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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. I'd like to think you're right, but they will blame Democrats for screwing up those things even though they had nothing to do with it, and it'll probably work.
  2. Won't ever happen, because they think it's the upper 1% that makes Americas truly great.
  3. As long as he keeps men out of women's sports and guts that part of the assistance programs that helps BIPOC people the most, the working man will consider the Trump presidency a win.
  4. I said something very different from that, but here's a question for you: what percentage of Democratic Party voters do you think are racist or sexist enough that they would not vote for Kamala because she is either black or a woman? Do you think it's absolutely zero? Or do you think there is some percentage of Democratic Party voters who would not do so, and what do you think that percentage might be, in numbers? Just looking for a swag of how racist/sexist you think Democrats are.
  5. I don't consider you far right. If you were you'd be all MAGA all the time, and I don't hear that from you. But you did refer to me as "extreme left" which, by definition, means the outer edges or limits, meaning no ideology is more left-wing than mine, including communism, Marxism, and anarchism. Those ideologies would be right in my wheelhouse, or even to the right of me, if I am on the extreme left. Is that really what you meant to put across here?
  6. We've all been on hold for long stretches of time with utilities and retailers and doctor's offices and the like, and it's been like that for over a decade now, so the AI voice and the disclaimers about 911 and all that stuff at the beginning, there's no use whining about that. They do it because it's probably a liability issue or something. And we've all heard the music they play when you are on hold, probably taken from the list of the same four songs you hear being played no matter who you call. And that's fine, I accept that. And when we hear that hold music, I'm pretty sure that rather than hold the phone to our ears for however long it takes for them to field our call, we all put the phone down and let the music play while we continue working, until we hear a voice breaking in so we can finally talk to someone. But I absolutely HATE HATE HATE when vendors and offices program in an interruption of the music every 30 or so seconds with promotional announcements trying to upsell us to something or other. Even doctors' offices do this now. The thing I most hate about it is, I can't concentrate on my work while I'm waiting because whenever a voice keeps breaking in, I have to break my concentration on my work to determine whether it's just another promotional announcement, or it's an actual person coming on the line that I need to talk to so we can address my issue. Sometimes I wonder whether they purposely do this in order to annoy people so much that they just hang up, because customer service costs time and money and they want to provide as little of it as they can get away with. It does make sense because usually one of the announcements is how you can answer simple questions by going to their website, so they want people who are calling up just to get hours of operation or location information to stop wasting their time with that. That's not me, though. I'm calling specifically because I need help on an issue their website can't answer.
  7. OK, fine. You wanna keep going on this, now you have to produce the receipts that I am "extreme left".
  8. Probably because Carter helped people after leaving office instead of making multiple millions with an international agribusiness conglomerate.
  9. If supporting Joe Biden's record as a president and voting for Kamala makes me extreme left in your opinion, then I guess I'm all in on that. I don't think most people, even along where you see yourself on the spectrum, would agree with that, but it's your definition and you have a right to define that for yourself. If you start calling me a Marxist and a communist, though, you're gonna have to come up with the receipts on that one.
  10. I'm not talking about rounding up the Klan members in your town, so don't fret about that. I'm not talking about rounding up anyone. That's your party's deal. I don't know how you leapt to that—I assume as a distraction from the actual point to change the focus to some fantastic persecution of conservatives instead—but everyone else here can see what we were (or at least what I was) actually talking about, which is rescuing children from abusive parents, so I'm not chasing your laser pointer.
  11. Because River Forest is just as irrationally frightened of Chicago as all Trump people were taught by him to be? That's my guess. Here in the actual city, contact solution is out in the open. Killers and rapists and gangsters and Ku Kluxers and child abusers are just some of the types who should not be allowed to raise their children as they see fit. YMMV on that.
  12. If you think I'm an extreme left compared to other people in Chicago, you definitely have spent no time with any people here.
  13. I understand you're ignoring what I said, and that's fine, but for anyone else who cares, you might want check into whether your online brokerage allows different ways to sell than just FIFO. With Schwab, for instance, when you get to the sell screen, you will see this: Click the First in first out link below the sale, and you get these options: As you can see there is a wide range of flexibility available to how you want to see your stocks, including specific lots in the middle of your holding.
  14. Also, native-born American citizens who just look like Mexicans. Collateral damage.
  15. Living in small town Indiana sure does throw off one's sense of perspective, doesn't it?
  16. I don't understand what this graph is trying to tell us. Can you elaborate?
  17. The conclusion is clear: Russia needs a bigger hand in our economy. You're going to get your wish.
  18. Solid word play! My man!
  19. I'm extreme left? Man, you need to meet more people.
  20. Permission to speak freely, sir? The premise of this post is horse**** and you know it. We just had a black woman running whom we could trust to do right by the economy—if she gets the blame for working with the Biden economy you don't like, then she gets credit for working with the Biden economy that got inflation under control with record employment—and it's becoming very clear that millions of people wouldn't vote for her simply because she was black and a woman. A gay person, even a gay white man, would also lose millions of votes simply because he is gay. You know you'll never be in the position of having to choose whether you would vote for an openly gay man because you (and I) will be long dead before an openly gay man runs as a Republican. So you're safe from having to put your money where your mouth is. Sir.
  21. We have reached the point where more schools and better schools are "goodies" that should be starved of tax revenue. Well, looks like you're gonna get your wish. Congratulations.
  22. Teri Garr was actually in the Monkees Head!
  23. I’m with Schwab, and they let you designate which shares you want to sell in order to maximize advantages for yourself. For instance, if you have 100 shares of XYZ and the first block of 50 you bought is above water and the second block is below water, you could designate the second, more recent block of 50 shares for sale so you can take the loss for tax purposes, if you so choose. I would bet Fidelity lets you do the same?
  24. I think allowing all parents to raise their children only as they see fit is overrated. Some parents are not fit in the first place and need to have their children rescued from them.
  25. https://x.com/axios/status/1854167037586595937
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