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2023 Michigan Football


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12 minutes ago, MIguy said:

I wonder if Harbaugh is in communication with the coaches during the game?  Obviously he can't do anything in real time because of the delay, but what would keep him from watching Michigan's first drive on TV and then calling into a coach sitting in the box and giving his direction for the next drive?

it would be risky thing to be caught doing, but it could also be almost impossible to detect given the tech available to do it.

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2 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

it would be risky thing to be caught doing, but it could also be almost impossible to detect given the tech available to do it.

Would it even be considered a violation of his suspension?  Last I remember reading, he was simply banned from being at the stadium on game day.  

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

Either this is a conventional garden variety institution caught in the act story that someone is trying to come up with an outre cover story for, or the guy was pretty cracked. Story has bounced in both directions but plenty of popcorn to munch until it becomes clear which. 

Buddha always gives me grief about it but in the end I really have trouble seeing how the thing that major NCAA revenue sport is turning into, is compatible long term with the institutional objectives of a modern University. The management objectives and values are so alien to each other that I think University management systems will only have increasing problems handling oversight of their revenue sports programs as the sports get more professionalized.

i guess we have different ideas on what the "long term institutional objectives" of the university of michigan are.

this is not meant in any way as a criticism of you or anyone else working to educate students at michigan.  however, when i see tuition rates increasing multiple folds, when i see universities substitute foreign students for in state students because they pay more, when i see schools increasing class sizes and decreasing professors, increasing the use of cheap grad students or non-tenured faculty and paying them a pittance, increasing the size of the administrative bloat at the university with provost after meaningless provost, and sitting on billion dollar endowments that they use for junkets and new administration buildings and fancy athletic complexes, i find it hard to believe that the actual "mission" of the university of michigan is anything other than to make money for the university and the bureaucrats who run it.

in that respect, having "student" employees who play football to advertise the university and make its big money alumni happy and donating more into the machine that is the "university of michigan", this new world fits right in.

"the bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy."  that's the university system right now.  

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