When he becomes a free agent, I am sure that Mike’s children will be glad to plunk down $50 million a year for each of eight years to install him at short. <ducks>
I have bad memories of expecting certain victories. I’m going to approach this game with trepidation and hope. I want to be like the man at the end of the Polar Express who can still hear the tiny bell from Santa’s sleigh when other can’t.
“Back in the Day” in what now seems to be a galaxy far far away, I remember complaining about Smoke’s lineups and being dazzled by Chris Shelton. This is so much better.
They’re young enough to perhaps be stupidly confident, but also young enough and smart enough to respect the coaching they’re receiving and it’s kind of the best of both worlds.
I have to admit I’m amazed they won this game. It just seemed like they couldn’t put it together, but they held them off and came through in the end in a way that we’re getting used to, but shouldn’t. This is really an amazing stretch.