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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. I looked you up I hope things are going well.
  2. I think it’s you that’s pitching.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen Steven Wright has entered the building.
  4. Garneau sac fly makes it 8-7.
  5. That last inside pitch almost circumcised Garneau.
  6. I’m a glutton for punishment. Maybe Niko can hit his third homer
  7. Perhaps I have had enough. Perhaps I should retire to my study to sit on my long leather couch, have a scotch, put on my smoking jacket, and read G. Spencer-Brown’s “Laws of Form” an attempt to provide an alternative and an expansion of Boolean Algebra to get an answer to the question posed by Edwin Starr, “WAR! What is it good for?”
  8. And with that bad news comes another Buxton home run.
  9. You know, technically, I’m supposed to hate the White Sox and Cleveland a ton but it’s the Twins who cut out my heart, threw it on the ground, and urinated on it in the 1987 playoffs. I think my resentments should be aimed at them. But I kind of like them because Harmon Killebrew played for them and he grew up in a small town in Idaho.
  10. I used to be able to have an audio feed that was just crowd noise on mlb.tv I don’t know if that’s gone or if it’s because I’m watching the game on the fire stick. I wish I could do that now.
  11. Kepler scores. Technically after six runs my contract runs out and I don’t get paid for posting. But I might stick around anyway.
  12. Kepler goes to third base on another fly out this time by Tycho to right.
  13. Kepler goes 2nd when Copernicus flies out to right.
  14. I’’m here, I’m horospheric, and people need to get over it.
  15. Yeah it’s sort of like me discussing non-Euclidean geometry.
  16. They hit Babe Goodrum to avoid further embarrassment.
  17. I noticed the ball popped out of Garver’s glove behind the plate. Nothing came of it. I wonder how many Dustin Garneau will have tonight. This seems to be happening with fair frequency. That one just now didn’t count I think he tried to catch it on a bounce. That next one counted.
  18. It looks like Target Field doesn’t use that red clay dirt that a lot of other teams use for the infield.
  19. After only 10 pitches a two strikeouts Ryan finishes with the Tigers. I am still confident that we will win although lead off hitter Brian Buxton just hit a 900 foot home run.
  20. Tigers are up against a rookie they’ve never seen before. Usually this is a recipe for disaster. In four games the guy is even pretty good. The Tigers are also doing poorly against teams in their own division. So I’m going to wager that the Tigers can’t suck forever (a rational mathematical assertion) and they will rebound against this guy and hit him hard (an emotional assertion).
  21. I just remember hating the advantage that playing in the Metrodome appeared to have for the Twins. It was galling. That’s a part of baseball, but given that my attachment to the team is almost completely emotional I have a hard time rising above that to appreciate other things that I can be appreciated as good.
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