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37 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

In terms of arming school teachers, it would also likely push (even more) teachers away from the profession.

Setting aside the illogical nature of it, I can't wrap my head around how the idea of solving the problem by making more people carry weapons is acceptable. Some of us maybe would like to live in a world where carrying a gun everywhere isn't a requirement.

So, we have a subsegment of society that wants to mandate gun toting for teachers to "promote safety", and at the same time, refuses a vaccine that is designed for health & well being (safety).  The logic is ..... well, there is none.

Edited by casimir
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12 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

I grew up in Detroit and all the schools near me had metal detectors and police on site and school shootings never happened. Sure going to and from school it happened but not in the building or premises like it is happening now.

All of my nieces and nephews went to schools without metal detectors or on-site police, and none of them experienced a school shooting.

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1 hour ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

Vox: Australia Confiscated 650,000 guns in 1996. Murders, Mass Shootings, and Suicides Plummeted

If you want to do something that solves the problem, do what Australia did, and just mandate a buyback of guns from people. It's too bad our culture cares more about guns than people and our politicians have stones the size of dimes, so it will never get done.



Imagine how much more gun deaths in Australia would drop if they would arm teachers and have metal detectors in schools.

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So what you're saying is that people are not the problem and they are only shooting up places because guns are available?  I'm not buying that because it takes an extremely warped mind to open fire on people going about their day.

Our society has coddled too many people for too long.  Some laws allowed this to happen as well as peer pressure and political correctness. Now we have the so called woke mob making it worse.  There's no easy answer to fix this but I don't believe the root cause is a gun problem.

Edited by Archie
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3 hours ago, Archie said:

If you look at history of mass shootings, even outside of the US, most of them take place in gun free zones. Its not just schools but workplaces, concert venues, nightclubs, etc. I refer to them as cowards because they are.  There were police there in 5 minutes but if there was a possibilty someone would return fire immediately it would stop some of these people.  Its would be better to have armed security personnel than arming teachers.

Like at Parkland?

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4 minutes ago, Archie said:

So what you're saying is that people are not the problem and they are only shooting up places because guns are available?  I'm not buying that because it takes an extremely warped mind to open fire on people going about their day.

Our society has coddled too many people for too long.  Some laws allowed this to happen as well as peer pressure and political correctness. Now we have the so called woke mob making it worse.  There's no easy answer to fix this but I don't believe the root cause is a gun problem.

What makes it worse is that nothing ever gets done to remedy the issue.

But, hey. thoughts & prayers in the meantime.

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7 minutes ago, Archie said:

So what you're saying is that people are not the problem and they are only shooting up places because guns are available?  I'm not buying that because it takes an extremely warped mind to open fire on people going about their day.

Our society has coddled too many people for too long.  Some laws allowed this to happen as well as peer pressure and political correctness. Now we have the so called woke mob making it worse.  There's no easy answer to fix this but I don't believe the root cause is a gun problem.

Political correctness caused a guy to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas? It caused a young man to shoot kids in the face at Sandy Hook? It caused shootings at Columbine, Jonesboro, Aurora, Pulse in Orlando, a Sikh Gurdwara in Wisconsin, a Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburgh, a Baptist Church in Charleston?

Edited by Mr.TaterSalad
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16 minutes ago, Archie said:

Our society has coddled too many people for too long.  Some laws allowed this to happen as well as peer pressure and political correctness. Now we have the so called woke mob making it worse.  There's no easy answer to fix this but I don't believe the root cause is a gun problem.

If there were a mass shooting drinking game where "providing nebulous bullshit response that can't be dealt with through public policy" equated to one drink, how long until somebody passes out?

Maybe an hour? Two?

I just think all the "coddling of the mind" bullshit is just an excuse to not talk about the 1000 pound gorilla in the room. It's as predictable as a Sunday of Lions football at this point.

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10 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

I guess its a better approach than thoughts and prayers? If I am not mistaken 90-95% of school shootings happen inside the building. Make it harder to bring a weapon in?

Anyone who is highly motivated to get a weapon into school can do so without much problem. Having an armed sheriff's deputy on-site did nothing to stop Parkland.

If metal detectors and armed cops are not the answer, which you agree to, then all it's doing is making the grownups not affected by it feel better about what's happening someplace they never go to. Also, bonus: it prepares children to accept living in a police surveillance state, as befits the American notion of liberty.

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2 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

If there were a mass shooting drinking game where "providing nebulous bullshit response that can't be dealt with through public policy" equated to one drink, how long until somebody passes out?

Maybe an hour? Two?

I just think all the "coddling of the mind" bullshit is just an excuse to not talk about the 1000 pound gorilla in the room.


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9 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

If there were a mass shooting drinking game where "providing nebulous bullshit response that can't be dealt with through public policy" equated to one drink, how long until somebody passes out?

Maybe an hour? Two?

I just think all the "coddling of the mind" bullshit is just an excuse to not talk about the 1000 pound gorilla in the room. It's as predictable as a Sunday of Lions football at this point.

Well said. This is nonsense that addresses nothing. We are stuck in an endless cycle where it’s a matter of time where this happens again. And again. And again. A lot of us are tired of this bullshit. 

Edited by Tigerbomb13
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29 minutes ago, Archie said:

So what you're saying is that people are not the problem and they are only shooting up places because guns are available?  I'm not buying that because it takes an extremely warped mind to open fire on people going about their day.

Our society has coddled too many people for too long.  Some laws allowed this to happen as well as peer pressure and political correctness. Now we have the so called woke mob making it worse.  There's no easy answer to fix this but I don't believe the root cause is a gun problem.

whether society coddles the minds or not is irrelevant. The reality is what it is. You have the plain evidence of several billion people organizing advanced liberal, democratic societies without thousands of gun deaths. The evidence is before you. It is refutable. It is real, not philosophical fantasy. Like the man said, let him with eyes to see, see.

Edited by gehringer_2
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