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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. I didn’t know we could still Weaver one like that.
  2. Just wave the white flag and beg for mercy.
  3. So do we feed Flaherty to the wood chipper and bring up Manning? Fortunately, this isn’t Facebook moderated by robots without a sense of irony or satire or nuance so I can get away with saying this, metaphorically.
  4. That’s who I thought it was from what I read, but I wasn’t sure. Thank you
  5. I only just yesterday subscribed to the radio, so I don’t know who the other play by play guy is with Dan. Who is it?
  6. Scoring a “normal” number of runs the last couple games has spoiled me. Although I do remember when we had a team full of All-Star hitters and they could go week scoring fewer than 15-20 runs.
  7. If hitting is infectious Tork must not wear a mask.
  8. DP started by Gold Glover Baez.
  9. By the way, I listened to the first podcast by Jason Benetti and Dan Dickerson today and it was really good. I look forward to one every two weeks, which I guess is how they’re going to do it. How Dan got his break when he was subbing along side with Ernie for the last game ever played at Tiger Stadium and he got to do an inning was really cool. It was the first real baseball announcing he ever did and it was good enough to land him a full-time job the next year.
  10. One of my best friends who graduated from East Detroit High in 1965 now lives in Clearwater and he loves Tropicana. He likes the fact that it’s air-conditioned and forgives it for all of its other sins. He always sees the Tigers when they come down there although he’s a big Rays fan too, which makes sense. I met him in Tucson when he and a whole passel of Detroiters move down to Tucson and we were able to enjoy the 1984 season together as ‘men of the cloth’ so to speak. I spent most of my life being the only Tigers fan I knew, and it was incredible to be around people in my own age group who lived through 1968 and saw the Tigers as a church they attended with pride.
  11. I wear my watch on the inside of my wrist because in an active situation, it reduces my exposure in a war zone. Time is critical when I plan operations. If my watch face is on the outside of my wrist, I have to lift my arm and turn it to see the time. This effectively doubles the width of my body, increasing my exposure. Either that or I’m just a poser.
  12. Nice win… darn it … but still, very very nice.
  13. This game is about as perfect as they come. They scored six runs, Mize was good, the guys who aren’t normally hitting were hitting, and the guy I never heard of before, Kennedy, hits a homer. It’s almost like being Tobey Maguire in the first Spider-Man movie and learning the Kirsten Dunst actually likes you and you’re not stupid and you don’t turn her down because “with great power comes great responsibility.”
  14. I’m starting to feel it was a good idea not to spend $149 on the MLB TV.
  15. They are not striking out 16 times a game anymore. Actually, this is progress of a sort.
  16. I didn’t watch this game, but my understanding is that the Baez homer came on a ball that was actually in the strike zone. I like this “one weird trick” of swinging at balls in the strike zone. Even if it’s something casinos want to stop you from doing, but can’t.
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