For better or worse, being a 1-1 pick comes with a set of expectations and privileges lots of players just don’t have. 1-1s get chance after chance to make good, long after other players have been spun out of the big leagues for similar outcomes. Not many players get to throw up sub-replacement numbers with a stone glove for three years as a starter at the easiest position to play and still get an honest fourth chance to make the same team’s starting lineup. In exchange for that privilege, as well as the privilege of pocketing $8 million before he even went to his first team meeting, he gets to endure an earful of **** for his ongoing terrible play and his inelegant comments in the press. It’s sad to see, but that’s how things roll in the bigs, and he has to more than just deal with it. He has to force a change to the narrative. He can do that only with results.
Personally, I’m glad the front office threw down the gauntlet and publicly announced moving another player to his position. Maybe he shouldn’t be guaranteed a starting spot because of his pedigree. Maybe this is the kind of thing Tork needs to light a fire under him and to finally take seriously whatever he might not have been taking seriously enough before. It’s put-up-or-shut-up time for Tork, because this team is going places, and there’s no longer room to carry sub-replacement starters along the way. Best of luck to him. I want nothing more than for him to put up All-Star seasons with us.