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27 minutes ago, chasfh said:

I wish I didn’t have to find this out.

Who cares what Spencer Turnbull thinks?  He was born in Bama, was probably a pampered sports hero his entire life and has a Bible verse on his twitter profile.  There was no chance he was going to be anything but what he is.  I just hope he can come back and be a good pitcher again next year.  

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4 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Probably because there was more willingness from Republicans to work on the gun bill. If what it took was a little flattery of McConnell to get it done, then so be it. 

Go ahead with your firing squad on Democrats. Just remember that 267 out of 269 Democrats, or 99%, voted to codify Roe and zero, not even a single Republican, voted to codify Roe. Every justice that voted to overturn Roe was nominated by a Republican. Every justice that voted to overturn Roe was confirmed by a Republican majority. Every justice who upheld Roe was appointed by a Democrat and confirmed by a Democratic majority. Every state that has passed abortion bans have been red states. Every state that has codified abortion have been blue states. Go ahead, blame Biden and the Democrats instead of the Republicans.

You still haven't told me what Pelosi is suppose to do after getting 218 out of 219 Democrats to codify Roe or what Schumer is suppose to do who got 49 out of 50 Democrats to codify Roe. What exactly is Joe Biden supposed to do? How does he get a senator from a state that Trump won by 30 points to make the unpopular decision to end the filibuster? Explain to me what this new generation of Democrat would have done differently. 

You keep contradicting yourself.  You're saying all that Biden had to do was flatter ole Mitch a bit to get this done.  Then you basically admit the Republicans wanted this gun control lite which does very little so they can pretend like they care about Uvalde. Biden did nothing to convince anyone.  If it had any actual substance in it, it would have been DOA. You prove my point that the Republicans vote with their leadership.  The Democrats don't. Why is that?   Votes like that of Murkowski and Collins are tokens.  You know that if their votes are needed, they tow the party line.  

The Republicans convinced their base that Donald Trump was the second coming and that the election was stolen and incited thousands of them to storm the capital to end democracy was we know it.  But yeah, it's impossible for the Democratic leadership to convince people to vote for like health care and gun reform and all that other radical leftist agenda nonsense.

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4 minutes ago, Kacie said:

You keep contradicting yourself.  You're saying all that Biden had to do was flatter ole Mitch a bit to get this done.  Then you basically admit the Republicans wanted this gun control lite which does very little so they can pretend like they care about Uvalde. Biden did nothing to convince anyone.  If it had any actual substance in it, it would have been DOA. You prove my point that the Republicans vote with their leadership.  The Democrats don't. Why is that?   Votes like that of Murkowski and Collins are tokens.  You know that if their votes are needed, they tow the party line.  

The Republicans convinced their base that Donald Trump was the second coming and that the election was stolen and incited thousands of them to storm the capital to end democracy was we know it.  But yeah, it's impossible for the Democratic leadership to convince people to vote for like health care and gun reform and all that other radical leftist agenda nonsense.

267 out of 269 Democrats voted to codify Roe. How exactly did Democrats not vote with their leadership? McConnell was only one of 15 Republicans to vote for the gun bill. 35 Republicans literally voted against McConnell but somehow his leadership got them to vote with them. All 50 Democrats voted the same as Schumer so tell me again how the Democrats don't vote with their leadership? 

In the confirmation hearing for Kavanaugh, Murkowski was a no. In the confirmation hearing for Coney Barrett Collins was a number. That's the same number of Republicans voting against McConnell as Democrats voting against Schumer to codify Roe. Only difference is the Republicans had a small margin to work with. 

You have yet to tell me what Pelosi can do after 218 out of 219 Democrats voted to codify Roe. You have yet to explain what Schumer could have done after 49 out of 50 Democrats voted to codify Roe. Instead you blame Biden, when among other ridiculous things, blame him for not getting Republicans to codify Roe.

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16 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

Instead you blame Biden, when among other ridiculous things, blame him for not getting Republicans to codify Roe.

Yeah - Biden won his election, if you want to blame someone i would pick - in this order: the people that didn't show up to vote for Democratic candidates; the candidates that didn't run better campaigns; maybe the people that didn't donate enough or that the party didn't support enough for them to run a winning campaign.

Bottom line is that elections have consequences. The public can't blow the election and then complain about the results. The public has to get over this idea that "Well I don't want to give the whole government to one party." If you want something done you either do or you are a fool.

Edited by gehringer_2
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I have just accepted the fact that a faction of Democratic voters are going to pout and blame Democrats instead of Republicans and sit it out. Should have realized that after the Bernie or bust progressives sat it out with a supreme court seat being held hostage. Democrats may lose but as a heterosexual white male it won't affect me as much as others. 

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I've been thinking about those voters in 2000 who voted for Nader instead of Gore in protest. How's that working out for them? All we needed was about 500 of those votes in Florida to vote for Gore and we wouldn't have a Roberts or Alito. I hope they made whatever point it was they were trying to make by helping Bush to victory. 

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Since we all know that pro life conservatives next move is to codify the Supreme Court ruling and make abortion and female contraceptives illegal nationwide. I have one question for pro lifers.

What ate you planning to do for all the unwanted and severely handicapped children in the future? Are you willing to pay the price monetarily and otherwise to help impoverished families or those who will desperately need support otherwise?

Are you eady to put your "money" where your so called "Christian Morals" are?




First, the Dobbs ruling raises new moral questions relating to big-ticket issues like the Child Tax Credit. A number of options have been floated that seek to balance the needs of children and families with potential disincentives for work. This issue must be resolved in a way that provides women who might previously have sought abortions with reliable support to raise their children.

