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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Well, this certainly puts a hex on it.
  2. I just got back from a walk with my friend. Is anything good happening?
  3. I looked it up and we don’t know who won the Cy Young until November 20.
  4. The Jersey swap at the end of the game was pretty cool.
  5. It turns out that’s what it was. A man was holding a woman hostage with a knife to her throat the entire time. For something like 90 minutes, I can’t imagine how awful that was for her. Finally, he released her then I guess he bolted from the door with the knife, committing suicide by cop, and they obliged and he died at the hospital. but I’m glad the Lions won. It’s salvages the day.
  6. Holy heck, I just watched both of those field goals on the ESPN app and they were close close close wow wow.
  7. I never felt in danger. I’m sorry to say there was an almost lewd carnivalesque thing going on with we spectators. Gallows humor, sort of thing. People were relieved when they heard the five shots and saw the ambulance gurney being moved immediately after they were fired. I’m not being critical. I felt the same way. I was tired of the standoff. I’m not proud of it though. We human beings have a dark streak in us.
  8. I’m sorry to hear that; it works on my iPhone, but my moderator privileges may give me an edge. I don’t know.
  9. Last reports are he was still alive. I don’t know how anyone could survive five shots from an A.R. 15. Several officers had them, but I don’t know for sure if the officer who fired the shots had one since he was out of my view. But I was no more than 30 yards away.
  10. Thank God. I needed this tonight.
  11. I showed up at the last possible moment today. Saw we were behind most of the game on the ESPN app on my phone and checked back in with four seconds left and saw the result. Wow. Truly breathtaking on what has been for me a pretty crappy day. Too much drama today as well as this week. 25 police cars and dozens of police descended on my apartment complex today and after 90 min. and a final speaker phoneplea from officers there were five crisp shots like a hammer pounding on fresh pine wood then out came a bearded, barefoot man on a stretcher with CPR being applied. There was a screaming from a woman just before all the police cars arrived. I think she’s OK. In the last several hours since the shooting, there has been very little news about it locally.
  12. Oh my God. Unbelievable. Drinks are on me.
  13. So is it OK to think that Liranzo and Briceno have a future in the major leagues? Perhaps even a big future? Or am I supposed to be unimpressed because I’m Fritz the Cat and know everything and have been everywhere and done everything and know out of the gate that no good could ever come from this? I need something to be happy about.
  14. FROM TOM SANTOS ON X- So when Trump fires all non-partisan career professionals in government, replaces them with radical loyalists within every nook and cranny of the US government, and adds radical judges everywhere. And every one of you that voted for him finally wake up from your ****ed up fantasy just like the folks that woke up after 4 years of the last **** show, only to realize it’s much much worse, and much more permanent, this time. When the cancer you caused has infected every bit of the American system and it can’t be unwound for a lifetime. What then? Do you beg this country for forgiveness for choosing fascism because you were conned into believing your eggs are too expensive because of Joe Biden? You just put Steve Bannon in charge of American policy. You just put Michael Flynn in charge of our military. You just put Alex Jones in charge of media and propaganda. You just put Stephen Miller in charge of immigration policy. You just put bat**** crazy RFK Jr. in charge of health policy. You just killed free public education and privatized schools, which you will have to pay for. You just sealed the deal on a national abortion ban, because you’re demented if you think it’s not coming. You just radicalized the Supreme Court for a generation. You just made women less safe and less free. You just made this country an oligarchy with the billionaires quite literally in charge now. You just put in office the one person that believes a president is a king, with the ****ing Supreme Court ruling to prove it in his back pocket! You just ushered in Fascism. Because your cereal costs more. Congratulations.
  15. We shouldn’t be surprised about Biden. I remember during the Obama presidency they locked him up in the vice president’s mansion and put duct tape over his mouth so he couldn’t say anything untoward and embarrass them. Then passed him over for running in 2016 and it looked like he was dead politically and then in 2020, lo and behold, the oligarchy had to find the oldest, safest, and most innocuous candidate because everybody else was “too left-wing or too young“ and they dredged him up. This is what the oligarchy does to us. And interestingly, enough, Biden enacted some “activist government“ policies that by my recollection were greater than what Obama ever did — he acted like an actual Democrat at times which is something that hasn’t happened for quite a while — especially given that his healthcare plan was a business-friendly marketplace healthcare plan and not an expansion of Medicare. To me, Obama is sort of a liberal Republican of the old style who had to be a Democrat by circumstances, who believes “the business of America is business” and government intervention is essentially obsolete. He never really stood up to the far right, he never engaged in political combat when they were tarring and feathering him. And I think we can thank him for making the momentum of the far right possible.
  16. I just don’t know how people can think government gets “smaller” when all the branches of government are concentrated into the hand of one man who is a dictator. I guess the decision-making is “streamlined“ but this model does not have a good track record historically. Dictatorships are the biggest government conceivable. Also, how can you LOVE “the constitution“ and support a candidate who essentially wants to get rid of it? You either have to be really duplicitous or so charged up with emotion that none of this stuff registers.
  17. Time for the reaping. You want to get rid of Obama care? Watch your self-employed entrepreneurial class who voted for you because “he’s a businessman like me“ collapse and go out of business or lose their homes to medical bills they now can’t afford. You want to deport all the migrants? Knock yourself out and watch the price of produce. No vaccinations? Watch your kids die. No education? Watch what happens.
  18. I haven’t seen Dr. Strangelove in a long time, but I think they blather about fluoride and our precious bodily fluids in that movie. I know that in the 50s and early 60s this was the right wing paranoia thing. Gubmit outta control!
  19. My son was greeted to this this morning at his warehouse job: ”This morning the first thing that one of my co-workers said to me was "we got our country back, pal!” Some people just have no filters. People who do have a normal degree of empathy or concern for others feelings would leave well enough alone and not rub it in. They would know better, but not hard-core MAGA supporters. So many lack that simple socialized discretion and they can't resist sticking in the knife and twisting it. It’s this intrinsic, gloating cruelty that’s so painful to witness. My son is always already worried about attacks on his trans brother and then these SOB’s have to mess with him at work.
  20. One of my daughters lives in West Hollywood. This is what she texted me today. At the time she was with her fiancé a woman. The MAGA cretins are rubbing it in “I just went to an appointment at my dermatologist and as I got in the elevator, there was an older man and woman and the woman looked at us both and asked if it was a happy morning or a sad morning, and the man said he was elated”
  21. I don’t think you can get out of likes. When a like refuses to register for me I just click the refresh button on my iPhone and it resets things so I can. I can do a vast number of likes and then finally it doesn’t seem to work, but when I refresh, I start all over again. Although I have moderator privileges so that may not applied to everyone, I don’t really know for sure.
  22. Love you, Sue. You’re one of the best people I know that I’ve never met.
  23. I have a really low opinion of white men even though I pretty much look like one because my 1/4 of Pottawatami doesn’t really show. When I go to the mall and I see a group of old white men sitting at a table I automatically assume they’re up to no good. And if they have Bibles, I know they’re up to no good. There’s one group of guys five or six of them who meet once a week I see there and I usually just tune them out but one of them last week was wearing a “veterans for Harris T-shirt” loudly proclaiming his support. So I know I’m not completely surrounded by jerks but more often than not at least where I live white males tend to toxicity. Even in a blue city like Boise. My trans son lives in Oregon and is worried about losing the hormones he’s been on for six years. This hateful bull**** has consequences.
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