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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Another set of wasted opportunities today
  2. Don’t screw the pooch here, Keith.
  3. I like it when players love being in Detroit. When Earl Wilson talked about how great it was coming to Detroit it’s really pretty touching. He never left.
  4. No kidding he’s almost 80.
  5. So they actually are models?
  6. Almost every meal I really like has nearly 100% of the sodium I should take in in a single day so you’re probably right about this.
  7. I just thought we needed a double play and it happened. I wish I had thought I needed $1 million. That’s not being too greedy. It doesn’t go quite as far as it used to.
  8. I haven’t been to Chipotle in a while, but I just saw an ad for it on the mlb.tv feed and the guacamole looked really great. And I had no idea that they employed attractive models at Chipotle so that’s another reason to go there.
  9. Not that way.
  10. Unload one Tork…
  11. Oh wow, have Tram and Lou in the booth.
  12. Going over all the teams that have won World Series in the last 40 years it’s pretty embarrassing actually, but we just now scored two runs!
  13. I was 32 in 1984, so I was basically older than almost everybody on the team except for Evans and Wilcox. And although nobody’s ever accused me of being athletic, I’m not doing half bad compared to these guys.
  14. They mispronounced **** Tracewski‘s name. (Edit) Richard! Sorry.
  15. I’m getting verklempt. 1984 was great for me. I was 32 years old and still with memories of 1968 and living in Tucson, Arizona. Six guys from Detroit - whom I had never met before they moved to Tucson - became my closest circle of friends and we shared that entire season together. As a kid, I was the only Tigers fan I knew. So being with a cluster of like-minded souls was a big deal. They were starry-eyed devotees just like me. Watching Jack’s no-hitter in the first week of the season on NBC’s game of the week made us all look at each other and wonder if this could be the year. And it was.
  16. That’s what I had to do. I gotta tell you I’m really relieved the Jack Morris is there.
  17. I just checked to see if because of the festivities surrounding the 1984 team that the mlb.tv feed of this game would come up earlier than usual. It told me that the event was “live.” But all I’m getting is an endless scroll telling me that the “event is about to start” but hasn’t started yet. I’m presuming it’ll scroll like this for 45 minutes or so. Heck.
  18. I still have my authentic warm-up jacket that Sparky's wearing in that photo. It seems unfashionably short by today’s standards, and although I’ve never washed it it’s somehow tighter today. I guess things can shrink in the closet over a span of 40 years.
  19. The idea is to throw the young guys into the fray so next season they won’t be virgin neophytes. We basically need to sing “Tomorrow” from Annie. The sun'll come out Tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow there'll be sun..
  20. Well, at least we weren’t shut out.
  21. Where’s my eight runs?
  22. Riley Ks…
  23. Rogers on 3rd…
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