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SCOTUS and whatnot


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2 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I regret a lot of things in my life, including criticizing Hillary Clinton the way I did back in 2015/2016. The one thing I don't regret though, is deciding to vote for Hillary Clinton in the end. Had she been elected President we wouldn't be here.

she was fundamentally flawed.  Hard to sell dishwater as fine wine.   Dishwater is way better than what we got though. 

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2 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

Buddha can chime in but my guess is that ultimately even a conservative SCOTUS is going to be forced to rule that one state cannot bind  conduct in another in that way. It's a foundational precedent that states must recognize each others sovereignty and jurisdiction. To undercut that would basically be to dissolve the Union.

i dont know the answer but it sounds fishy to me.

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3 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I regret a lot of things in my life, including criticizing Hillary Clinton the way I did back in 2015/2016. The one thing I don't regret though, is deciding to vote for Hillary Clinton in the end. Had she been elected President we wouldn't be here.

I've never been more proud of my vote for Hillary Clinton. The effects of Trump are going to be felt for generations. It's worse than I ever imagined and I thought the worst of Trump back in 2016. 

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If the Republicans don't pay a political price at the ballot box as a result of what is happening to women's choice and abortion rights then all this discussion we're having here and all the hand ringing and protesting across the country is for not. If you consider yourself pro women, pro choice, pro healthcare, pro religious freedom, pro democracy, pro liberty, in any way, shape or form, you have to get out and vote and make the Republicans pay a steep political price at the ballot box. If they win the House and Senate then you as an American have not done your job. Get out and vote for Democratic candidates or else you have failed if you consider yourself pro women, choice, healthcare, democracy, religious freedom, liberty, and on. Even if that Democratic candidate is too moderate, not progressive enough or too far to the left, if they have a (D) next to their name on the ballot, get out and vote for them. That's all there is to it.

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My views on this topic are as follows.

I am against abortion on a personal level. I am a single male in his 30s and acknowledge that the burden of any restrictions do not affect me.

The best way to be pro life is to live pro life. While abstinence until marriage is unrealistic, abstinence until a serious relationship isn't. Speaking primarily to men here: anybody out sleeping around and taking home a different drunk girl of their choice every weekend should probably sit this one out. You can't be pro life if you don't live pro life.

I am against overly restrictive laws on abortions for a lot of the things Oblong pointed out. They target a lot of gray area and other women's health issues. And right now, I don't trust the current GOP crop to consider that nuance in a fair way that isn't going to cause a lot of people a lot of undue harm.

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2 minutes ago, romad1 said:

she was fundamentally flawed.  Hard to sell dishwater as fine wine.   Dishwater is way better than what we got though. 

Right. I still believe in all the flaws and critiques I pointed out back in 2016. I still believe she is an empty shell, with little conviction on public policy. I still believe she flip-flops, vacillates, and does things out of political expediency. I still hate her husband, the bad policies he enacted during his Presidency and the woman he hurt throughout his lifetime. As you said though, when the choice is someone who cares for democracy and democratic norms and someone who does not, the choice is obvious. I did vote for Hillary, I wished I would have done more to convince others to do the same.

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39 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Is a human being killed when a man masturbates and flushes away the sperm? 

I'm sure they'll go after that next, if they can...............it'll keep them busy.  

I mean, they want to access women's medical records to see if they got abortions in other states and want to question them about why they visited certain states (Freedom !) ,  would it be that far of a leap?  

As far as gay marriage is concerned,  I have never understood why a state has to sanction a marriage, straight, gay, polygamy or otherwise.    If five willing adults want to be married to each other, who cares?  Their life, their decision.   Legally Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn aren't married,  but they're married as far as reality is concerned.



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8 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

If the Republicans don't pay a political price at the ballot box as a result of what is happening to women's choice and abortion rights then all this discussion we're having here and all the hand ringing and protesting across the country is for not. If you consider yourself pro women, pro choice, pro healthcare, pro religious freedom, pro democracy, pro liberty, in any way, shape or form, you have to get out and vote and make the Republicans pay a steep political price at the ballot box. If they win the House and Senate then you as an American have not done your job. Get out and vote for Democratic candidates or else you have failed if you consider yourself pro women, choice, healthcare, democracy, religious freedom, liberty, and on. Even if that Democratic candidate is too moderate, not progressive enough or too far to the left, if they have a (D) next to their name on the ballot, get out and vote for them. That's all there is to it.

