I could be talked into it with the following conditions, at minimum:
Voter ID is made available, proactively by the state and at taxpayers' expense, to every eligible voting citizen, bar none. Citizens eligible to vote should not have to bust their humps to try to obtain voter ID, and they should not be priced out of voting.
Every voter should be required to have their ID and voting status confirmed at the voting booth, no exceptions. No getting a pass from the poll workers because they "know" you. They cannot have the personal discretion to approve or reject you on the spot. Your ID MUST be confirmed, no exceptions. If I show up, or you show up, or Donald Trump shows up, and the voter ID cannot be confirmed, then no vote. Period. No exceptions. And ID has to be confirmed somehow before vote-by-mail or online vote is allowed.
Maybe there are more conditions I would need to see to be talked into it, but these are the first two I can think of off the top of my head.
I'm not sure how these could be implemented, especially #2. Is voter ID a physical card? Can it be located on your phone like your medical card? Is there a counter-check on the poll worker's side to positively confirm, like a scanner gun tied to a state database? Can voters be processed as quickly as they are under no-voter-ID rules? How the heck can ID be confirmed for mail-in or online voting? I don't know, but just because I can't plan out and articulate exactly how these would work to a 100% complete degree to you right now in this post, does not mean they shouldn't be conditions in the first place. But my thing is, until these conditions can be locked down airtight, I don't think voter ID should be a requirement anywhere. Because the whole voter ID thing is far too easy to use as a tool to keep certain eligible voters the politicians in power don't like, or the poll workers don't like, from being able to cast a vote. Figure this out to my satisfaction, and you may have me on board with you.