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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Ha ha the runner steals the base and then slides past it.
  2. Candy thought he had a home run but ended up on second. 3-1 Tigers.
  3. When I hear the phrase “New York is looking at it“ I reach for my revolver.
  4. I remember having seen people use baseball cards but playing cards were stiffer and made a louder noise but if you used your parents playing cards you got in more trouble than if you used your own more inferior baseball cards. So it was a practical dilemma. Do you alienate your parents or do you ruin those stupid rookie cards you had no idea you could retire on later in life.
  5. I have bad memories of having wasted cards in that manner but actually they were never cards that were any good. If you had a really really really strong balloon and it would hit your spokes it would make a real loud noise just like a muffler before it popped.
  6. Now now, just because they won a World Series in recent memory and our team couldn’t win one when it was filled with All-Stars, future Hall of Famer‘s, MVPs, and Cy Young winners, that is no reason to suggest violent retribution. But we should do something. I was thinking of a nuclear strike but I have a really good friend who lives in KC and they have really good barbecue too. So that’s off the table.
  7. Like a coward I gave up on this game when what’s his face was thrown out at third. and unlike many times when I turn tail and run there was no dramatic comeback. But all is good. It’s just one game. Scarlett O'Hara: I'll think about that tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again! ME: See you all tomorrow.
  8. I just started getting local Wyoming ads on my TV in Idaho through mlb.tv. Hopefully this was a mistake. There have been times when my IP was switched to Oklahoma half a dozen teams were blacked out. Fortunately mlb.tv was good to fix that part of it but it took two or three months for my IP to get back to normal.
  9. I was wondering about that. Oh yeah, people who have lives. I forget that happens.
  10. There’s only three or four people online right now. Is there a zombie apocalypse going on that I don’t know about?
  11. I’m glad we don’t have to worry about Mize tossing a no-hitter. Not sure what kind of pitch count he’s on.
  12. Tigers leave 3 on in the first and 2 on base in the second.
  13. I’m watching in a 4K Samsung through the MLB TV app via fire TV. So I’ve never had that happen.
  14. I didn’t get that but I left the room for a while. After the ceremony they might’ve made up for lost ad time. If you missed Mize setting down the Royals in order in the first inning then you really got screwed. I see too many peloton ads “So many milestones today!
  15. I was squirming through this thing the whole time. Solemn formal ceremonies are seldom as unproblematic they’re made out to be and this ceremony was no exception. I’m just glad no one was booed excessively.
  16. Jim Leyland gets the biggest round of applause of all the assembled dignitaries.
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