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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. It’s interesting how in old pictures of baseball games people wore suits and nice hats like they were going to church or something. Maybe that’s the close-up box seats though.
  2. I like your attitude. Every game is a one-game winner take all playoff with the devil, especially when you’re playing the White Sox.
  3. On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the 1920s pro-White Sox street urchins defaced Navin Field with graffiti and taunted Ty Cobb. White Sox fans have been bad for a long time.
  4. They’re just doing this for the sake of another dramatic walk off.
  5. Garcia was stupefied by how slow Cabrera was running and lost track of where he was.
  6. Those guys have a really high ceiling. They intrinsically believe in themselves enough to know they’re worth more than that.
  7. Eligible for free agency in 2025. I’m kind of floored by this. April Fools is over too.
  8. How did Cal Ripken never foul a ball off his foot and break it or get the flu or food poisoning? How did he never miss a day? Maybe my crazy right wing uncle is right about “the steal“ and about the “lizard people“ who live among us. Cal Ripkin was one of the lizard people. At least Riley Greene is not a lizard person. That’s the bright side. But I think he’s wrong about George Soros financing Tom Hanks’ and Oprah‘s magical high-speed child sex trafficking tunnels. I don’t think that’s true. So that’s another thing to be optimistic about.
  9. And to take your mind off unimportant things the 2022 Grapefruit League Oscar for the most promising team in the first two weeks of spring training goes to OMG the Detroit Tigers! That’s my team people!
  10. I hope Greene doesn’t pout about being sent down to the minors by Lynn Henning.
  11. @Tigeraholic1 Thanks for posting the game threads. I like gladiatorial bloodletting and this is where it occurs.
  12. Two more weeks of ST. Heck. At least the weather may be better.
  13. Victor Reyes packed on 20 lbs. of muscle over the off-season. The good old days are back!
  14. The interview with AJ Hinch was good. I haven’t followed the stuff too closely until now I didn’t realize that Miggy had volunteered to DH only so they could always get Tork and Shoop the time they needed at first.
  15. You really know baseball is back when you’re watching a spring training game, the TV crew is bantering joyfully,and mlb.com is playing erectile dysfunction ads. It is morning in America!
  16. The TV guys are claiming that Miggy is back. Basically he “looks” like a baseball player.
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