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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Where’s my eight runs?
  2. Riley Ks…
  3. Rogers on 3rd…
  4. Expect a miracle. Everybody have fun tonight …
  5. I was rubbing my head clockwise and my belly counterclockwise when he hit that home run. I don’t know if I can ever find that recipe again. Oh no…
  6. What happened to the philosophy of not taking a first strike pitch right down the middle of a plate?
  7. That 11 pitch inning was nice.
  8. We need a long ball
  9. It’s time to put an end of this nonsense and score six runs.
  10. We are being no hit?
  11. I do not like seeing political ads on mlb.tv. I watch baseball to get away from that not to be subjected to it.
  12. Well, we’re gonna have to score at least two runs tonight.
  13. Well, that started out nice.
  14. Are we taking bets on when the tarp is rolled out?
  15. It’s official.
  16. Wout’s won three stages so far but these intense climbs are difficult because Woodsie weighs 30 pounds (American money) less than him. (13.608 kilograms Canadian)
  17. He’s basically half our age so he’s got a leg up on us.
  18. Mize is not yet listed on the MLB website as the pitcher for tonight’s game. I don’t know if there’s a certain time of the day when he can be officially activated or not. Or if this is one of those little tricks to mess with the opposing team and keep them guessing. I find it hard to believe that the Red Sox would be tripping over their own own feet about who they’re going to face though.
  19. Congratulations to @Jim Cowan on Woodsie’s definitive victory in stage 13 of La Vuelta a Espana.
  20. I’m grateful that I can start wearing clean socks again. Among other things.
  21. I get that, but on a personal level, I like being associated with Casey Stengel in one way or another, and I don’t like sharing that honor with the White Sox.
  22. That would be me. Sorry…
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