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14 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

What happens when they overturn Obergefell to married couples whose spouse now enjoys employer benefits? Is the employer going to be required by law now to stop providing spousal benefits or will corporations willingly go along?

Don't be surprised if deep red states outlaw same sex partner benefits at the same time they outlaw same sex marriage, because religious liberty.

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2 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Don't be surprised if deep red states outlaw same sex partner benefits at the same time they outlaw same sex marriage, because religious liberty.


Massachusetts will mandate it; Mississippi will outlaw it.

Hobby Lobby will sue and win in the SC because a corporation's right to practice religion is the most important thing ever

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I know it's naive to never say never but I can't imagine that going over well with most people.   I think same sex marriage has more broad appeal than abortion rights.  But maybe not as intense.

The dems need to go scorthed earth 1996 style to portray the GOP as what they are.  Quit playing nice.

There's nuance to the abortion debate even though I don't think there should be. But there's nothing nuanced about same sex marriage anymore.


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4 minutes ago, oblong said:

I know it's naive to never say never but I can't imagine that going over well with most people.   I think same sex marriage has more broad appeal than abortion rights.  But maybe not as intense.

The dems need to go scorthed earth 1996 style to portray the GOP as what they are.  Quit playing nice.

There's nuance to the abortion debate even though I don't think there should be. But there's nothing nuanced about same sex marriage anymore.


I would never endorse banning same sex marriage. That is a private matter between the two partys. Now I could see the Trumpers saying "Whats next you can marry your goat?" Going down that road in a back way to repealing.

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2 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

I would never endorse banning same sex marriage. That is a private matter between the two partys. Now I could see the Trumpers saying "Whats next you can marry your goat?" Going down that road in a back way to repealing.

But it's against Jesus or something, so that's enough.

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13 minutes ago, oblong said:

I know it's naive to never say never but I can't imagine that going over well with most people.   I think same sex marriage has more broad appeal than abortion rights.  But maybe not as intense.

Does it matter? Americans oppose overturning Roe by 2-to-1 and that's not going to stop the Court.

And leafing from there, logically speaking, the Court can't not overturn Obergefell, or all of the rest of them, because they all rely on the same 14th Amendment due process right-to-privacy argument Roe does. I don't see how that 14th Amendment can apply to some of them but not to some of the others.

And good luck getting a permanent national right-to-abortion, right-to-marry-who-you-want, or any other similar-type law through Congress, since even if they could get enough legislators on board to pass it, it would surely be struck down by this or a similar court on 10th Amendment grounds.

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It would lead to a seismic shift in our political spectrum. Could be painful and confusing for a few years but this could be the final thing needed for the young to vote. 

let them talk about banning interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

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34 minutes ago, oblong said:

I know it's naive to never say never but I can't imagine that going over well with most people.   I think same sex marriage has more broad appeal than abortion rights.  But maybe not as intense.

The dems need to go scorthed earth 1996 style to portray the GOP as what they are.  Quit playing nice.

There's nuance to the abortion debate even though I don't think there should be. But there's nothing nuanced about same sex marriage anymore.


1000% this. There's a reason I've started using the term Christian Fundamentalist around here, because that's what these people and many Republic politicians are. The Democrats may not win with it, but they need to try going scorched earth as you said. Abortion rights, women's healthcare, gay marriage, LGTBQ equality, don't say gay laws, book bans, religious indoctrination in schools, saving democracy and the right to vote, they need to go after all of it. They need to show the average Democrat who doesn't normally come out to vote in a midterms what it means if these Republicans get a full grip on power. They also need to show the average independent/moderate and reasonable center-right voter what the Republican Party has become. Yes, inflation matters a great deal, yes gas prices matter a great deal, but so does saving democracy, so does a woman's right to choose, so does marriage equality, the books in your kids classroom and local library.

People like all of us our essentially amateur pundits, who pay close attention to the news, current events, politics, shifting political climates, etc. The average voter who only casually watches the news, pays little attention to politics, or gets much of their political exposure from memes a far right friend or relative of theirs has shared needs to understand the consequences of staying home or voting Republican. I think one thing Republicans are masterful at is making a big freaking deal out of everything, a mountain out of a molehill. They never miss a chance to go on about socialism, defund the police, CRT, immigration, abortion, etc. Democrats need to be in the mud, fighting just as ruthlessly to defend decent, mainstream values and our democratic institutions. We need to go on a full court press to show just how radicalized the Republican Party and their base have become. How far out of the mainstream they are. Republicans are artful in doing it to us and we sit back and take it too often.

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Every time I think this “man” can’t be slimier, he exceeds my expectations.

Let me just say that I haven’t been this despondent over current news, or more pessimistic about my country’s future in a long time… or perhaps, ever. 
Heartbreaking. I want to add infuriating, but honestly, extreme sadness is what I’m feeling at the moment. That emotion is pretty much taken over the forefront in my being.


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1 hour ago, oblong said:

I know it's naive to never say never but I can't imagine that going over well with most people.   I think same sex marriage has more broad appeal than abortion rights.  But maybe not as intense.

The dems need to go scorthed earth 1996 style to portray the GOP as what they are.  Quit playing nice.

There's nuance to the abortion debate even though I don't think there should be. But there's nothing nuanced about same sex marriage anymore.


Banning same-sex marriage would be an incredibly stupid thing for the GOP to wrap themselves in.... particularly with the kinds of younger voters that they are seeking to appeal to (ie. the Rogan set plus younger minorities). It's not even clear if Roe being repealed helps with that crowd, tbh, but same sex marriage would hurt even worse.

Edited by mtutiger
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11 minutes ago, smr-nj said:

Every time I think this “man” can’t be slimier, he exceeds my expectations.

Let me just say that I haven’t been this despondent over current news, or more pessimistic about my country’s future in a long time… or perhaps, ever. 
Heartbreaking. I want to add infuriating, but honestly, extreme sadness is what I’m feeling at the moment. That emotion is pretty much taken over the forefront in my being.


He's projecting.

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1 hour ago, oblong said:

It would lead to a seismic shift in our political spectrum. Could be painful and confusing for a few years but this could be the final thing needed for the young to vote. 

let them talk about banning interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

That sounds good to me, as long as they can get around voter-suppression strategies such as accepting gun permits as valid Voter IDs while rejecting student IDs for same.

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44 minutes ago, smr-nj said:

Every time I think this “man” can’t be slimier, he exceeds my expectations.

Let me just say that I haven’t been this despondent over current news, or more pessimistic about my country’s future in a long time… or perhaps, ever. 
Heartbreaking. I want to add infuriating, but honestly, extreme sadness is what I’m feeling at the moment. That emotion is pretty much taken over the forefront in my being.


Fight back.

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I remember a while back I think it was Stevens had the temerity to mention something about foreign law in a decision, and the right of course went absolutely bonkers.

Guess they're all good with our legal decisions being based on Sir Matthew Hale though. 

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4 hours ago, smr-nj said:

Every time I think this “man” can’t be slimier, he exceeds my expectations.

Let me just say that I haven’t been this despondent over current news, or more pessimistic about my country’s future in a long time… or perhaps, ever. 
Heartbreaking. I want to add infuriating, but honestly, extreme sadness is what I’m feeling at the moment. That emotion is pretty much taken over the forefront in my being.


I replied 


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I find it interesting that those who are support mass abortion think that a man or woman who have the opportunity to purchase several birth control options aren't responsible for their own bad decisions, but think that a 6 year old is responsible enough to decide their gender at recess. The liberal mind(less) hard at work.

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