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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. You’re welcome, so far they’ve scored four. If anybody wants to Venmo me money, I’ll let you know how to do it. I hope Tarik hasn’t sat too long.
  2. Don’t choke Tork…. And he doesn’t.
  3. We just have to score 3runs this inning and get it all back.
  4. After repeatedly seeing it from different angles and none of them really, really close up I don’t think it was enough to overrule the call on the field. And the Sox have just got four hits in a row off of Tarik.
  5. The Earth tilted on its axis for a second, I felt it here in Idaho.
  6. The White Sox centerfielder just fielded that RBI single off Meadows bat with such lackluster body language that I felt bad for him.
  7. Matt Vierling homers (15) on a fly ball to left center field.
  8. This just came up on my Facebook feed second ago.
  9. They have improved the ability of using the radio feed on the TV feed on mlb.tv so well that not only is Dan synced with the picture perfectly, the TV ads come through perfectly as well. It’s almost like somebody gave a damn. Finally.
  10. Glad the unnecessary pressure of an unlikely no-hitter is taken off the table quickly.
  11. Smells like Team Spirit is a nice lead in to the DP.
  12. Butt slappin’ time, our version of Miller Time and scores on the next hit.
  13. Happy Sku-Day! hmmm… that doesn’t really work…
  14. Yes, blank Cleveland. Two of my closest friends live in KC anyway. This is a picture of me enjoying some famous KC barbecue five years ago. KC has some nice areas. The rolling green hills surrounding the city are splendid too.
  15. Bases loaded with Bengals
  16. Zach McKinstry singles on a line drive to left fielder Andrew Benintendi. Parker Meadows scores. Matt Vierling to 2nd.
  17. I don’t care how we win. If it’s a blowout, that’s fine, if we defeat them through a series of paper cuts that’s fine too.
  18. Colt Keith singles on a ground ball to right fielder Dominic Fletcher. Riley Greene scores. Matt Vierling to 3rd.
  19. Matt Vierling singles on a ground ball to right fielder Dominic Fletcher. Parker Meadows scores.
  20. Jeez Louise guys, score some runs.
  21. I’ve switched audio over on mlb.tv to the radio feed with Dan and it’s perfectly synchronized and it didn’t used to be like that.
  22. Dingler dings in a run.
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