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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. I’d forgotten about the Cardinals guy. That was five years ago.
  2. When I see a pitcher looking inside his hat it doesn’t bother me. It’s just unmanly. You’d never catch Bob Gibson doing it. When the catcher does it, it bothers me vastly more when the pitcher does it. I know it’s new data every day and it changes but it’s something that just rubs me the wrong way.
  3. I was out of the mix for quite a few years before it was easy to follow the team on the Internet. Did they really have a cap with a D and a tiger crawling out of it? I’ve seen photos of either players or maybe Sparky wearing it. Was that just some stunt for spring training?
  4. I don’t want pony league solid color tops.
  5. In Idaho where I live the entire state is under crisis level. St. Luke’s which has several hospitals in Idaho has 67% of its total beds taken up by Covid patients. ICU is 95% Covid. Almost all these people are unvaccinated people. They literally spit in the faces of doctors and nurses accusing them of crimes against humanity and demanding to be given “alternative treatments.“ And the response of “real Americans“ in Idaho is to spray paint swastikas on St. Luke’s Hospital in Sun Valley to protest vaccinations and masks.
  6. I was going to say something to that effect but I knew it was only a matter of time before someone finished my sentence.
  7. I didn’t realize that a French accent was as thrilling as this until I actually heard it. The song is great too.
  8. This is my 200th post. apparently being on a game thread and uttering “yes!“ counts as a post. I have a higher rank than @MotownWebGuy but his “reputation“ is higher than mine. What do I have to do to get a reputation around here?
  9. Everybody had those plain block letter jerseys back in the ‘60s. Well not “everybody” but in the AL I know the Yankees and the Red Sox dId because I clearly remember those jerseys. That might’ve been it. But there was a quiet, austere dignity about them that made the statement “our flourishes are on the field, not symbolically, “and we will dispatch you quickly and efficiently.” I like the brute simplicity. But color is nice too. I really like the road uniforms they have right now. But I have nothing against some of the wild stuff the Athletics did in Oakland.
  10. Somehow the Yankees always draft towards the end and they get incredible players because they know how to develop talent. Hopefully the massacre that happened in the past couple days to both top brass and to their foot soldiers charged with developing talent in the minor leagues will turn around what we have all felt for a long time was a woeful situation.
  11. I am more sentimental about the 60s uniform than the 70s and 80s but I think that’s just because of my age. The 60s is when the team was permanently imprinted upon me. If I were younger I’m sure the 70s and 80s would be my favorite.
  12. That may have been because a McAuliffe card was a lot easier to obtain at that time than a Cash or a Kaline.
  13. I presume this is what they’re talking about.
  14. Yeah gave it to a kid. That’s pretty righteous.
  15. I’m glad this game has been rescheduled. If there’s anyway we can throw ink on the white party dresses of the White Sox and Guardians I am all for it. Even if it’s only a bump on the road to their different respective parties at different locations of Chuck E. Cheese. I’m not proud of this display of resentment, but it feels good.
  16. Yeah when I don’t get to check the score and if the game thread has been halfway active I can at least get the feel of the game in a mediated real time sort of way. That’s one of the benefits of just doing a tiny bit of play-by-play.
  17. There’s supposedly a 100% chance of rain for the next 24 hours or so. I really doubt that tomorrow’s game is played. So the team will probably have two days off and then the last 3-game homestand of the year against the Royals before hitting the road. I hope this isn’t like the off days that led to the “can’t miss“ 2006 World Series favorite thing.
  18. I have hit the “contact us“ button at least a half dozen times with no response.
  19. I’m not sure but I think the default software setting is on the “flattery will get you everywhere“ mode.
  20. Exactly. The new ownership obviously doesn’t care.
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