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Tiger Cubs (notes on the minors)


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17 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

Parker is not exactly doing the Kerry Carpenter thing, but relative to how he had been languishing this has been a good season for him. From here he probably needs to make about as much more improvement as he made this year to make MLB, but at least he's making progress.

He’s still got ways to go, but it looked like he would be playing his way out of baseball if he didn’t turn a corner this year. Nice to see him back in the radar at least. 

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5 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

Parker is not exactly doing the Kerry Carpenter thing, but relative to how he had been languishing this has been a good season for him. From here he probably needs to make about as much more improvement as he made this year to make MLB, but at least he's making progress.

It's easy to forget he is 22 because it feels like he has been here forever. He is a big guy so I think sometimes it takes a little more time to figure out your body. I mean to put it in context he would have been drafted either this year or the year before had he went to college. If we take out the May start in which he was getting used to the league from June 1st he has a wRC+ 128 .841 OPS with a .287 AVG and a 14.9% K rate along with an 11.2% walk rate. He isn't Carpenter level yet but he's 22 and doing that at AA. That being said it isn't all sunshine and roses. He needs to work on hitting lefties. He is hitting a .540 OPS against them which you just can't do if you want to make it to the bigs. 


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10 minutes ago, LongLiveMaroth said:

It's easy to forget he is 22 because it feels like he has been here forever. He is a big guy so I think sometimes it takes a little more time to figure out your body. I mean to put it in context he would have been drafted either this year or the year before had he went to college. If we take out the May start in which he was getting used to the league from June 1st he has a wRC+ 128 .841 OPS with a .287 AVG and a 14.9% K rate along with an 11.2% walk rate. He isn't Carpenter level yet but he's 22 and doing that at AA. That being said it isn't all sunshine and roses. He needs to work on hitting lefties. He is hitting a .540 OPS against them which you just can't do if you want to make it to the bigs. 


Looked like he was upset with himself at first.

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1 hour ago, SoCalTiger said:

Does anyone know how the 3rd baseman we traded to Cincinnati for Barnhart is doing? I think we drafted him in the second round and he was bad. Curious if he is still bad or better in the Reds system. 

Quintana's OPSing around .800 between A+ & AA.  He hadn't established himself as a prospect via his stats with the Tigers.  Maybe Cincinnati saw something to adjust and/or he just had a breakthrough as a player?

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1 hour ago, gehringer_2 said:

Parker is not exactly doing the Kerry Carpenter thing, but relative to how he had been languishing this has been a good season for him. From here he probably needs to make about as much more improvement as he made this year to make MLB, but at least he's making progress.

That first month of AA was hard, but he appears to have more or less figured it out. He may warrant a bump ump to Toledo soon one would think.

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4 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

Too convoluted to be meaningful. So if I have this right, this throws out players drafted at catcher or infield to move to the outfield? If so, why?

seems a silly qualifier.  As noted in the replies Gabe Kapler was in the 57th round but he was drafted as a 3B.

It's neat trivia and something you an mention at the game to the person next to you but that's it.


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Carpenter would project as a 2 WAR DH if he hits his projected batting numbers on Fangraphs. Unlikely, but here's hoping. He crushed AA and AAA pitching so much this year that the data models like him a lot now. A prospect list that only looked at numbers and nothing else would probably have Carpenter as a top 100 prospect (but the back end of said list).

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Jobe with a decent line tonight. Went 6 innings of 2 run baseball(both runs off solo shots) with 6Ks and 1BB. Sucks to see him give up a couple homers but nice to see him navigate through 6 innings with just those 2 runs being the only blemishes against him. Would like to know how his actual stuff looks though. 

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