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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. And that’s the down side of throwing first pitch strikes.
  2. Holton pitching like the guy who got put on waivers. Welp, looks like we’ll need the comeback.
  3. Not true. They also watch NewsMax, OAN, RSBN, and RT.
  4. People honestly don’t know because the media they consume show only the best of Trump and never the worst of him, and the commentators are always praising what a great statesman he is.
  5. Man that was inches form going out for Kwan.
  6. We made Bibee throw 27 pitches in the first inning, which normally would be considered a good thing, but it does get us closer to running into their buzzsaw bullpen. Hopefully we get them out of the first on fewer than ten pitches, get Bibee out there quickly, and he’s gassed enough to make mistakes over the plate.
  7. It might be because Montero is a better bet as a bulk reliever than Mize.
  8. Not to pile onto the thread-copping, but this is the kind of short-lived sidebar that probably is better served in the offseason or MLB threads.
  9. Might as well just stay home, then. You could probably get more stuff done around the house or the workplace that way.
  10. Alonso is staying in Queens, and Bergman is staying in Houston. One of this administration’s main goals is to keep players focused on working well with each other and creating harmony and camaraderie. They are all young and making not much dough, so injecting a high-priced superstar into the mix could create be a tricky balance. After all, this team started taking off the very day their moody, high-priced, underachieving shortstop took his leave, and it hasn’t escaped my notice that he is not anywhere near the team during this playoff run.
  11. Ilitch spent big on Javier Baez, well over $100 million, so there’s precedent for spending on players. Ilitch has also spent big on baseball infrastructure, which was badly dilapidated. Coaching, development, data science and technology, top talent in all back office and on-field facets, things like that. It’s the kind of boring but necessary investment that pay dividends by allowing us to be competitive using our newfound abilities without having to throw hundreds of millions at players to cover the holes in the system. So why hasn’t Ilitch been spending on both infrastructure and players? Two reasons related to each other that I can think of: (1) We haven’t been at the stage of development where a top free agent puts us over the top. We’ve been a 70-75-win team, and spending $200 million on the shiniest object on the free agent market would not even get us to .500 in that scenario, which would make everyone, including you, unhappy; and (2) players who can command $200 million have the luxury of bypassing a 70-75-win team in flyover land and focusing on 90+-win teams in the very top markets, which is why they called it agency. I’m not sold at all on going after Bergman. I don’t think of him as the last piece of the puzzle.
  12. Yes, although I got the exact seat numbers: 14 and 15. The up side is that I will be more in line with looking down the third base line, which I like. The down side is that they are the two seats right on the aisle, and it’s a low row, so I’m anticipating a steady stream of ants-in-the-pants people going up and down and continually blocking my view of anything to the right of the plate, including the pitcher. Hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.
  13. Every time both the Yankees and Mets are still in the playoffs, an angel weeps.
  14. I put Brewers radio on the phone, cast it to the soundbar and synched it up, same as with Dan and Bobby, specifically to hear Ueck, because it might be the last game he ever does.
  15. “Hey, Eddie, why are you wearing after shave?”
  16. I promise you it will not be anywhere near 68 degrees on Monday. We’re probably bringing ski jackets in.
  17. If someone were sitting in front of me telling me I can win $280 if I bet $10 on the Tigers winning the Series, I’d be like, sure, why not. If I have to seek out some website or app, though, then no sale.
  18. I’ve long thought it’s a middle school version of tough that red hats never evolved from respecting.
  19. And, also, don't let Cleveland's bullpen make an appearance. 😏
  20. One more dollar in salary!
  21. I can't imagine any scenario in which Scott Harris bails on the stabilized Tigers to go back to the hot mess that is San Francisco.
  22. I absolutely 100% believe that.
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