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2023 NCAA Football Thread


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Today some hilariously terrible journalism on MLive about 'what we know about the story' in which after reporting that Stalion purchased tickets to lots of games (which is certainly relevant) they then go on to describe Stalion standing on the sideline next to coaches apparently trying to decode signals in real time, clearly implying this is also some kind of evidence, when of course anything he is doing in real time, live at the game is completely legal and has zero bearing on his alleged cheating scheme!

Edited by gehringer_2
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46 minutes ago, casimir said:

So you’d have no problem with any of Michigan’s opponents doing the same thing in return?  Even though it’s apparently against the rules?

Doesn’t it seem odd that the U of Morality was quick to suspend the spy once the story got out?  That’s not Harbaugh’s nature to cave in so easily like that, is it?

they already do it, so sure.

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13 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

But it would be consistent with his claim that whatever happened was without his knowledge. Or less charitably, with wanting to create the impression that what happened was without his knowledge - either way 😱

So, the Urban Meyer flavor of amnesia?

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1 hour ago, romad1 said:

A top 10 university with an excellent alumni base and an excellent football team that is stomping all comers. 

What’s that supposed to mean?  I simply meant it sounds like there’s too much documentation about what happened.  Maybe the due diligence was to the wrong side.

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17 minutes ago, casimir said:

What’s that supposed to mean?  I simply meant it sounds like there’s too much documentation about what happened.  Maybe the due diligence was to the wrong side.

I was documenting what we know about this situation. 

Every other thing is speculation that serves the soft interests of the soft team in Columbus and the other Michigan haters who gave them all the oxygen this week.

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16 minutes ago, romad1 said:

I was documenting what we know about this situation. 

Every other thing is speculation that serves the soft interests of the soft team in Columbus and the other Michigan haters who gave them all the oxygen this week.

Your sarcasm is strong today.  Good stuff.

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why do people like deion so much?  he's a real **** publicly to his players.  

i guess he's the first guy to publicly admit that this is professional football, but i rarely see a college coach throw his team under the bus so often.  narduzzi just did it and got blasted, deion does it and its "real talk."

as a manager of people, i cant imagine throwing my team constantly under the bus and saying were going to replace everyone as some sort of motivator.  its horrible management.

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1 hour ago, buddha said:

why do people like deion so much?  he's a real **** publicly to his players.  

i guess he's the first guy to publicly admit that this is professional football, but i rarely see a college coach throw his team under the bus so often.  narduzzi just did it and got blasted, deion does it and its "real talk."

as a manager of people, i cant imagine throwing my team constantly under the bus and saying were going to replace everyone as some sort of motivator.  its horrible management.

don't disagree in general, but there is a still a difference between a coach's public personna and his team personna. Hypothetically if he was a highly validating coach in the locker room, his players might not care what he 'performs' for the media. Not saying I have any reason to think that is true for Dieon, but it's the kind of thing that's always possible, and we know in general that it is very common for coaches to be Jekyll and Hyde wrt who they are in the media vs who they are to their players and their players know that perfectly well. As media gets more pervasive I think generally it's more common for people in all fields that have public media presence to have some intentionality in creating public personnae that optimize their marketability. How much connection those public personnae have to who they really are tends to be incidental. If Deion's players stay with him, that's the only way to know really.

To your point about Narduzzi being panned for what Deion is lauded for, it's no different that different actors being appropriate for different roles. I wouldn't care for Humphrey Bogart as Hamlet, nor Olivier as Sam Spade, and watching either of them in either role tells me nothing about whether I'd want either as a mentor. Everywhere there are cameras, people eventually become actors.

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