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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Dropped the ball.
  2. He’s a wily veteran. Cy Young runner-up in 2016.
  3. Jeez that pitch was 6+ inches outside.
  4. I just saw a young boy in the stands wearing a Baez jersey. That’s just short of child abuse.
  5. Cueto is not a rookie with stuff they’ve never seen.
  6. This ump has a generous strike zone.
  7. JV is 41. Wow.
  8. I had to completely close out of the app and the game came back on. It was not updating.
  9. MLB.TV has not brought the broadcast back on.
  10. Tarp back on. The broadcast came on for just a minute or two and they said it was still raining. Doesn’t sound to me like a game is starting in the next 17 minutes. During the delay I started re-watching “Godzilla Minus One“ on Netflix. It’s pretty good there but on the big screen, it’s four times more impressive. Genuinely harrowing. I saw it three times at the theater and loved it more each time. I hope it’s reissued for theaters because that’s something that theaters are doing right now given that the actors strike has lessened the content available at theaters.
  11. [Begin rant] On the three or four minutes they were on with the pregame it was about .500 meaning something? This is a grand experiment! This is like a Jackson Pollock painting, throwing something against the canvas and seeing if it makes sense. This is looking for the northwest passage. This is the Vikings crossing the Atlantic and landing in Nova Scotia in 1021. This is a journey whose outcome you cannot predict. It’s better than a win loss ledger! [end of rant]
  12. I don’t want Riley Greene playing in the outfield on wet grass.
  13. Brown bagging it in a car in a parking lot…
  14. They were interviewing Shelby Miller a few minutes ago about how great the clubhouse is right now and that’s been the only break in running a constant “This event is in Weather delay” video.
  15. Luckeeeee
  16. I wouldn’t die for rain or kill for rain even though we haven’t had any in two months in Idaho, but I might rip my shirt off and run around in the parking lot to celebrate if it did rain. Instead yesterday they were predicting for Boise Idaho rainless 50 mph winds that would knock down trees.
  17. My iPhone Weather app says it’s a severe thunderstorm it will last another 40 minutes, but this app sucks.
  18. So I guess it’s really happening and it’s not fake news cooked up by the “Deep State” to rip off Tiger fans. At least I’ll sleep easier tonight.
  19. I am really disappointed. In Detroit, it’s raining at the decent hour of 4:40 PM (for me) mountain time. I was expecting to get my $22 for the rest of the seasons worth out of my mlb.tv subscription.
  20. I made the same mistake a while back and I wondered why a game on the West Coast was starting so early. Welcome to the club.
  21. I’m not sure how to even look that up. 🙂
  22. For people in my age group, which is early 70s, I can’t over emphasize how important it was for us to link a part of our own self image as children - with all the feckless innocence of children - to this team and to experience the ultimate payoff in so dramatic and satisfying manner when we were, by then, in a relative state of now waning innocence as teens. This was especially true after that first World Series game humiliation of 17 strikeouts at the hands of Gibson and being down three games to one and then roaring back to win it all. On rare occasions, out here in the diaspora, when by chance I wander across an another fan from my generation, we share the glow of that rising sun that linked our childhood to our young adulthood, and though complete strangers in everything else, we share something valuable that leaves us near speechless.
  23. I’m amazed at how similar the Jung brothers look. Even though one is three years older, they almost look like twins.
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