Second, we must broaden and expand existing programs serving women and children, like the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant program, in some key ways. More money will be needed, but we will also need to spend it differently—for instance, by introducing a voucher-based program that provides women facing unexpected pregnancies with flexible resources that can be spent at institutions of their choosing—including religious groups—that provide pregnancy and family services in the context of social support.

Third, we need to beef up programs that help couples establish and maintain healthy marriages and ones that help men become better, more engaged fathers. Fundamentally, abortion is often the product of broken relationships or ones that never formed to begin with. In a legal environment that doesn’t allow couples to avoid parenting by procuring an abortion, we should be helping them learn how to work together for the sake of their children.

This is not an exhaustive list of ideas for creating a more welcoming and truly pro-life future. Other ideas—like expanding access to home visits by nurses for maternal education, strengthening and improving adoption, reforming foster care, expanding substance use disorder treatment for pregnant women, and many more—should be on the table as well.

None of this will be easy or cheap. But these are the kinds of concrete actions we must begin to take if we are going to be able to live with ourselves in the post-Roe world and begin the challenging work of creating a true culture of life.

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1 hour ago, Motown Bombers said:

I have just accepted the fact that a faction of Democratic voters are going to pout and blame Democrats instead of Republicans and sit it out. Should have realized that after the Bernie or bust progressives sat it out with a supreme court seat being held hostage. Democrats may lose but as a heterosexual white male it won't affect me as much as others. 

They could sing God Bless America on the Capitol steps.  God, our politicians are so weak.  That is why people don't vote.  

Edited by Tiger337
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2 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

Who cares what Spencer Turnbull thinks?  He was born in Bama, was probably a pampered sports hero his entire life and has a Bible verse on his twitter profile.  There was no chance he was going to be anything but what he is.  I just hope he can come back and be a good pitcher again next year.  

I don’t care, but at the same time I just wish I didn’t have to find out. It didn’t used to be like this. You remember those days. 

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10 hours ago, pfife said:

... I don't understand why the argument assumes two things:  Democrats entitlement to the left vote, and no culpability to the perps merely because they said beforehand they were gonna perp.

You are missing one assumption:


If someone votes without the vision (foresight, whatever one wants to call it) to see what is the consequences of said vote, or non-vote; then I assume that person is a moron.

To completely not understand voting for Donald MF'ing Trump, as a Bernie Bro turncoat (I believe stats say approximately 10% of them turned to Trump rather than vote for Hillary... so they are NOT blameless (I took a stab at the %, don't remember what it actually was but it was higher than 0% and lower than... maybe 20%?)); OR Otherwise... Is a shame upon that person non-voting or voting for a Fascist Scumbag like Trump. 

And just change the name to George W. Bush. The conversation doesn't change. If someone believes W. is a moron, would be an atrocious, nightmare president... then one should... stay at home because one wanted someone else as the Dem nominee, not Gore? Vote Nader or someone else because Gore wasn't LIBERAL enough? What STUPIDITY. Could people quit being this freaking BLIND and actually LOOK at what is being voted for? You know, like our DEMOCRACY. There is an IMPACT from these decisions and we now get to LIVE with the CONSEQUENCES of that STUPIDITY!

I'm with MCS... a POX on ANY MF'er who doesn't GET THIS.

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24 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

They could sing God Bless America on the Capitol steps.  God, our politicians are so weak.  That is why people don't vote.  

They all voted to codify Roe. 218 out of 219 voted to codify Roe. What else can the house do? I have yet to receive an answer on what house Democrats are suppose to do from the people who say they aren't doing enough. 

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10 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

Yeah we get to look forward to when gay marriage is overturned. 

I want Loving overturned next.

I am totally against overturning Loving... but I need that slap in the face of Clarence Thomas before he is no longer on the court. I want the uproar across the nation as a backlash against Conservatism, as a result of his poisonous politics, and the consequences thereof.

I want that roar to be loud and deafening.

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4 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

They all voted to codify Roe. 218 out of 219 voted to codify Roe. What else can the house do? I have yet to receive an answer on what house Democrats are suppose to do from the people who say they aren't doing enough. 

If they got more votes, they could have had more of a majority and passed it.  Do you think young people are inspired by any of the old out of touch Democrats?  AOC is the only one with a pulse.  I saw her protesting today and she is the only congress person that could pull it off without looking awkward.    

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Just now, Tiger337 said:

If they got more votes, they could have had more of a majority and passed it.  Do you think young people are inspired by any of the old out of touch Democrats?  AOC is the only one with a pulse.  I saw her protesting today and she is the only congress person that could pull it off without looking awkward.    

This is why I have no hope for this country. Apparently the Republicans trying to end democracy and taking away rights is till not enough to inspire young people to vote. I guess they will get the future they deserve. 

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7 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

If they got more votes, they could have had more of a majority and passed it.  Do you think young people are inspired by any of the old out of touch Democrats?  AOC is the only one with a pulse.  I saw her protesting today and she is the only congress person that could pull it off without looking awkward.    

fyi you owe them your vote and if you don't it's all your fault

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6 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

This is why I have no hope for this country. Apparently the Republicans trying to end democracy and taking away rights is till not enough to inspire young people to vote. I guess they will get the future they deserve. 

I didn't vote when I was young either because all the politicians came across as phonies who only cared about themselves.  I still think that, but as I got older and less idealistic, I decided to vote more and chose the politicians that pretended to care about the things I care about.  


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Democrats are starting to sound more like Trump. You need to codify Roe. They did vote for it but there isn't enough of them. OMG do more. What more can we do? I don't know, inspire me. It's like when Trump asked Pence to overturn the election and he told him he can't and Trump was just like find a way. 

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