Yeah, I was a little nonplussed reading that the "vast majority" of men never sexually assaulted, therefore it must all be due to serial abusers. I don't think I can buy that at face value. I don't know if we can get at the numbers for that, but I'm pretty sure it's higher than most men would believe, although probably not higher than most women believe.
I also think there's a line at which a woman would definitely consider an act as being sexual assault, but the man in the incident would honestly not consider it so. I think such incidents would serve to increase the estimate on percentage of men who have engaged in assault. A good example might be a butt squeeze in public view. Sure, there's no blood or other fluids being spilled, so a man might be surprised to learn a butt squeeze would be considered assault, but it must certainly considered by a woman so as an unwelcome public assault on her body and her dignity, particularly by a stranger or by a mere casual acquaintance. I don't know where along the continuum of "the women is being too sensitive" versus "the man is an insensitive clod" such acts would fall, but I would give the benefit of the doubt to the woman in every case. It's her body, so she gets to say what is assault versus what is no big deal.