttump himself. If he ordered a nuke dropped on Chicago his people might actually get checkmated trying to figure out how to get out of such a pickle.
  17. Man, I super-botched this first-thing-in-the-morning-cobwebs-still-in-the-head post. I meant to say that the idea that this federal government conspired to withhold aid from people for political purposes is demonstrably untrue. Just in case anyone cares to hang me for the morning cobwebs in my head.
  18. That was a nice little joke which actually dovetails into a serious point. In my view, strictly speaking, I don't regard him as my president. He's the political president of the country I live in. I don't believe there is any expectation of allegiance or obligation I have to the man himself. (Or do you believe there is? That's a different discussion.) Now, maybe he's your president because you like him, claim him, have allegiance to him, and maybe even feel obligated to carry out whatever demands of his you hear in your head. 😉 And that's fine, you're free to claim him as your president in that case. But I don't think just because I live here, I have to express allegiance to him, carry out obligations on his personal behalf, or claim him as my president, any more than you have to claim Joe Biden as your president. You have the freedom not to, a freedom I sincerely hope we don't lose. These may all be distinctions without a difference to you, but they aren't to me.
  19. I think of it as something that they get hammered for, even unfairly, because it comes on the heels of the Oakland debacle. Perhaps you've seen this kind of thing before in your own life: you did something you got hammered for that you fairly admitted was your fault, and you accepted that. But when it was quickly followed up by a mishap that wasn't your fault, you still got unfairly hammered for that, and you're like, heyyyy, that's not fair, that one wasn't my fault! But you got hammered anyway. Lots of guys go through that with their wives or girlfriends. That's how I see the Tampa situation. Maybe it wasn't Baseball's fault because they can't control the weather, or at least all their fault because their franchise could control the facility's response to the weather. But they're getting a little hammered for it anyway.
  20. Maybe, although not necessarily. Could also be the Giants, Padres, or Mariners.
  21. Nah, I'm just faking sociability. 😁
  22. You’re right on all this, although I’m not talking about just the Tampa thing, which in isolation wouldn’t look so bad. In combination with the Oakland debacle, I think it has a multiplicative effect on how second-rate it makes MLB look. And you’re right, no drainage in a park specifically built for MLB is inexplicable. Or maybe not so much, I don’t know.
  23. The idea that this federal government conspired to withhold aid from people for political purposes is demonstrably true, of course, but the ore important takeaway is that this tale will serve as justification for when the Trump government actually does withhold aid from various places because they are disloyal to him, or insufficiently loyal to him, or voted fro Kamala in this election. It will happen, because he already tried to make it happen in the past, and he’s already said he will do it in the future.
  24. The Confederate governor was your governor? Yikes.
  25. US was already going to leave NATO. After all, Putin wants it gone. US just needs cover, although leaving it over this is really weak.
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