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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Special on field ceremony for Cabrera on Tigers Live, and Ilitch and Avilla confirm that money will be spent on free agents.
  2. Tony Martin was already injured in that tremendously bad crash at the beginning of stage one of the Tour de France this year and then he was injured so badly in Stage 11 he withdrew from the Tour. He said that he thought cycling was getting too dangerous and there was not enough attention to safety and that is why he was retiring. These damn millennials have put the Elks Club out of business, injured all sorts of profitable enterprises their parents used to patronize, and now they’re ruining Cycling. They’re even putting pot dealers out of business through legalization.
  3. WJR came in loud and clear where I lived in northeastern Indiana. So too did CKLW from Windsor. Although I didn’t care I didn’t really pick up Chicago radio other than WLS. I just loved getting one over on the ‘rents as a kid by listening to those games from WJR on my transistor radio under the covers after midnight.
  4. Cycling racers are really beat up too. Yesterday Tony Martin of the German team closed out his career in the mixed relay races in Flanders with a gold medal and a rainbow jersey. The close-ups of him revealed that his right eye has been almost completely reconstructed and he has scars scraped across his forehead.
  5. Going from 71 wins in 1960 with the 154 game schedule to 101 wins in 1961 with the new 162 game schedule was a pretty good leap. Although I became a Tiger fan in 1960 I wasn’t much on standings then. In 1961 though, I was pretty well glued to it and it was so frustrating for the Tigers to be so good and for the Yankees to be better. My next-door neighbor was a Yankee fan because he wanted to always root for a team that won, which I’ve always considered a serious character flaw. The Yankees won 109 that year. I gained a lot of my ground work knowledge of the game listening to Ernie. I remember him talking about the Angels Bo Belinsky in 1962 and how he threw a no hitter sometime before the Tigers were playing them out there. I was listening to the game under my covers with a transistor radio which is one of those sacred shared generational memories.
  6. That’s why he fled on a Soviet sub that traversed the waters of the Detroit River.
  7. 1960 was the year I started following the Tigers and these were their home jerseys. Looks a lot like the Dodgers. Detroit Tigers outfielder Neil Chrisley, who had two home runs, is surrounded by teammates Norm Cash, Al Kaline and Frank Bolling after a 7-6 win over the Kansas City Athletics on May 14, 1960. Together, this group hit five home runs, including the game-winning homer by Cash in the seventh inning.
  8. You are capable of liking things other than when you were young, impressionable, and having things imprinted upon you. This is good. It’s commendable. But it’s too late to call off the drone strike. Leave the house for the next hour and I’ll put in a good word for you with Allstate.
  9. I’ve lived in Arizona or Idaho for most of the last 50 years so it’s easier for me to be unacquainted with a lot of the stuff to which others were exposed, especially in pre-Internet times. I don’t mind that logo on all sorts of stuff but I draw the line at a cap. Just too busy.
  10. Eastern Washington and eastern Oregon contain virtually the same constituency that populates most of Idaho (outside of Boise and a handful of pockets where tourism draws people more acquainted with diversity).
  11. Remember when some thought Ausmus had to be big into analytics because he went to Dartmouth in the off-season after signing a contract out of high school? We’ve come along way baby. Garko is more than just a silly millimeter longer.
  12. Seems to be a paradigm shift for the Tigers. 40 years old. He’s worn different caps. Doesn’t give up. Major leaguer. Plays in Korea and spends his last season in the Atlantic League. Stays in baseball one way or the other. Has managed pro teams. Has seen developing talent from ground zero as a college coach. Sounds like he has the fresh eyes to see things others might not combined with analytic insight that keeps him from liking guys that merely “look like baseball players.“ This is a promising development.
  13. I’d forgotten about the Cardinals guy. That was five years ago.
  14. When I see a pitcher looking inside his hat it doesn’t bother me. It’s just unmanly. You’d never catch Bob Gibson doing it. When the catcher does it, it bothers me vastly more when the pitcher does it. I know it’s new data every day and it changes but it’s something that just rubs me the wrong way.
  15. I was out of the mix for quite a few years before it was easy to follow the team on the Internet. Did they really have a cap with a D and a tiger crawling out of it? I’ve seen photos of either players or maybe Sparky wearing it. Was that just some stunt for spring training?
  16. I don’t want pony league solid color tops.
  17. In Idaho where I live the entire state is under crisis level. St. Luke’s which has several hospitals in Idaho has 67% of its total beds taken up by Covid patients. ICU is 95% Covid. Almost all these people are unvaccinated people. They literally spit in the faces of doctors and nurses accusing them of crimes against humanity and demanding to be given “alternative treatments.“ And the response of “real Americans“ in Idaho is to spray paint swastikas on St. Luke’s Hospital in Sun Valley to protest vaccinations and masks.
  18. I was going to say something to that effect but I knew it was only a matter of time before someone finished my sentence.
  19. I didn’t realize that a French accent was as thrilling as this until I actually heard it. The song is great too.
  20. This is my 200th post. apparently being on a game thread and uttering “yes!“ counts as a post. I have a higher rank than @MotownWebGuy but his “reputation“ is higher than mine. What do I have to do to get a reputation around here?
  21. Everybody had those plain block letter jerseys back in the ‘60s. Well not “everybody” but in the AL I know the Yankees and the Red Sox dId because I clearly remember those jerseys. That might’ve been it. But there was a quiet, austere dignity about them that made the statement “our flourishes are on the field, not symbolically, “and we will dispatch you quickly and efficiently.” I like the brute simplicity. But color is nice too. I really like the road uniforms they have right now. But I have nothing against some of the wild stuff the Athletics did in Oakland.
  22. Somehow the Yankees always draft towards the end and they get incredible players because they know how to develop talent. Hopefully the massacre that happened in the past couple days to both top brass and to their foot soldiers charged with developing talent in the minor leagues will turn around what we have all felt for a long time was a woeful situation.
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