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2023 MLB (non-Tigers) catch all thread


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With Wander Franco on the shelf for who knows how long, the Rays brought up the SS at Durham to replace him. A day or two later they promoted Carson Williams (SS) from High A to AAA Durham. The kid is 20 years of age as of two months ago. Should be an interesting watch.

Edited by 1776
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looking at 14.8% chance to make the playoffs, LAA made a ton of moves at the trade deadline and then proceeded to lose 7 in a row; and have gone 4-4 since; now looking at 0.9% chance to make the playoffs. and they started their top pick's clock early. and Ohtani is leaving, though maybe not leaving LA.

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If I'm Ohtani and I truly care about making the playoffs and competing for a WS then there is no way I'm staying with the Angels. He's put up two back to back all time seasons and they still aren't really even close, yes they missed Trout this year but they also got a ton of production from other guys namely Moniak that aren't necessarily sure things going forward. 

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3 hours ago, 1776 said:

With Wander Franco on the shelf for who knows how long, the Rays brought up the SS at Durham to replace him. A day or two later they promoted Carson Williams (SS) from High A to AAA Durham. The kid is 20 years of age as of two months ago. Should be an interesting watch.

Well,  "on the shelf"  probably means "in the hole" for at least 5 years.........he'll be more radioactive than the elephant's foot at Chernobyl after that.   He's probably finished.  

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I remember a couple years back shortly before Wander debuted and he was basically considered the best prospect in forever one of the sports card channels I follow on youtube that does pack openings had this opening that consisted of a bunch of high dollar cards from all sports. They had Trout rookies, Lebron rookies, Mahomes, Jordan etc. along with Wander. The winners got to pick the card they wanted and one of the winners picked this top of line Gem Mint Wander rookie over the proven guys. For his sake I hope he flipped that by now or else he is going to be kicking himself. 

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CBS Sports: Brewers may threaten to leave Milwaukee if Wisconsin taxpayers won't fund stadium upgrades, per report

I want to comment on a story that should be getting much more attention in baseball and sports than it is, that is the Milwaukee Brewers stadium fiasco. Screw Brewers ownership, lead by Mark Attanasio, and screw MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred. If they actually blackmail taxpayers in Milwaukee into financing them a new multi-million dollar stadium with taxpayer money, when Miller Park isn't even 25 years old, then this will be a total and complete boondoggle and travesty. I think people should be outraged at what's going on and at the threats of potentially relocating the Brewers if ownership doesn't get a new stadium. How in the hell can they justify trying to replace Miller Park when it's not even 25 years old? Amazing!

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7 hours ago, IdahoBert said:

Just as an aside, I have just noticed that the Atlanta Braves are nearly averaging 6 runs a game. 5.84. You’re welcome.  

They also have a team OPS of .845, only 21 qualified players in all of baseball have higher than that. For reference our best hitter Kerry Carpenter has an .856 so as a team they are almost as good as our best hitter. 

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21 hours ago, ben9753 said:

I feel like the Angels are the Mets of the AL. Can’t build the right way so they spend like drunken sailors and do everything to try and force their way into contention when it isn’t working.

I agree with the premise although I’d flip it around, since the Angels got there first.

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16 hours ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

CBS Sports: Brewers may threaten to leave Milwaukee if Wisconsin taxpayers won't fund stadium upgrades, per report

I want to comment on a story that should be getting much more attention in baseball and sports than it is, that is the Milwaukee Brewers stadium fiasco. Screw Brewers ownership, lead by Mark Attanasio, and screw MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred. If they actually blackmail taxpayers in Milwaukee into financing them a new multi-million dollar stadium with taxpayer money, when Miller Park isn't even 25 years old, then this will be a total and complete boondoggle and travesty. I think people should be outraged at what's going on and at the threats of potentially relocating the Brewers if ownership doesn't get a new stadium. How in the hell can they justify trying to replace Miller Park when it's not even 25 years old? Amazing!

I love that ballpark. What a money-grubbing money-grab, but really, do we expect anything different from people who have way, way more than it all?

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20 hours ago, Motor City Sonics said:

Well,  "on the shelf"  probably means "in the hole" for at least 5 years.........he'll be more radioactive than the elephant's foot at Chernobyl after that.   He's probably finished.  

Glad we all have enough facts to sentence him already cough Duke Lacrosse team cough

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4 minutes ago, Toddwert said:

Glad we all have enough facts to sentence him already cough Duke Lacrosse team cough

I'm not saying it's true, but if it is, it's probably over for him.    If he was 21 and she was 17, I don't know that it's absolutely unforgivable.   17 is still an age of consent in some places.  In Florida it's 18, but I think if the parents don't push the issue it's not pursued.     Remember, Sergei Fedorov was dating a 15 year old during his time with the Red Wings, but her family was fine with it.  

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1 minute ago, Motor City Sonics said:

I'm not saying it's true, but if it is, it's probably over for him.    If he was 21 and she was 17, I don't know that it's absolutely unforgivable.   17 is still an age of consent in some places.  In Florida it's 18, but I think if the parents don't push the issue it's not pursued.     Remember, Sergei Fedorov was dating a 15 year old during his time with the Red Wings, but her family was fine with it.  

