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Everything posted by holygoat

  1. Yeah, but he got a little too comfortable getting away with it, and pushed the envelope too far.
  2. A nice long TD drive would be great here.
  3. Would like to see them line Gibbs up as a receiver.
  4. Got away with delay of game there.
  5. Same. No one would put any asterisk next to some other team beating the Lions without, say, ASB and Hutch, and any Lions fan trying to do so would be shouted down for "making excuses for failure. NEXT MAN UP!" This is a two way street. I not only hope Kelce and Jones are out, I hope Mahomes can't go, either. Just win, Baby.
  6. Yep, that ends the trade speculation for me, but something is going on with him.
  7. A trade with KC would make the current situation logical, with the teams waiting until after Thursday to pull the trigger. That just seems too good to be true, though.
  8. Buggs removed all mention of the Lions from his Twitter profile, including his photo.
  9. I see him as a s**t talker who usually backs up his s**t talk, but I get how people can be turned off by his personality. That said, if being a self-centered ass is disqualifying, then probably 80% of D-1 coaches gotta go! As for kicking out half the roster of a 1-11 team, so what? I'm not gonna hold it against a guy for taking advantage of the rules available to him to improve his roster. They were 1-11 for a reason.
  10. This seems to have been a popular opinion, and I'm curious why. Everyone loved Dion for what he did at Jackson State, so why are so many rooting for him to fail at Colorado?
  11. Hock isn't a bum, but he's not worth $17-mil per year. The best comment I heard on this deal was someone who texted into the 97.1 mid-day show who said that Brad Holmes not only avoided giving Hock the bag, but he swindled a Conference rival into doing it.
  12. It's about time the Tigers started taking the NPB seriously.
  13. It's a pre-season game, so I'm inclined to agree. I'd probably feel differently if it was regular season or playoffs.
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