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Detroit Lions 2024 Offseason Thread

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3 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

'Truly Innocent' is sort of an ideality isn't it? There are millions of people who are not 'Truly Innocent' that can't be convicted of any crime.

Since NFL deals are largely un-guaranteed, the Lions had the right to cut him before his case was resolved. That also creates a kind of momentum to assume he's as good as convicted. But you never know, it's not unusual for cases to end up being legally more complex than they appear initially.

The Lions were trying to get cap relief though, weren't they? Voiding a contract seems different than just releasing a player.

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17 minutes ago, Sports_Freak said:

The Lions were trying to get cap relief though, weren't they? Voiding a contract seems different than just releasing a player.

Yes, I think the plan is to appeal for cap relief, but I didn't mean to be particularly precise about the release terminology - the point more simply being that they quickly decided to wash their hands of him. In lieu of the charge already being reduced to a misdemeanor however, I wonder if their case for relief has just been undercut. Then again, it may depend more on the conduct language in the CBA than what he is actually charged/convicted of under law.

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8 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:


So they do know how to make a press release!

"a family matter" is a weird way to spell domestic violence. This happens so often in these cases.

and if she decides not to testify against him even the misdemeanor goes poof.

In any case the odds of him playing in the NFL by say -- mid-season, just got a lot better.

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3 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

and if she decides not to testify against him even the misdemeanor goes poof.

In any case the odds of him playing in the NFL by say -- mid-season, just got a lot better.

And if his NFL career and the $8MM signing bonus goes poof, a big chunk of child support she would have received goes poof too.

I'm glad he's gone no matter the cap ramifications.

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

Yes, I think the plan is to appeal for cap relief, but I didn't mean to be particularly precise about the release terminology - the point more simply being that they quickly decided to wash their hands of him. In lieu of the charge already being reduced to a misdemeanor however, I wonder if their case for relief has just been undercut. Then again, it may depend more on the conduct language in the CBA than what he is actually charged/convicted of under law.

Yeah, I dont think the cap hit would cripple the Lions. We should be comfortably below it. But...I'm not a salary cap expert.

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34 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

and if she decides not to testify against him even the misdemeanor goes poof.

In any case the odds of him playing in the NFL by say -- mid-season, just got a lot better.

In some states, a woman doesn't need to testify. The police can say what they witnessed at the scene...violence or bruises. They had to change the laws (in some states) because of this type of case.

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13 minutes ago, Sports_Freak said:

In some states, a woman doesn't need to testify. The police can say what they witnessed at the scene...violence or bruises. They had to change the laws (in some states) because of this type of case.

that's true, that option is there. Doesn't mean it still isn't harder to win such a case. And if the original complainant is not only passive but now actually hostile to the prosecution because some kind of out of court deal was reached.....(not clear that is the case here but Sutton's lawyers appear to be angling for one)

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41 minutes ago, Hongbit said:

Cam Sutton lost his guaranteed 8 figure contract because he went AWOL over what amounted to a single misdemeanor charge that will probably result with no legal punishment.   Total moron. 

If I had to guess, he's spent the last ten days wooing over his victim. I'm not one to paint with broad brushes, but abusers have a very typical pattern.

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5 hours ago, Sports_Freak said:

This is correct. A judge looks at the evidence and signs the warrant. It's not just the police deciding to arrest him.

I think they run it by the prosecutor b4 the judge...that' three sets of eyes looking at the same evidence

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It’s not about the warrant for me. Three people can see it, but three people are only seeing one version of events at that stage. People can have a warrant issued and be innocent.

It’s about the totality of what has leaked (police responded, woman having wounds, Sutton not being there, warrant being issued, Sutton leaving town, it going public, Sutton refusing to turn himself in, ten days passing with no word from him or his people, finally turning himself in, and magically a witness becomes uncooperative) that makes me think he’s in all likelihood a piece of ****.

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11 hours ago, Shinzaki said:

I think they run it by the prosecutor b4 the judge...that' three sets of eyes looking at the same evidence

Yes but it's still evidence presented without defense. Look, I'm not trying to argue that Sutton shouldn't've been arrested here. Nor am I arguing that arrest warrants should be argued and defended before they are issued. That's not the purpose of an arrest warrant.

I'm just saying that it's entirely possible that the evidence looks worse than it really is or that the part of the evidence (ie statements made to police) could be false. That's why after the arrest the case goes through the court system.

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9 hours ago, MichiganCardinal said:

It’s not about the warrant for me. Three people can see it, but three people are only seeing one version of events at that stage. People can have a warrant issued and be innocent.

It’s about the totality of what has leaked (police responded, woman having wounds, Sutton not being there, warrant being issued, Sutton leaving town, it going public, Sutton refusing to turn himself in, ten days passing with no word from him or his people, finally turning himself in, and magically a witness becomes uncooperative) that makes me think he’s in all likelihood a piece of ****.

100% this. I agree absolutely with this. The warrant alone isn't enough for me to say the guy's a bum. All the other stuff associated with it is what makes me think the guy's a bum.

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37 minutes ago, RedRamage said:

Yes but it's still evidence presented without defense. Look, I'm not trying to argue that Sutton shouldn't've been arrested here. Nor am I arguing that arrest warrants should be argued and defended before they are issued. That's not the purpose of an arrest warrant.

I'm just saying that it's entirely possible that the evidence looks worse than it really is or that the part of the evidence (ie statements made to police) could be false. That's why after the arrest the case goes through the court system.

Yes...that's what the presumption of innocence entails.  

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I think with this situation its more of an equation on severity of the accusation compared to actual value (and cost to let that player go).  If he was Sauce Gardner then you wait and see.  Ray Lewis got accused of murder but he was Ray Lewis, so you wait and see.  The fact that he got destroyed by receivers all last season made that equation easy for the Lions and the decision to not wait and see before you release him (not turning himself in right away made it even easier).  For a long time I stopped thinking sports figures or anyone famous for that matter were great people.  It makes things a lot easier to just think everyone has skeletons in their closets and just enjoy what they do on the field.

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Would this regime wait and see with a supremely talented, elite-level player like a Sauce or a Ray Lewis type? As much as they preach culture around here, I don't know that they'd put up with this from any player, no matter their abilities on the field.

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1 hour ago, Motown Bombers said:

They kept Jameson Williams and cut everyone else who got caught gambling. 

Yeah but...

1. Jameson was caught gambling on non-NFL games. Two others who were cut were caught gambling on NFL games. The other person who was gambling on non-NFL games was Stanley Berryhill who was really a "fill up the roster depth for training camp" guy... he was on 3 different practice squads in '22, nowhere in '23, in the UFL and CFL in '24. His position on the roster was so tenuous that if he farted at the wrong time he might have been cut.

2. Gambling =/= domestic violence ... and no, I'm NOT saying you were saying they were the same. I'm quite sure you don't view them the same way. My point is only that we don't know for sure if the Lions would have kept Jamison if it was domestic violence/running from the police instead of merely gambling from the wrong place.

Edit to add: Thinking about it some, I do think the Lions probably keep Jamison is he was betting on NFL games, so I do think they'll accept some level of "bad" if a player is talented enough. That's not surprising of course. The only question is how much "bad" will they tolerate?

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39 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

This is the GM for Arizona. At the end he makes the deal with the Lions. You can hear that Holmes asked for a 1st in 2024. They seemed pretty happy with the deal. 


Fun to watch. It's sort of like an olympic gymnastics performance. Years of preparation concentrated down to a matter of seconds to succeed or fail. He has to have already internalized the consequences of thousands of permutations to be able to move like that - assuming that he actually did know what he was doing! :classic_laugh:

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