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2023 Michigan Football


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Take nothing away from the end result of these recent Michigan teams but they were able to benefit from a very advantageous schedule against a softer than normal B1G.  It definitely played a role having 80% of the games at home and punting on having any competitive OOC games.   Similar vein to the Clemson teams that were very good and proven worthy but were able to rig the system a bit to put themselves in the easiest position to make the playoffs.      

They still have 8 home games next year but the rest is changing with the additional teams in the B1G, the dropping of divisions, and actually playing a real OOC game next year.   The road will be much tougher to get back to the same place.  

Edited by Hongbit
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45 minutes ago, Hongbit said:

Take nothing away from the end result of these recent Michigan teams but they were able to benefit from a very advantageous schedule against a softer than normal B1G.  It definitely played a role having 80% of the games at home and punting on having any competitive OOC games.   Similar vein to the Clemson teams that were very good and proven worthy but were able to rig the system a bit to put themselves in the easiest position to make the playoffs.      

They still have 8 home games next year but the rest is changing with the additional teams in the B1G, the dropping of divisions, and actually playing a real OOC game next year.   The road will be much tougher to get back to the same place.  

The last 3 years have been an anomaly. If you look over the past 75 years, records for Michigan like 9-2 or 8-3 were usually as good it gets. Some high points with Bo in the '70s and the odd years when things fell just right like 1997, but Michigan has never been a place where undefeated or 1-loss regular seasons should be considered the norm. That's why I argued that, pre-Covid, Harbaugh with three 10-3 seasons, a 9-4 season and an 8-5 season had already brought Michigan to its normal W-L level, absent a win or two over OSU in those 5 years and absent a conf championship or two.


Edited by lordstanley
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4 hours ago, buddha said:

and i dont think michigan is going to use their NIL like the ohio state's and alabama's of the world use their's (i.e.: against the actual rules)

I have a really hard time believing NIL is anything but a short term transition to schools paying athletes directly. NIL makes no sense from an economic standpoint because the the players are not being paid out of the income they actually generate - which is the media rights income. Ultimately the expenses to produce a product have to be paid directly out the real income the product produces. NIL is based on what is pretty much imaginary revenue potential and not real revenue collected somewhere. I think any economic arrangement where revenue is going one place and costs are being borne somewhere else can't sustain.

Edited by gehringer_2
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2 hours ago, lordstanley said:

The last 3 years have been an anomaly. If you look over the past 75 years, records for Michigan like 9-2 or 8-3 were usually as good it gets. Some high points with Bo in the '70s and the odd years when things fell just right like 1997, but Michigan has never been a place where undefeated or 1-loss regular seasons should be considered the norm. That's why I argued that, pre-Covid, Harbaugh with three 10-3 seasons, a 9-4 season and an 8-5 season had already brought Michigan to its normal W-L level, absent a win or two over OSU in those 5 years and absent a conf championship or two.


College football success is so much about head coaching. Alabama won with Bryant, lost with others, won with Saban. USC has been up and down from a national powerhouse to an also ran - all following who was coaching.

M plateaued under Bo at a high but not highest level because he was a great recruiter and teacher but a terrible football mind. Moeller combined the two and was building M into a top level power but couldn't keep his personal act together. Carr inherited the momentum of Moeler's 'Quarterbak U" program but slowly let it run downhill. Harbaugh has made the team tactically strong and has recruited well enough to the style game he wants to play.

But the big caveat with with Harbaugh even if he stays is QB recruiting. It took him a long time to find JJ and if he does return but can't put another uber talented QB in a winged helmet they will be right back to 8-4. He hasn't proven he can bring QB talent into the program consistently enough to stay at the top of the conference or in the playoff picture. 

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2 hours ago, buddha said:

jj really was the key to the offense.

having his brother let him have up and coming defensive coordinators was the key to the defense.

Concur.  That Shea Patterson team was such an under-achiever.  He just wasn't a real QB.

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Ohio’s NIL collective has gone full on scorched earth since losing to Michigan.  I can’t even imagine how many millions they’ve paid out for next year to existing players, portal transfers, and HS recruits.   If Harbaugh leaves, you know they are approaching the UM defensive studs with stupid 7 figure offers to jump ship.  

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1 hour ago, GoBlue23 said:

I just want the Harbaugh saga to end.  It's clear that he wants to go back to the NFL so lets just rip the band aid off and get our coaching situation straightened out.   

If he comes back it will just be rinse and repeat next year. I'd also guess that one of the things that frosts Harbaugh about Manuel is that Warde wants to up Harbaugh's reverse buyout in any new deal to something pretty painful, (it was $2.5M to start in the last one, dropping to $1.5M this year) which might be one of the things beside the arbitration panel that is a sticking  point.

A goofy idea, but with Harbaugh I think it's a possible one, is that I would not be surprised if Jim Harbaugh want's to wait to see if Jack Harbaugh gets to another SB and what the outcome is, while his suitors in the NFL might be demanding he decide before then..

