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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. When it comes to in major cities, Minneapolis does not have an exceptionally high violent crime rate. But they did have the highly-visible George Floyd killing and subsequent protests there. And Chicago’s violent crime rate is lower than theirs.
  2. It would be nice if it had any impact at all, given how it’s not well-promoted or reported on.
  3. For better or worse, being a 1-1 pick comes with a set of expectations and privileges lots of players just don’t have. 1-1s get chance after chance to make good, long after other players have been spun out of the big leagues for similar outcomes. Not many players get to throw up sub-replacement numbers with a stone glove for three years as a starter at the easiest position to play and still get an honest fourth chance to make the same team’s starting lineup. In exchange for that privilege, as well as the privilege of pocketing $8 million before he even went to his first team meeting, he gets to endure an earful of **** for his ongoing terrible play and his inelegant comments in the press. It’s sad to see, but that’s how things roll in the bigs, and he has to more than just deal with it. He has to force a change to the narrative. He can do that only with results. Personally, I’m glad the front office threw down the gauntlet and publicly announced moving another player to his position. Maybe he shouldn’t be guaranteed a starting spot because of his pedigree. Maybe this is the kind of thing Tork needs to light a fire under him and to finally take seriously whatever he might not have been taking seriously enough before. It’s put-up-or-shut-up time for Tork, because this team is going places, and there’s no longer room to carry sub-replacement starters along the way. Best of luck to him. I want nothing more than for him to put up All-Star seasons with us.
  4. You'd have a case to hammer me if the Trumpers were begging to reconcile with me and try to see eye to eye and I replied to them to go pound sand. Even you have to admit that's not what's happening here.
  5. I agree with this in principle, but if my side wants to share some empathy and the other side couldn't possibly give less than a **** about that, then where does that leave us? It can't be a one-way street, can it? I don't think so, anyway.
  6. While I agree in scope, I don't agree in scale. There are way, way, way, waaaaaay more hard right Trump fluffers than far left river-to-the-seaers. There's no equivalence in scale between them.
  7. I'm leery of reaching out and anxiously befriending the leopard just long enough to allow him to eat my face, which, shame on me if that happens, right? I will have totally deserved that, won't I? I'd prefer to ignore them while they're out gallivanting about and then I'll fete them when they wander into the tent tail between their legs. You can't befriend people who honestly want nothing to do with your friendship.
  8. Agreed. I've come to like Bobby Scales.
  9. Good. Hopefully warms up some trade partners.
  10. If you're not watching The Pitt, you are missing what might end up being in the conversation for greatest medical drama of all time. It can be a little hard to follow and you will miss a quarter of what they say because of the thick medical jargon—closed captions is an absolute must—but there is no show you can name that breaks through with more verisimilitude and humanity than The Pitt.
  11. Hey, can you blame the brown squirrels? Black squirrels are just so goddamn sexy.
  12. I didn't see this discussed anywhere, which may be a symptom of the constant fire hose, but didn't the Supreme Court just side with Donald Trump over Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution?
  13. I figured this one out ten minutes after setting it up and less than an hour before I returned it to the Best Buy.
  14. So, again, after nine years of Trumpers wishing nothing but the worst for liberals, it’s liberals who have the obligation to reach out to Trumpers, a group of people who take their emotional and social cue from a nihilist sociopath, in the mere hope that they will respond in a kindly and neighborly fashion? Liberals are the ones who are supposed to make peace with the leopards? That seems like a tall ask to me.
  15. Look what I got in the email just a few minutes ago. My question is, what if the scammer is inside the house?
  16. It's not necessarily one or the other but not both.
  17. “MAGAphone” is original with me, but a quick googling shows it’s been used in context before.
  18. “Increased persecution of Christians.” Perfectly MAGAphrased.
  19. To be replaced by a mandatory MAGAphone, required by unfunded mandate? The equivalent of telescreens in the novel 1984? I can’t not see it.
  20. “Pretend” is the operative word here, in the interest of winning votes from ideologues. Republicans are actually for controlled markets rigged for them and their benefactors to win.
  21. Wait until they get to the part where they purposefully shrink economic output in order to jack up prices and profit margins.
  22. I’m starting to wonder how much the constant stream of stories they are feeding the media about firing people all over the government is intended to screen us, or at least distract us, from this kind of stuff. Because this is the core of what they are trying to accomplish. The rest of it seems intended only to keep us scared, confused, and/or fighting with one another.
  23. Give it time.
  24. Maybe he was high on the air once too many times.
  25. I promise you, he is.
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