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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. OK, forgive me, because since you responded directly to me, it initially looked as though you were aping me here. I’ve posted multiple times that I’m not paying to polling numbers, and in all my posts here, I don’t think I’ve shared a poll even once.
  2. Is that supposed to be me talking?
  3. It won’t move the needle in either direction one iota. The opinions are calcified. Also, the woman is, what, 40? People are going to look at this and say, “Trump groped a full-grown 40-year-old woman? And I’m supposed to be uniquely horrified by that?”
  4. I don’t know about northern Illinois and Iowa, but definitely northern Wisconsin and Minnesota. I think it’s because the area was settled mainly by Scandinavians instead of Scots Irish.
  5. Not on the roller coaster, so, not paying attention.
  6. This is a good October surprise.
  7. And the moral of the story is: voter ID works.
  8. They consider it a decent risk to get involved because the promise is, if Trump actually wins, he will shower them with riches. Of course, the dirty little secret Trump doesn’t tell them is that it’s a golden shower.
  9. Good thing players had opportunities outside the system to go develop themselves so they could save their one and only career chance.
  10. “Tarik Skubal is going to play out the next two years and will then go to market. The Detroit Tigers will be free to bid on him at that time, same as everyone else.”
  11. There’s nothing to showcase. Matt Manning is broken.
  12. This seems like a reasonable option.
  13. I don't know, maybe. Money talks, though ...
  14. A lot of hay gets made about how this team is the second incarnation of the Get Along Gang, and personally, I love that that's the case. But I would bet if Torkelson were reduced to a platoon role, he'd launch a campaign of dropping turds into the clubhouse punch bowl on the regular.
  15. As long as we were to get positive wins out of the guy, I wouldn't care what his role is.
  16. Thank you for your service. I would bet people running for office are far more interested in the number of dollars being donated over the number of donors donating them.
  17. Hey, man, it wasn't for lack of trying. Trump wanted to have his military shoot protesters in DC back in 2020. Esper was able to shut it down. Thank god we had some guardrails left at that point, but he wouldn't have any Espers in his administration this time around. Also, lol the idea "teh left" is the violent side. Unless by "instigate" you mean "teh left" instigates more protests. Because I don't know whether you've been keeping up with things, but the side I'm on is not the side with all the weapons.
  18. Look again—the colors are based on number of donors, not money. ZIP code 48089 is a good example. Hover over that ZIP and you will see Biden/Harris beats Trump ondonors, 171 to 129; but Trump more than doubles them up on cash, $20,000 to $9,000. This is true of a lot of pale blue ZIPs on the map. At least my home ZIP of 48093 is true blue.
  19. As long as Trump is shifting taxpayer money from government coffers to corporate coffers, they'll ignore the chaos.
  20. I really wish we could go back to the MTS archives so I can see all the things I posted back in November 2016 about all the things I feared Trump might do as president, posts that were lambasted and dismissed as "Alarmist Non-sense", and compare them to what everyone else inside and outside MTF is saying today what they fear Trump will do, and see what my hit rate is. It's got to be over 50%. Maybe way over.
  21. If Trump is going to praise Hitler, how is Trump not going to emulate him, and not take it all the way? Power over the lives and deaths of an entire nation of people is the ultimate power trip. It's exactly what Trump admires about Kim Jong Un!
  22. And replace him with whom? Who's better for billionaires than Trump?
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