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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Javy… a .182 hitter PHing for a .188 hitter…
  2. I’ve noticed that Dan is a lot easier on the team than he used to be. I think he must’ve been given a talking to.
  3. Well, he’s going to meet a lot of people who agree with him there.
  4. Oh my heck! Fiddle sticks! V out at home!
  5. It’s a Mormon phrase that I jokingly use that I saw the Mormon girl in the first year of The Survivor TV show use because she was too polite to swear.
  6. What happened to the umpire I went into the other room and missed it.
  7. Vierling has driven in Colt Keith twice today.
  8. Matt Vierling homers (12) on a fly ball to left center field. Colt Keith scores.
  9. I’m envious the weather in Detroit right now. Where I live in Idaho it’s 40° hotter and it’s going to be pretty much 100° plus for at least the next 10 days.
  10. All their base are belong to us so far.
  11. We had tickets directly behind the Celtics bench. Coming off the floor, Bill Russell shook his head and I was sprayed by his sweat which I now I see as a kind of strange sort of baptism by Greatness. My dad knew someone at the corporate office for Standard Oil in Detroit and I think he gave the tickets to my dad. He also got us tickets to the 5th game of the World Series in 1968.
  12. It’s raining on the driveway in my heart right now.
  13. Well, they at least made it interesting. Sigh…
  14. Thanks for letting me know. Had to turn off the volume for a moment and missed that
  15. OK. Hit a lead off HR, then let it pour.
  16. When this team surprises me by exploding like this, it’s like rubbing two sticks together and you’re in Los Alamos. Wow!
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