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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. And “oppo taco”, as the kids like to say!
  2. Olson has not been the same as before since the stint on the IL.
  3. He can get a House vote only if no one gets at least 270.
  4. I've been hypothesizing that even if Trump gets smoked by eight digits nationally, he can still claim fraud because the Democrat machine fixed the vote to look like a blowout, when everybody knows Trump wins every state if things are not very unfair.
  5. Who's gonna pay for this? Because we know who's not gonna pay for it.
  6. Of course the GOP rises right up to defend the honor of constantly persecuted white men and Christians, because of course.
  7. Huh, I guess the Republicans are right—there really is voter fraud.
  8. I was just discussing with a friend what would have happened had the Rays made the playoffs. Where would they play? Miami? In front of apathetic fans and empty seats? Of course, that could be a competitive advantage for them ...
  9. We would have accepted "and then the Mets."
  10. I'm of the opinion they would all run through a wall to win. That's how ubercompetitors are wired, and you don't get to the majors unless you're an ubercompetitor.
  11. I could see MLB mandating that teams submit their starters and batting orders by X time, without knowing what the other team is doing, and then they publish the info at Y time a bit later in time for prop betting.
  12. I'm with you. I want to beat "the best".
  13. That's 35-14. It's not 35-5, but damn it, I'll take it.
  14. Hey, by the way, how's Dtrain72 doing these days? Haven't seen him round here since, what, mid-August?
  15. This is why I may never dump the dish.
  16. The decision is never Stinky McStinkface versus Tork.
  17. A.J. is playing the matchup game, not the pitch count game.
  18. I was there. There was no energy. It suuuuucked.
  19. And even beyond that, Baseball probably would not want to provide an ad-free experience because they want to remain business-friendly.
  20. I'm not sure the thing I'm asking for is ever coming. I'm not sure it's in Baseball's interest to dissociate advertising and marketing from the game experience. I can tell you from firsthand experience that clients are super stoked to be associated with sports and teams and games, and for far more than just the eyeballs it generates. So the idea that Baseball would charge a few dollars in exchange for an ad-free experience, for which a very high percentage of fans would opt in to, might end up not being anywhere near worth the money for Baseball to offer it.
  21. It occurs to me that I would pay a fairly substantial additional fee on my MLB.tv package if, instead of being subjected to watching commercials in between innings and during pitching changes, I could get a behind-the-plate camera shot of the field so I could just watch the activity taking place on it while waiting for play to resume. That might be worth $25 a year extra for me.
  22. Just like everything else, it's a grift, and for both doves and hawks on the issue.
  23. The main problem with the whole national debt bugaboo is that people don't see how it's affecting their everyday lives now. What people see is their economic lives, their situation, is basically the same now that the debt is $35 trillion as it was years ago when it was $25 trillion, and when it was $15 trillion, and when it was $5 trillion. There is nothing happening to typical everyday people that they can point to and say, see, right there, this is the specific bad economic outcome that is happening to me right now because the national debt is so high. And if they can't draw that kind of direct correlation to the national debt number, how are you gonna make them quiver in fear of it? You can tell people all you want that their hair is on fire, but if they look in the mirror and can't see it, why should they reach for the fire hose?
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