I can think of a situation were a the parent or the girl might see a multimillionaire baseball player who grow up in a Dominican baseball factory might be a mark 

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4 hours ago, chasfh said:

I love that ballpark. What a money-grubbing money-grab, but really, do we expect anything different from people who have way, way more than it all?

Of course I don't expect any different from ownership. But how Rob Manfred can not only standby and watch this happen, but have MLB put pressure on the city to finance a new stadium is incredulous. Manfred knows full well, if he is intellectually honest with himself, that there is nothing wrong with Miller Park and it's structurally sound and still looks great.

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47 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

Of course I don't expect any different from ownership. But how Rob Manfred can not only standby and watch this happen, but have MLB put pressure on the city to finance a new stadium is incredulous. Manfred knows full well, if he is intellectually honest with himself, that there is nothing wrong with Miller Park and it's structurally sound and still looks great.

This might be a little more complicated. The story below paints a picture more sympathetic to the league. I won't vouch for its accuracy but it's a counterpoint to be considered. Obviously it hinges a lot on whether the alleged maintenance required is real or not and I have no idea about that. But that said:

The current stadium is publicly owned, the Brewers lease it, but are not responsible for upkeep, the gov is, and the complaint is the gov entity has not funded maintenance (LOL -maybe because supporting spending on the stadium got one legislator recalled?). League is demanding the public side put up the money to keep the ballpark up to the standards agreed to in the Brewer's lease. The various units of government can't agree on how to provide funding (there is already a local 0.1% sales tax but it's apparently not raising enough). Sounds to me that the public made a bad deal for itself 20 years ago that now has no political support and the team, or at least the league,  is caught in the middle to some degree. (Hmm - you wonder if having committed public money for private business back the 90's might be exactly the kind of thing that has driven Wisconsin voters more red!)

In any case, the article argues that the league's concern is not having another team start down path Oakland went with the coliseum, where the ballpark became an orphan allowed to decay to where the situation became impossible.

https://newstalk1130.iheart.com/featured/common-sense-central/content/2023-05-24-exclusive-mlb-tells-brewers-they-need-to-repair-american-family-field/#:~:text=Public financing of Milwaukee's stadium,%2C Ozaukee%2C and Washington Counties.

BTW - Tigers are responsible for the maintenance on COPA, though the DDA does also make a small contribution each year.

Edited by gehringer_2
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2 hours ago, Motor City Sonics said:

I'm not saying it's true, but if it is, it's probably over for him.    If he was 21 and she was 17, I don't know that it's absolutely unforgivable.   17 is still an age of consent in some places.   

Pretty sure I read that 18 years of age is minimum age of consent in The Dominican Republic. This from some official in DR discussing this very situation. 


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1 hour ago, Toddwert said:

Remember when The Brewers got paid to move to the National league? But then Houston got moved to the American League weird seems like they both could have stayed where they were

I do find it weird that both Texas teams are in the same league.      Now that the DH is universal, I think we may see a reshuffling of divisions, especially if there is expansion.   I'm just not sure baseball can really handle expansion.  A's already moving to Vegas.   Don't know what's happening with the Rays.  Will they actually build a good stadium in a easier-to-reach spot in Tampa or would they be better off in Orlando?     Then where do you expand?   


Montreal?  Lots of issues there money-wise (Canada has so much oil and fresh water, they should be the richest country of the future, but for the now......I don't know).

Charlotte?  Not sure they give a hoot about baseball there.   

Portland?   Even as a liberal myself, that city is a political nightmare.  Extreme liberalism is as bad as extreme conservatism.  They protest everything there.  They are never happy with anything.   My sister moved away because she couldn't stand it anymore and she's pretty liberal,    Plus, if you think there's problems with homeless people at Tiger games........that's nothing compared to what Portland games would be like.   No chance of public funding there. 

Vancouver?  Lots of money in that town, but do they want baseball there?  They'd have to have a dome or retractable stadium.  Their population (metro) is about the same as Pittsburgh, which is considered a "small" market here.   They did not grow up with MLB baseball, though. 

Indianapolis?  No competing Summer sport, but also about the same size as Pittsburgh.   Plus the Cardinals, White Sox, Cubs and Reds would lobby against it. 

Nashville?   To me that is the #1 relocation spot, but it's smaller than Cleveland.  There is money there and it feels like the population is growing.  Not hard to get to. 

I think New Jersey would be an excellent place for a MLB team, but there is no way the Mets, Phillies and Yankees are ever going to allow that. 


If baseball expands to 32 several teams will need to be supported by the current teams (not just the 2 new ones).  I don't think the current owners want to share anymore.  



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28 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:


Nashville?   To me that is the #1 relocation spot, but it's smaller than Cleveland.  There is money there and it feels like the population is growing.  Not hard to get to. 

It’s like a little Vegas, though—incredibly popular summer destination for tourists.

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