Yeah, but I wanted Bernie...............

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8 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

My views on this topic are as follows.

I am against abortion on a personal level. I am a single male in his 30s and acknowledge that the burden of any restrictions do not affect me.

The best way to be pro life is to live pro life. While abstinence until marriage is unrealistic, abstinence until a serious relationship isn't. Speaking primarily to men here: anybody out sleeping around and taking home a different drunk girl of their choice every weekend should probably sit this one out. You can't be pro life if you don't live pro life.

I am against overly restrictive laws on abortions for a lot of the things Oblong pointed out. They target a lot of gray area and other women's health issues. And right now, I don't trust the current GOP crop to consider that nuance in a fair way that isn't going to cause a lot of people a lot of undue harm.

Most of the GOP couldn't even spell Nuance.       What is this Newontz everyone is talking about.  

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9 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

I am against overly restrictive laws on abortions for a lot of the things Oblong pointed out. They target a lot of gray area and other women's health issues. And right now, I don't trust the current GOP crop to consider that nuance in a fair way that isn't going to cause a lot of people a lot of undue harm.

The fact that there's so little concern about cases of rape and incest, as well as the life of the mother, among this current crop of GOP Politicians is beyond disturbing and makes it hard to really trust them to legislate the issue in an even handed way.

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

the thing is Saber, is that you are doing a lot of metaphysical hand waving here. No-one other than someone claiming religious revelation really knows what human consciousness really even is, where it comes from or where it goes. If I put a 3 week old dog embryo and 3 week old human embryo on slides in front of you, there is no way you could even tell them apart without sophisticated technology. Heck, we know know that every cell in your body actually contains a potentiality to generate a human life, how many have you murdered popping a zit? The deeper you delve into biology the more all of our neat sociological constructs fade into grey.

However human life is created, I will empathize with it. 

Note I said "practicable".

I will support whatever practical protection for human life that I can. 

If that means that we protect babies in the womb, that's better than allowing them to be killed under the law. 

If that means protecting only most of them, that's also better than allowing them to be killed under the law.

If we can come to a place where we stop creating human life that we allow to be destroyed under the color of the law, that would be ideal. 

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14 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

My views on this topic are as follows.

I am against abortion on a personal level. I am a single male in his 30s and acknowledge that the burden of any restrictions do not affect me.

The best way to be pro life is to live pro life. While abstinence until marriage is unrealistic, abstinence until a serious relationship isn't. Speaking primarily to men here: anybody out sleeping around and taking home a different drunk girl of their choice every weekend should probably sit this one out. You can't be pro life if you don't live pro life.

I am against overly restrictive laws on abortions for a lot of the things Oblong pointed out. They target a lot of gray area and other women's health issues. And right now, I don't trust the current GOP crop to consider that nuance in a fair way that isn't going to cause a lot of people a lot of undue harm.

Those are exactly my feelings.


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3 hours ago, RatkoVarda said:

it is never this complicated


This is exactly what I was going to post if someone else didnt get to it first. The whole point of the leak is to let the steam out of the issue and get all the angry reaction and debate into the open now, so that when they reach their inevitable decision, not only will it not surprise anyone, but it will remove considerable heat from the Court at that moment. 

Edited by chasfh
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1 minute ago, chasfh said:

This is exactly what I was going to post if someone else didnt get to it first. The whole point of the leak is to let the steam out of the issue and get all the angry reaction and debate into the open now, so that when they reach their inevitable decision, not only will it not surprise anyone, but it will remove considerable heat from the Court at that moment. 

Yup. Exactly what happened with voter suppression laws. When Georgia passed theirs, there was outrage, MLB moved the All Star game and corporations all made statements. When other states followed with laws just as bad, you barely heard a peep. 

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