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1 hour ago, Deleterious said:

Intel Gains on Report That Qualcomm Made Takeover Approach

Sort of interesting.  I can't see the Feds allowing this to happen.  And I don't understand why Qualcomm would want this to happen.  Manufacturing chips is extremely difficult and Intel isn't very good at it.  In fact, they currently out source some of their production to TSMC because Intel can't do it.

Intel does have some interesting chip technology coming down the pipeline.  Early benchmarks for their Lunar Lake chips look good, comparable to Snapdragon and even some of the Apple ARM stuff.  But again, those chips were designed by Intel but manufactured by TSMC.  Maybe Qualcomm wants to pick the good parts off the carcass and leave all the manufacturing garbage behind.


yeah - I don't know where Qualcomm was going either. I think for Intel it was just good PR to talk about someone being interested. Intel's big foundry investments will be coming on line over in the next couple/three years. If they execute on those, the foundry business will be fine, if not, not so much of course. They are still "all in" with the plan so to speak other than one plant 'delayed' (read canceled?) in Germany, and this is the lull before the win or loss gets tallied. At this point Wall street doesn't like the bet - of course it doesn't like many bets that far over the horizon! But Intel's balance sheet is strong enough they won't be in serious danger before they get to see if their investments pay off or not. They have also triangulated themselves into status politically as the strategic national defense supplier in US Gov reshoring efforts away from TSMC so its a good chance they are now on Uncle Sam's "won't be allowed to fail" list if any lifelines are ever required. Company still may make more sense in 2 pieces, but I get the impression they are just making noises of due diligence in that direction for the street without being serious about wanting to do it - but I'm just spit balling there - we'll see how it shakes out in maybe a year or so.

Edited by gehringer_2
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