Bullpen days for both teams. Imagine if there’d been interleague play in 1966 and you bring your kid to the ballpark for the only game they’ll ever see, and the possibility of Koufax going against Lolich has been discussed, and you get a bullpen day.
Saw this yesterday at the local Regal theater because I like getting at least something out of my $20 a month subscription and it was great. It’s not a kids movie. It’s kind of an art house animated feature about adult suffering. It’s actually pretty incredible. My son, who is 50 years younger than me, really wants to see it so I’m seeing it again Sunday afternoon. It’s worth seeing twice, and I like hanging out with him too. It’s got a 98% critic rating on rotten tomatoes.
I stopped paying attention and started watching the MST3K takedown of “The Slime People” a really lame 1963 Horror/Sci-fi film on Tubi. And when I idly checked the score and saw it was 9–6 in the bottom of the 9th I flipped on Dan and Andy to follow the rest of the game and was totally expecting to be let down. But Tigers kept scoring and scoring to tie, then I thought we were dead in the water at the top of the 10th and then came Gio’s HR and I just couldn’t believe it.
This comeback defied every ingrained particle of defeatism I harbor in my dark little heart.
I really do wear all white, especially white jeans. If I wore a turban, I would look like a cult leader. I’ve drawn the line there and that’s a line I will not pass over.
The hardest thing about it being about 15° hotter than usual is that you never reach the dewpoint so even in the early morning there’s none of that fresh feeling that can sometimes interrupt the heat, and instead the air seems solid and stuffy.
It might be, but I just lost patience and when I refreshed the page, I couldn’t log back into the radio app anyway. They are also always cutting off the announcers and starting ads before the announcers have finished.
Honestly, when it’s really hot, I wear white jeans, a white linen shirt, and a white Panama hat and I look like Hannibal Lecter. And that used to make the heat bearable, but not anymore.