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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. I’m watching the broadcasting crew josh around and go nuts right now on MLB.TV.
  2. The weather app on my iPhone says light rain in Detroit is supposed to stop in 15 minutes, but my iPhone weather app is the least accurate of all the weather sources I have. I think driveway reports are probably more accurate.
  3. mlb.tv just abruptly halted the Bally Sports feed probably because they weren’t getting any advertising revenue from it.
  4. I caught this halfway through, but someone said “don’t look at me“ and Jason said “one of the benefits of being me is that no one ever knows what direction I’m looking.”
  5. Heck, and here I hurried home from my walk at the botanical garden to follow this game. Actually, I’m pretty sated by this season. Anything more constitutes “gluttony.” Anything beyond this is like mana from heaven.
  6. Welcome back. I’ve been a fan for 64 years but was on the inactive list at various times too. When I was 16 and the Tigers won in ‘68 everything I’d ever wanted was achieved and I didn’t follow the team very much for a number of years because I was a young man living the life. And when I moved Out West and could only follow the Tigers through box scores, and was out of listening distance for Ernie, the Tigers were basically a memory aside from ‘84 and ‘87 and The Bird and then due only to national coverage. Then I discovered this place thanks to the Internet.
  7. It looks like the weather for tomorrow and Sunday is going to be better than originally predicted.
  8. They absolutely have to stop banging into each other when they’re trying to catch balls in the outfield or just beyond the skin of the infield
  9. I began this season with mild interest, that eventually escalated into despair, and then hope, then amazement, and finally tonight with gratitude. The unexpected nature of this makes this particular outcome gratifying in ways that are incomparable in my 64 years as a fan. There’s been a lot of high points too numerous to recount, but this is really special and unequaled in how this team seemingly rose from the ashes.
  10. Right back at you, Mark.
  11. It looks like they just doused Chris Ilitch. It was a smaller slender guy in a white shirt.
  12. I hope none of these guys get pulled over on the way home tonight.
  13. 44,000 plus. Wow.
  14. Thank You!😍
  15. OK Tork, do sumthun
  16. Wild pitch by pitcher Fraser Ellard. Matt Vierling scores.
  17. Don’t strike out or hit into a double play Riley
  18. Andy Ibáñez doubles (9) on a sharp line drive to center fielder Dominic Fletcher. Andy Ibáñez to 3rd. Andy Ibáñez advances to 3rd, on a fielding error
  19. Please sir, I want some more…. runs..
  20. Tork walks the second time they’re pitching to him like he’s Ted Williams.
  21. Tork bomb would be welcome.
  22. ChiSox not going down w/o a fight.
  23. Zach DeLoach homers (1) on a fly ball to right field
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