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Everything posted by chasfh
I wish this could do anything like horrify MAGAs, but unfortunately, this is language used only to inflame the left, so all this will do is elicit an apathetic shrug from the red hats. Seems to me the red hats all believe they’re hurting at the behest of snotty, stuck-up Democrat voters like you and me—you know, the kind of people who use ”behest” in a sentence—so their solution is not everyone working together to raise everyone’s standards, which they don’t believe is even a thing, but instead making it so we hurt as much as they themselves hurt, which they absolutely know is a thing.
This got me wondering about how they treat water here, which i have never thought much about, what’s the process and all, and I came across this article from earlier this year explaining it: https://abc7chicago.com/stickney-water-reclamation-plant-wastewater-chicago-microbes/14388431/ And it reads like one of the wonders of the modern civilized world. That said, I’m sure czar RFK will develop or spread some rumors about how water is treated in general so they can take responsibility for the process away from local governments and give it to private business who they can then drive down costs by cutting corners and reduce quality just below current minimum standards in order to turn a healthy profit. The Trump administration can help things along by removing clean water regulations from the books, requiring local and state government to comply with new federal government standards on water, and allowing any resulting externalities such as poisonings and deaths to play out in court. I look forward to this brave new world.
Counterpoint: he and his circle are gonna get good and rich along the way, so their personal economies will be swell along the way.
Maybe six or seven years ago, I got one of those large Zerowater carafes that filters out dissolved solids to a 99+% rate (and also, funnily, it reduces Chlorine and Fluoride). A few years later, the city of Chicago then sent all us taxpayers a smaller Zerowater carafe and six filters gratis. (Well, actually, paid by our property taxes.) Chicago has one of the best water systems around, but sometimes, I can really smell the chlorine in the shower and coming out of the kitchen tap. ZW also provides you a meter that measures dissolved solids. Depending on where you are, tap water usually has around 100 to 200 PPM; ZW reduce that to zero, and you’re supposed to periodically test the water so you know when it’s time to change the filter. I’m telling you all this because I also used the meter to measure the water being filtered out of the fridge dispenser, and it had the exact same dissolved solids levels as the tap water, and when i changed the fridge filter to new and ran five quarts through the dispenser as instructed, it still had the same readings as water out of the tap. So, I’ve started to think the whole fridge filter thing is a sham.
You may remember from the late 2010s that all Trump has to do is name Kennedy acting secretary indefinitely, which will avoid the whole confirmation process.
I can attest that Aquafina and Dasani are great, and Ice Mountain is garbage.
Move to Europe, then, you commie.
Except once people have to drop any part of their medical insurance because they can no longer afford Obamacare, dental is the first to go, even before vision.
That guy is a CNN pundit, not a CNN news anchor. There’s a difference. You may now laugh.
Or at least against willful women.
What do you think are the chances they legislate over it, at least to water them all down, or get their state Supreme Court to declare them all unconstitutional?
They tell themselves they don’t think trump is actually going to do all the awful things he’s promising to do, because after all, he was in office for four years already and he didn’t do any of that back then, did he? Of course, that means they’re active supporting a man who they acknowledge is being dishonest when he talks about what he’s going to do once he’s back in office, which, I’m sure there’s a bible verse somewhere that gives them all cover on that. Probably somewhere in the Old Testament near the Cyrus thing.
See, I think they might actually regard this part in a completely different way: they don’t like entrepreneurs, because they represent a threat to the established billionaires who support Trump. So, to reduce the entrepreneur class, they make it as hard as possible to become one, and one way to do that is to tie healthcare insurance to employment, and make it too expensive to get it on your own. That forces people, especially those with families, to keep working for The Man instead of striking out to work for themselves. Threat mitigated.
It couldn’t possibly be that Trump’s abject awfulness every single day for four years running could have driven turnout against him high enough to get him voted out of office, could it? Your man told you it’s the fraud, the whole fraud, and nothing but the fraud. So what else could it be other than the fraud? How on brand. Now, here’s a thought exercise, not for you, really, but for everyone else. Trump has cried “wolf” … er, “fraud” … so often that the accusation of voter fraud itself has essentially been stripped of all meaning. So if—and again, it’s a thought exercise—if the Trump people could manage to engineer a massive election fraud that, I don’t know, turned D votes into R votes, or wiped out D votes altogether, or double-counted R votes—the actual method doesn’t even matter, so pick your favorite—and proof positive found this to be the case … well, could anyone even blow the whistle on it and look credible? Would it not look for all world like just another empty accusation? So it might be possible that the whole fraud canard could actually have been a genius move on the part of the brain trust backing Trump to set up something like this so meticulously over these past years in order to engineer a massive fraud to steal this election, and get away with it completely, because the accustatio has been rendered impossible to pursue. Once again, just a thought exercise. Carry on.
He wasn't stealing a vote from Harris so he could vote Libertarian, so it's at worst a wash.
Well, that makes a hell of a lot of sense, doesn't it? Yes, I am completely serious about that.
Whatever they are, those are almost certainly NOT the ingredients he will get banned.
Man, it sure wasn't science fiction Orwell was writing here, was it?
In any event, black lady pick was never going to beat Trump.
What's the over/under on when Vance takes over the presidency? I'm thinking August 4, 2026.
I guess by dint of the transitive properties, Tigeraholic is now the president of the political forum. At least tell us at Mexico is paying for the digital wall.
As long as we're still saying our goodbyes—good bye, Affordable Care Act. Hello, full-priced insurance (with guaranteed double-digit-percent annual increases) for entrepreneurs and other "unemployed" people. Millions will fall off the rolls. All according to plan, since healthcare is not a right.