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Gun Legislation, Crime, and Events


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Beto was a terrible national candidate in 2020, but I don't think his actions in the last 48 hours will fall on deaf ears in Texas. People are angry. Whether they sleep with two guns within arms reach and Fox News on in the background or are a leftist yahoo... 21 people, most of them children, were killed in a neighborhood that almost certainly reminds them of their own. Abbott's dismissiveness of Beto's rhetoric and having him removed, rather than engaging him, simply doesn't look good to anyone but the GOP slappies (of which there are plenty in Texas, don't get me wrong).

Abbott's approval rating is below 50% and his disapproval numbers tend to skew higher. He's not far off from where Cruz was in 2018, and the Zodiac Killer only beat Beto by about 2-3%.

With the population in Austin and Houston booming, it's always seemed inevitable that a D would win in Texas, it's just never actually come to fruition. It'd be nice to see Beto pull off a shocker, though I know the polls prior to Uvalde had him down 10 points.

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10 hours ago, Motor City Sonics said:

I am mad at myself today.    Yesterday when the news first broke and it said 2 were dead I thought "oh, only 2", as if a single 3rd grader shot at school isn't totally horrific. 

All that's really left to wonder is what state it happens in next and how many. 

I am stunned this hasn't happed at a sporting event............especially so many open stadiums that look out into a sea of buildings (like Comerica), or the mass of people that gather at an entry point like the sea of people trying to get into 3 gates at Michigan Stadium.  

Someone pointed out to me the rooftop snipers on top of the press boxes at Michigan games, they do a great job of blending them into to look like stadium workers.   It's really messed up to think about.   Gotta have snipers for just watching a football game.   

I went to some minor league stadiums last week, Birmingham and Nashville in particular, that have apartment buildings that overlook the open space of the ballparks. Seems like it would be so easy for an Oswald-level sharpshooter to pick off six or eight or more people from one of those apartment windows before being caught up with.

And of course, there's always the rooftops that have a clear open view of Wrigley Field. Just go up to one of them with an AR-15 and let 'er rip.

If someone wanted to create a bunch of chaos all across baseball after their suicide-by-cop, that would be a certain way to do so.


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58 minutes ago, romad1 said:

This Beto O'Roarke thing.   What do you think?   Seemed like the sort of moral approbation these idiots need to hear.

My gut tells me it doesn't move the needle in his favor at all, all the polls showing Texans not loving abortion or gun policy tend not to mean much when they step onto the voting booth.

But I'm not sure that it matters either way.... there are a lot of people who are pissed and who do want answers down here. And it is really easy for GOP politicians to be insulated from criticism or dissent... the moral outrage totally fits the situation, and it is well earned, regardless of the politics.

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44 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

Beto was a terrible national candidate in 2020, but I don't think his actions in the last 48 hours will fall on deaf ears in Texas. People are angry. Whether they sleep with two guns within arms reach and Fox News on in the background or are a leftist yahoo... 21 people, most of them children, were killed in a neighborhood that almost certainly reminds them of their own. Abbott's dismissiveness of Beto's rhetoric and having him removed, rather than engaging him, simply doesn't look good to anyone but the GOP slappies (of which there are plenty in Texas, don't get me wrong).

Abbott's approval rating is below 50% and his disapproval numbers tend to skew higher. He's not far off from where Cruz was in 2018, and the Zodiac Killer only beat Beto by about 2-3%.

With the population in Austin and Houston booming, it's always seemed inevitable that a D would win in Texas, it's just never actually come to fruition. It'd be nice to see Beto pull off a shocker, though I know the polls prior to Uvalde had him down 10 points.

If Trump were still President, Abbott would not have an easy time getting reelected because of the thermostatic nature of the electorate... he'd 

But he isn't and Biden is. And because of the environment, it's hard a result better than Abbott +8% happening. Despite his relative hit in popularity because of the winter storm. And maybe now this.

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20 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

My gut tells me it doesn't move the needle in his favor at all, all the polls showing Texans not loving abortion or gun policy tend not to mean much when they step onto the voting booth.

But I'm not sure that it matters either way.... there are a lot of people who are pissed and who do want answers down here. And it is really easy for GOP politicians to be insulated from criticism or dissent... the moral outrage totally fits the situation, and it is well earned, regardless of the politics.

Don't care if it moves the needle.  He stood there and challenged him and THATS WHAT I WANT........CHALLENGE THESE BASTARDS AT EVERY TURN.............Jesus, put Howard Dean back in charge of the party.    Why do you think I like Katie Porter so much?   No more wishy-washy nice guy shit.  People are god damned angry, step into it.......fucking use it.  

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5 minutes ago, pfife said:

1 exit per school sounds like it would have absolutely no issues associated with it.

we are in really dumb times. 

We can't do anything to prevent against guns being used by bad people, therefore oh well.

Also, schools should violate all number of regulations on fire safety to guard against guns being used by bad people.

It's another Jimmie P moment... "can't make it up, folks!"

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7 minutes ago, casimir said:

Clueless guys like Fled won’t do anything until their own are mowed down.  And even then, they may still do nothing.

Steve KKK Scalise got shot in a mass shooting and is just as pro- give murderers easy access to guns as he ever was.

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18 minutes ago, casimir said:

Clueless guys like Fled won’t do anything until their own are mowed down.  And even then, they may still do nothing.

His so damn FOS it isn't even funny. His premise is asinine. To stop a perp with body armor and an assault rifle you don't need a guard, you need a pillbox and a team on a Browning. And I'm sure we'll see Ted sending his kids to a school with a front door like that.

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32 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

We can't do anything to prevent against guns being used by bad people, therefore oh well.

Also, schools should violate all number of regulations on fire safety to guard against guns being used by bad people.

It's another Jimmie P moment... "can't make it up, folks!"

Will this school also have a moat and automated sentry guns to take out the Aliens? 

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