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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. The downside of a strong economy.
  2. That’s actually a problem if there’s any goal to limit the spread of misinformation.
  3. Hey, here’s an idea for the Rays!
  4. What’s probably wrong is they’re finally realizing they don’t need to send him out into the world anymore. They’re not gaining anyone new and they’re probably losing people when he goes out. Just hope the media have the stones to finally, finally, highlight his mental deficiencies during the final three weeks.
  5. I was always surprised that Bally didn't lean into the whole gambling integration thing more than they did.
  6. Not even one bad inning, necessarily—more like two bad back-to-back pitches. I don't know whether anyone has studied this, but I believe that the best first pitch for a hitter to swing at is the one after the pitcher just plunked a guy, because I wonder whether pitchers want to just throw the next pitch in the strike zone to prove they can still do it. I actually worried about that before the first pitch to Lane Thomas. Lane Thomas—doesn't sound like a furniture brand? Maybe even a furniture store?
  7. Twang Sox? We could have fun with that one!
  8. Interesting thought. I would be for the Brewers coming back to the AL, partially because that's my history, mostly because that would mean the Tigers would go there semiannually instead of biannually. Based on their recent run of success, though, I don't see them as eager to leave the NL Central anytime soon.
  9. "Cherish" was my favorite song at one time. I think I was five.
  10. Honest question: do red hats love Coke Zero as much as they love Agent Orange?
  11. Brandon Johnson's already gonna throw a couple billion of my dollars at a new Bears stadium, so what's a couple billion more for a new Jerx Sox Parx?
  12. I'm not sure they will want to play outside in Tampa in the middle of summer. I could see Nashville happening, though, perhaps as an audition for the White Sox to move there after the Dave Stewart group buys them from Reinsdorf.
  13. Memories ...
  14. My wife and I just happened to be at the Grimace game back in June, stopping by for a Mets game as we were driving through on the way back from a Long island weekend. I guess Grimace had thrown out the first pitch, which we missed, but it was a Mets blowout from the word go, so everyone was in a party mood right away. They kept showing Grimace in different parts of the ballpark during inning breaks and people were going nuts, and of course, this was the beginning of a long winning streak for them, which sealed the deal. It's a toss-up as to what's the more popular meme in Queens: Grimace, or OMG.
  15. Jose Altuve, Houston’s cheating answer to Barry Bonds, has made it sternly clear that he expects the Astros to keep Bregman in the fold.
  16. Well, it’s become as clear as can be that if you’re voting for Trump, you’re voting for the fascism, because once the dementia takes him out for good, all you’re going to be left with is the J.D. Vances and the Stephen Millers and the Michael Flynns and the Heritage Foundation, and none of those guys are any fun at rallies.
  17. The other thing is that she sat half a head shorter than Baier. This is not the first time I noticed this happening—she sat much shorter than Tim Walz and the journalist (I forget who) in the first joint interview they did together, and she also appeared much shorter in the chair than Colbert on his show. I acknowledge the idea is roundly pooh-poohed here, but I believe the optics of that makes her look puny and weak, almost like a supplicant (as women culturally have been to men since time immemorial). I don’t understand why the campaign hasn’t quickly identify and fix this problem, but if she’s president and has a meeting with Putin, she had better not be seen sitting half a head shorter than he.
  18. Right at the 2:00 mark, after he mumbled, “Ashley Babbitt died, nobody died …”, one of the women in the crowd shot did a head-snapping double-take. That head snap is the sound of a vote lost.
  19. I wonder whetehr she’s going to play Ave Maria at any of those?
  20. Oh my god, no. Please, god, let there be a non-gambling-oriented stream made available.
  21. This is a really good three-tweet reply to this here tweet.
  22. Honestly, I think a good chunk of the audience for the interview was MSNBC people tuning in to see how she was going to do, and that a high percentage of the normal Fox audience bailed to Newsmax for that period. I would think most MAGAs would have zero interest in hearing anything Kamala has to say no matter what channel she’s on.
  23. This would be the greatest October surprise of all time if it’s true.
  24. That’s because MAGA genuinely loves McDonalds.
  25. There are no Trump coins going to any aftermarket. There is no aftermarket. It’s a money laundering scheme. Yeah, there will be stupid MAGA bozos who will get duped, and he’ll see that as a fun bonus, but it’s mainly a way for oligarchs and Saudi princes and tech bros and the like to funnel money to Trump completely anonymously. It’s more efficient than using suitcases.
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