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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. When much of the season was canceled in 2020 I discovered how little I really need this hobby. The part of me that’s a cynic and a nihilist thinks Pol Pot was pretty much right about burning the whole thing down (although I do disagree with his position on people who wore glasses). i’m really tired of this But I’m not a cynic and I’m not a nihilist and I know that as soon as baseball begins I’ll be back like a dog excited that his owner has come home at the end of the day. But I might bite him really hard.
  2. AH-knee-BALL, at least that’s what Dan says and I’m sticking with it. When you pronounce it “Annabelle” you should be playing a banjo at a hoedown.
  3. Regarding Dan Dickerson, I haven’t noticed egregious mispronunciations exceeding common Anglicizations — like saying Paris instead of PEAR~d-d-d-d-eeeee so maybe I’m not paying close enough attention — but I remember Vin Scully mispronouncing Anibal Sanchez as Annabelle when the Tigers were playing the Dodgers and it really grated on me. But I think Vin made up for it by telling an interesting anecdote about Anibal’s personal life that I found unusually fascinating although I can’t remember it now.
  4. I sure am glad that spring training season has only been delayed by one week; that must mean that we have lots of reasons to be optimistic.
  5. Just to go off topic for a moment, I’m presuming that because it’s the Holy Holiday of Super Bowl Sunday that there won’t be any resolution to the lock out today.
  6. I was thinking the same thing when I saw the story. Well you know what they say about great minds thinking alike; it’s similar to the saying about big hands and big feet inferring big shoes.
  7. I keep checking this site to see if “we’ve got there yet.“ Whenever there is news it’s like being on a road trip in the backseat and dad pulls into McDonald’s and everyone gets excited and he buys a coffee for himself then drives away. There’s no good news.
  8. As for a lottery I can see this as a rational solution to a concrete problem but many decisions everywhere all the time are made due to factors other than reason alone such as power relations etc. I’m not holding my breath for anything to happen because reasoning parties have found Jesus and arrived at some notion of the common good. But it could happen.
  9. To summarize: being nothing more than just one component among many in a revenue stream is a real boner shrinker.
  10. When something you hold dear to your heart and person is so obviously held hostage by a remote conflict akin to Olympian Gods (owners) against Greek and Trojan Kings (players), it makes you feel small and insignificant. We are not owners or players, and we’re not even spectators; we’re outside the stadium on flip phones wondering whether we will “win” or not. It makes the illusion of the spectacle so unrewarding. Seeing the Wizard behind the curtain in Oz is a real letdown. When all is said and done I’m sure I’ll go back to being a complacent moron and buy back into it all over again. I sure wish they would just finish up with their struggle and allow me to return to the stupid little fantasy land I take pleasure in.
  11. Creatine was routinely in the water or Gatorade that the football players at Bishop Kelley High in Boise Idaho drank during practice and games. One of my best friends was the assistant football coach and a theology teacher and he wouldn’t make this stuff up. In 1987 I knew ordinary morons at gyms were using ‘roids who had developed these ugly stretch marks on their pectoral muscles because they had grown so fast the skin could not adequately stretch to accommodate the artificially obtained musculature. If idiots could get hold of it then, surely professional athletes with vastly more at stake could and did.
  12. With this whole lockout thing and all the drippy talk we’ve heard over the years about “the fans“ and how much baseball love us, it just underlines how we’re not even “stakeholders“ in their racket — you know, the way corporations refer to their disposable employee base. We’re not even included in that food chain.
  13. I have never had a problem with the DH. I’m neither a nostalgic purist nor do I want baseball to be more like football. 2023 will be the DH’s 50th season. We live in an age of specialization. Subjecting pitchers to any greater possibility of injury is a bad idea. And they suck as hitters. If there’s one thing I would like to see it’s what Chuck has talked about in terms of making the baseball less lively. It’s also something that could possibly happen whereas getting rid of the DH is not.
  14. I am flabbergasted. I tested positive for COVID today even though I wear a mask everywhere I go — which is almost nowhere — and in spite of 2 shots and a booster. I’ve also given it to my 19-year-old son. Yesterday I had bad chills, turned up the heat, wrapped myself in a blanket, took Advil, and slept and felt fine this morning, although toward the end of today I’ve started getting chills again. I have to quarantine for 5 days. I’m glad I’ve been vaccinated, or I could be in the hospital right now.
  15. Not to brag or anything but I just want everyone to know that I am now “proficient.” It is of course a ringing endorsement that every man wishes to receive… 😬
  16. I like this idea. Strikeouts are fascist and so are home runs. Even though the Tigers had some power this year and even though Comerica Park encourages a different style of play anyway, the “keep the line moving,” base stealing, take an extra base, make the pitcher work, make contact approach was a lot more exciting than the just rely on the home run approach that they’re not that good at anyway.
  17. Also, it doesn’t look like there’s a profanity filter anymore.
  18. My problem with gambling is that it incites the laboring underclass to dream of an escape from their just servitude. It’s getting harder and harder to find people willing to work for $7.25/hr. on my estate.
  19. As a fan I have a sense of ownership over a team. It’s “my team.“ I know it’s dumb but it’s true. We are enculturated to nurture this self-deception even when nothing else in our society works like this. But it’s their team and they don’t really care if we like it or not and no Ken Burns documentary tugging at your heart-strings can change that. MLBs brash bottom line is like an off-key note in a familiar tune. It jolts you. They’re not making any attempt to keep the myth of baseball alive. I know that money makes the world go around, but so do commonly held mythologies. They motivate people. Baseball is an American Homeric legend. There’s something beautiful about it. These owners are poor stewards of the myth.
  20. If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow February 2 will the lockout be over in six weeks for six months?
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