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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Probably checking her Truth Social feed for likes and retruths.
  2. You didn't say it wasn't, and you didn't say it was. You didn't contemplate its status as sexual assault either way. In any event, this wasn't meant as a way to hammer you, but rather to demonstrate how people view certain acts as entailing different levels of severity, even in subtle ways such as mild language laundering.
  3. This is a commercial for a local congressional race, not for president, but I wanted to share it here because it's so darn good. I can't extract only the video from the Insta page for the candidate, but I hope you click through to watch it: https://www.instagram.com/mrvanforcongress/reel/DA_wgmaSFKn/
  4. I don't know. I don't think everyone can even agree on exactly what constitutes sexual assault, so I can't hazard a guess on numbers. After all, you just said a butt squeeze is not "OK", but you also avoided labeling it sexual assault, which I suggested it might be considered by some people—I would think more by women than by men. I'm just saying I would bet money that whatever the definition is, the percentage is probably much higher than most men believe it is, and probably not much, if any, higher than what women believe it is.
  5. You also think the vast majority of men have never sexual assaulted, so who knows.
  6. Yeah, I was a little nonplussed reading that the "vast majority" of men never sexually assaulted, therefore it must all be due to serial abusers. I don't think I can buy that at face value. I don't know if we can get at the numbers for that, but I'm pretty sure it's higher than most men would believe, although probably not higher than most women believe. I also think there's a line at which a woman would definitely consider an act as being sexual assault, but the man in the incident would honestly not consider it so. I think such incidents would serve to increase the estimate on percentage of men who have engaged in assault. A good example might be a butt squeeze in public view. Sure, there's no blood or other fluids being spilled, so a man might be surprised to learn a butt squeeze would be considered assault, but it must certainly considered by a woman so as an unwelcome public assault on her body and her dignity, particularly by a stranger or by a mere casual acquaintance. I don't know where along the continuum of "the women is being too sensitive" versus "the man is an insensitive clod" such acts would fall, but I would give the benefit of the doubt to the woman in every case. It's her body, so she gets to say what is assault versus what is no big deal.
  7. This is why the whole idea of mass voter fraud makes no sense on a logical level. Not only is the voting system sealed practically airtight to prevent it on the front end, the sheer amount of effort to implement such an operation on the back end to the degree needed to move the needle in an election is practically prohibitive.
  8. I didn’t tell anyone an old man on my paper route shoved his hand down my pants to fondle me while I was collecting for the Free Press until decades after that happened, so, I can kind of relate.
  9. Not in the court of public opinion. Out here, it’s preponderance of the evidence.
  10. How great is it that Derek Jeter has to sit on a panel while Dave Roberts, the guy with the steal that sparked the Red Sox comeback against the Yankees in 2004, talked about beating his Yankees in the World Series Game 1 this year? Couldn’t be better. And he had not a single word to say.
  11. Wow great post
  12. Taken on its own terms, Game 1 of the 2024 World Series will go down as one of the all time greats.
  13. Well, to be fair, to 1776’s point, so far, there is nothing more than a video account with no corroborating evidence. In any event, there has already been a court judgment against him in a sexual assault case, so even as an accusation, it’s not a good look for him, because it’s so god damned likely.
  14. Man, we sure could have used this Flaherty in the playoffs. EDIT: lol, and not 30 seconds later …
  15. I went back and re-read it, and while it could technically go either way, it reads as more likely you were referring to the act, not his making the statement, even if you didn’t mean it that way in your head. You can see how looks that way, right?
  16. Good. I hope they hate-vote for Kamala just to spite him.
  17. My favorite Kamala rally moment was when the crowd were waiting for her to arrive and the MC did that call-and-response with them: “Show me what democracy looks like!” “This is what democracy looks like!” I get chills simply remembering it.
  18. Hitler used to do that **** all the time. Builds a tension that gets released in a wave of euphoria. Or at least it did for Hitler.
  19. What is this, 1955? Yes, of course grabbing a person’s genitalia in a nonconsensual manner is a crime, ranging anywhere from battery to criminal sexual assault, depending on the state.
  20. Fantastic. I’m becoming a big fan of Jake Tapper.
  21. Mayne I'm a little ****ed up, but, what's the practical problem at hand here? I know it's outside the norm, but what's the thing we are fearing? That the Trump army will overrun the White House before January 6 and have Biden and Harris arrested?
  22. Who here remembers Katherine Graham? Ah, good times ...
  23. Since when did Epstein deal in women?
  24. Well, whaddya know ... democracy really does die in darkness.
  25. Billionaires of a feather ...
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