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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Sotomayor has health issues. She should volunteer her seat.
  2. You realize, of course, that there's always a point at which tyrants move from merely admiring dictators to actually emulating dictators. No one with designs on ultimate power ever sets a limit on it—as in only just so much, and that's it. The temptation to become a god on earth is just too great to avoid.
  3. Wasn't there an attempt in January, 2021? Or are you thinking successful coups? Is secession technically considered a coup?
  4. Preventing active duty troops from mowing down citizens on American soil at the orders of the president is the kind of coup d'etat I support.
  5. Not if filibuster rules get changed, which I now give a better than 50-50 chance of happening after January.
  6. OK, now you’re just flinging poo.
  7. I'm uninterested in how you think your resume relates to this exchange, and I stand by my post which, bottom line, was about me and not about you. Your baseless assertions are outright lies, and everyone can see that because you've done nothing to produce any receipts. All you have produced are personally-insulting accusations flung at me. I don't see why you feel that's necessary, and I'm not sure what your goal is. This forum was explicitly specified to be an area of civil discourse free of personal attacks, and you have continually undermined that here.
  8. I believe you mean the Nationals? Had the Yankees offered 15 years to Soto, wouldn't that be seismic news?
  9. We will know exactly how old Soto is when he comes for his pension.
  10. It's true he's a poor defender now, but he will still be in the outfield for at least another four years, if not more. They may try to figure out a way to move him to first.
  11. As have we all … 😁
  12. I don’t think any top free agent would go to the hate Sox, but they may pick up someone whose back is against the career wall as a possible flip piece. Remember, even signing with the White Sox for a guaranteed deal is preferable to going to Asia or Mexico.
  13. Is this post from April, 2023? 😉
  14. You are not. Flaherty’s going to get at least four years. I mean, he’s a good pick up for a rich team with money to burn that a great pitching science staff and can see taking a chance on him being healthy and consistent enough be to a solid 2/3. But he is definitely not the ace of a staff that plays into November. The Yankees didn’t want him even for a stretch run because of history concerns. As for us, I don’t know whether our roster is mature enough to warrant paying something like 4/80+ to Jack Flaherty. Fans don’t want to hear this, but the rebuild is still not finished, although I do think we have crossed the midway point of the rebuild. We can still win while finishing up the rebuild, but I also think last season might have been this version’s 2006.
  15. By the way, as long as we are now in this new world, we might as well actually read Project 2025, so at least we know what’s coming. Here’s a nicely annotated website that might help. I should probably keep this bookmarked. I hope their servers are in Switzerland or someplace equivalent. https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/
  16. I think it just falls off the radar and nothing more comes of it on our side. Russia will pummel Ukraine’s into eventual submission half the media will completely ignore it, while the other half will be excoriated for trying to keep the “Biden crime family” propped up. Whenever Putin rolls into other non-Western places like Georgia or Azerbaijan or Uzbekistan, it won’t be our concern. After that it’s a short step to get the other ex-republics in the fold, especially with help from North Korean and possibly Chinese troops. Speaking of which, when China invades Taiwan, I think the most likely outcome will be Trump will make a deal that will pay him and his actual crime family off to keep us from intervening. So, the clock is now ticking and the alarm is set for pre-2028.
  17. Just in time for me to get there! I would not be surprised to see Social Security having been made age-ineligible to me, maybe even eliminated as a government-guaranteed program, by the time I’m scheduled to qualify in 2028. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/raising-the-retirement-age-for-social-security-would-cut-benefits-by-thousands-of-dollars-each-year/
  18. They can help fund it the way the Germans funded the holocaust: by seizing whatever undocumented immigrants’ assets they can. They know it’s not much and it definitely won’t cover the costs, but it would be more about points for style than actually funding the operation.
  19. Exactly as much as you hate immigrants, education, and democracy.
  20. I wonder whetehr Joe will attend the inauguration. I can’t imagine him just sitting there listening to Trump insult him incessantly to his face. Joe also stands a non-zero chance of getting arrested on the spot.
  21. He’ll be named acting attorney general. Everyone will be named acting everything and no one will go through a confirmation process.
  22. Oh, I havent forgotten you, pal. I’m still waiting for receipts from you that I’m “extreme left”. Until you produce them, you’re full of **** on this one.
  23. I’ll take this to mean you agree that I am not extreme left after all.
  24. Do you believe the number of people who would not vote for a candidate because they are black or a woman is zero?
  25. Funny how the Republicans spent the last four years not accepting the results of the 2020 election, and they accepted the results of the 2024 election in less than four seconds.
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