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15 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I think the job should go to Moore or Minter if Harbaugh leaves as they have earned the right to. That said, I still wouldn't be upset if my boy Luke was poached from Wisconsin or we got a guy like Eli Drinkwitz from Missouri here.

minter is likely to leave with harbaugh.  moore is the obvious easy choice.

this is not a surprise for michigan, one would hope they have a plan in place.  i assume that plan is moore.

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1 minute ago, buddha said:

minter is likely to leave with harbaugh.  moore is the obvious easy choice.

this is not a surprise for michigan, one would hope they have a plan in place.  i assume that plan is moore.

Moore is the easy part.  The other part of the plan is to be prepared for the 30 day transfer window.  I hope the thought isn’t these are Michigan men and they will never leave.  I’m sure they are loyal and love the program but Bama and OSU will spare no expense.   UM NIL better have a few million around to pay to keep Johnson, Graham, and a few others.   

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14 minutes ago, Hongbit said:

Moore is the easy part.  The other part of the plan is to be prepared for the 30 day transfer window.  I hope the thought isn’t these are Michigan men and they will never leave.  I’m sure they are loyal and love the program but Bama and OSU will spare no expense.   UM NIL better have a few million around to pay to keep Johnson, Graham, and a few others.   

theyre going to lose people most likely.  if they keep moore they will likely lose less people.  

that should not be the reason they hire moore full time.  they need to think of the program long term and if he is the person to lead it.

whomever they choose, the program is going to fall off.  harbaugh was a unicorn for michigan.  i doubt there is another program that can reach those levels recruiting at michigan's current level.  

(you'll hate this part)  if michigan continues to insist on playing by the letter of the law in NIL, theyre likely to fall even further behind the bama, osu, and georgia's of the world.

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1 hour ago, buddha said:

minter is likely to leave with harbaugh.  moore is the obvious easy choice.

this is not a surprise for michigan, one would hope they have a plan in place.  i assume that plan is moore.

Does Warde Manuel have a strategic plan for anything? It doesn't feel like it sometimes. I hope he has the ink and contract ready to go for Moore if Harbaugh leaves town. Conversely, I hope Moore has plans for his OC and DC and that Mike Hart isn't his plan for OC. I think the university needs to spend the money and make a push to bring in big time coordinators to help support Moore, simply go with next man up.

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1 hour ago, buddha said:

(you'll hate this part)  if michigan continues to insist on playing by the letter of the law in NIL, theyre likely to fall even further behind the bama, osu, and georgia's of the world.

Direct payments are coming. Then how will they handle that?

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I don't get people griping about Harbaugh taking too long to decide. It has been 2 weeks since the national championship game, 10 days since the rally & parade. He's negotiating a life-changing move and the Chargers are about to commit to tens of millions of dollars. I've seen secretarial hires in small businesses drag out longer. Sounds like this will get done by the weekend at the latest, maybe as soon as tomorrow, and that's pretty much lightning fast, IMO.

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50 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

They're National Champions and haven't lost a game since 2022. I'm ready for Jim to fly the nest too, if for nothing else than to avoid this yearly episode of will-he/won't-he drama.... but let's not make the basketball thread title true again.

be careful what you wish for.

let us not forget what michigan football was like before harbaugh: richrod and brady hoke.  never beat ohio state, ceded the state to msu, lost to toledo at home.  basically a laughingstock.

that could very easily happen again without a program as good as this current one in finding and developing 3 and 4* talent.  in all honesty, i'd be shocked if it DIDNT happen.

these are the glory days of michigan football.  unless you get another unicorn coach or a major change in how the university sees how it views its athletics program, youre going to end up with the basketball team all over again.

remember, before beilein left, michigan basketball routinely made final fours and turned 3* kids into nba players.  how is that working out now that beilein is gone?

the same thing can happen to football quite easily.

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9 minutes ago, buddha said:

be careful what you wish for.

let us not forget what michigan football was like before harbaugh: richrod and brady hoke.  never beat ohio state, ceded the state to msu, lost to toledo at home.  basically a laughingstock.

that could very easily happen again without a program as good as this current one in finding and developing 3 and 4* talent.  in all honesty, i'd be shocked if it DIDNT happen.

these are the glory days of michigan football.  unless you get another unicorn coach or a major change in how the university sees how it views its athletics program, youre going to end up with the basketball team all over again.

remember, before beilein left, michigan basketball routinely made final fours and turned 3* kids into nba players.  how is that working out now that beilein is gone?

the same thing can happen to football quite easily.

I agree, it's possible. But I'm treating Jim leaving as an inevitability now. If I was told that if he stayed at Michigan this cycle, he would be here for life, I would want him to stay. But it's not if he goes to the NFL anymore, it's when. And it might as well be now, when the program is at its highest.

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