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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. I read that article about the divorce and was surprised at how the Red Wings are more highly valued as a property than the Tigers.
  2. Aside from Star Trek Strange New Worlds I’ve never been much interested in the many other iterations of the franchise after TOS. But I’ve recently started DS9 thirty two years after the fact due to a tip from a friend and I really like it even though the first season has some stinkers in it. I tired of the first season of Next Generation, although I understand the writing picked up in the third season. Never got off the ground with Picard. I also stopped watching Discovery in the second season. But DS9 is now my welcome escape from reality. I really like Sisco and Odo and Dax and even Quark. I wish the Disney+ picture didn’t look like a dupe of a bad VHS tape but I guess that’s all there is. I hope later years provide a better picture.
  3. I presume this means they’re predicting a seismic regression.
  4. A catcher for Faedo. I guess you can never have too many catchers.
  5. I guess I’m jumping on the bandwagon kind of late about all this. I’m sort of like the old man yelling at a cloud about all this. I have no particularly keen insights into either Flaherty or Bregman. It does look like the team is willing to pull the trigger to some extent to run with the big dogs. Both these guys have some ifs butts and howevers attached to them. But if the kids blossom as hoped this could be a nice year.
  6. I just didn’t imagine he would go this cheap. Maybe he likes the chili dogs.
  7. I never really expected anything big to happen this winter and the signing of Torres and others fall within that expected pattern. I was hoping for something that might depart from that pattern, but I guess not. And most of the possible additions we’ve considered are not unproblematic. They’re basically betting on a big up swing from the youth movement and a general continuation of what transpired last year from everyone else. And there’s no reason why that couldn’t happen. But what the Scottish poet Robert Burns said about “the best laid plans of mice and men…“ being foiled seems relevant. They seem to be acting like gamblers who have figured out how to beat the house. I hope they have.
  8. A distant relative of mine and I mean really distant she’s married to a third cousin reminisced about how much fun it was when she was a child and she would watch the Saw movies with her parents.
  9. Max Scherzer can sit on a tack as far as I’m concerned. I’m glad I got that off my chest.
  10. Crickets on the baseball front, first jobs, first cars, other teams getting players, but not us.
  11. I’ve lived in the Northwest for 38 years where people feel obligated to be Mariners fans, and when someone tells me they’re a loyal Mariners fan their entire life it’s like they’re telling me they’ve gotten used to eating dirt and grub worms and are OK with that.
  12. Please don’t compare the Tigers to the Mariners. I live in the northwest and this is a personal issue for me. 😉
  13. When Harris has fully demonstrated beyond any doubt with the Tigers what he’s capable of doing and feels limited by the parameters of this franchise, will he end up going to one of the big six teams? It seems inevitable.
  14. Indeed, almost everybody’s older than me now. I’m 73 but my son who’s the youngest is 22 so because of him there’s all sorts of things I’m in touch with I wouldn’t be otherwise.
  15. Our Yankees fan and moderator on the site @smr-nj has some wonderful stories about being a young girl and taking the subway to the Bronx with her friends — when I guess being on the subway unattended by an adult was less unusual back in the day — and going to the Yankees parking lot and watching Mantle, Maris and the other players get into their fancy cars. Sounds magical.
  16. https://6abc.com/little-caesars-mike-ilitch-rosa-parks-paid-rent/1759779/ another article about this.
  17. The guy who broke into her apartment realized who she was and robbed her anyway. He was already in trouble for having broken into a church on Christmas Day. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-09-03-mn-34270-story.html
  18. Yeah, I heard about this a few years ago and it broadened my opinion of Mr. I. I had never heard that she had been robbed and beaten though, and that was what inspired him to do this.
  19. Let’s see, Trump doesn’t put his hand on the Bible which probably impresses the phony Christians who think that’s a smart move, he pardons 1500 seditious January 6 rioters who tried to overthrow an election he clearly lost, and Elon Musk gives Nazi salutes while supporting the far right party in Germany which, according to Adam Kinzinger, a Republican former congressman, “Literally is a neo-Nazi party. Not even joking.” And it’s only day one. Hope any of you who voted for this are happy. 
  20. Yes. Identifying your own fate and sense of self with a sports team has an exclusivity to it that nurtures as much as it disables. If it can propel you to the stars, it also has to propel you into genuine misery. There’s something deeply tribal about it.
  21. Cheers. Glad for you. In May I will be closing in on eight years. One of the ways to avoid getting older is to hang out with younger people, which is something I do, although nobody gets my jokes. They just don’t get my subtle cultural references, although I get to pick up theirs to a certain extent.
  22. Last year’s historic uptick was amazing. A lot of things fell into place almost miraculously, and I doubt that it’s repeatable. Other teams last year didn’t see the Tigers coming and now they do. Granted, a lot of these young guys may blossom making this fear unnecessary A lot of heavy lifting occurred on the ground last year and yielded great results. It certainly wasn’t all due to taking flight on angel’s wings. That last part of the season surge happened due to grit and willpower and a lot of thoughtful intervention and coaching but I can’t help but feel that right now this is a 77–85 team without something dramatic occurring.
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