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18 hours ago, RandyMarsh said:

The Yankees have hit as many HRs in the past 2 games as we have in the past 3 and a half weeks or 700 plate appearances. 

On the season we have 30HRs in just under 2100 or 1 HR in every 70 PAs and trending downward, for reference Jose Iglesias for his career is 1 for every 85. At our current rate we could be to Iglesias' HR rate by the end of the month. 

On June 3 I traveled 20 hours to get from Vancouver to a small town north of Manchester on the Irish Sea. I spent the next 6 days trekking 185 miles on foot from that coast to the North Sea on the other side of England. Then took multiple trains to get to Manchester, overnight, continue onto Heathrow and fly home, arriving Saturday night. I've now been home 45 hours. In all that time, the Tigers have not hit one home run.

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8 minutes ago, lordstanley said:

On June 3 I traveled 20 hours to get from Vancouver to a small town north of Manchester on the Irish Sea. I spent the next 6 days trekking 185 miles on foot from that coast to the North Sea on the other side of England. Then took multiple trains to get to Manchester, overnight, continue onto Heathrow and fly home, arriving Saturday night. I've now been home 45 hours. In all that time, the Tigers have not hit one home run.

Kewl. Was that sort of park to park to park through that area?

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15 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

My default in the wake of Tyler Skaggs is some kind of painkiller addiction.

A few years ago, the Dallas Stars had to fire their head coach (Jim Montgomery) because of off ice issues... I just remember how wild and toxic that conversation was down here where I live and, idk, it was kinda gross. Any number of reasons were speculated on.

I believe it came out later that it was substance abuse, but he was ultimately the one to reveal and confirm it. As it should be

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35 minutes ago, SoCalTiger said:

It can't be health related can it because he would be paid. Can anyone translate ?

Mental health, addiction, burnout, legal troubles are things I've seen it used for in the past. Or a family situation that lasts longer than 7 days.

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This probably belongs in the minors thread but say a headline from the Toledo paper that Lloyd is out for unannounced reasons today, not sure for how long. The story was behind the Blade's paywall. if I was into conspiracies I'd wonder.

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40 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

This probably belongs in the minors thread but say a headline from the Toledo paper that Lloyd is out for unannounced reasons today, not sure for how long. The story was behind the Blade's paywall. if I was into conspiracies I'd wonder.

The mere fact that this has not been reported by anybody on the Tigers beat is a major indictment. The Tigers blackballing of Fenech has them scared.

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1 hour ago, Edman85 said:

Mental health, addiction, burnout, legal troubles are things I've seen it used for in the past. Or a family situation that lasts longer than 7 days.

if it's something he has to travel to travel to Venezuela for then who knows if he could be back in less than 7 days. FWIW, he pitched really well in the rehab start, you would think that argues against it being a baseball issue.

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5 hours ago, lordstanley said:

On June 3 I traveled 20 hours to get from Vancouver to a small town north of Manchester on the Irish Sea. I spent the next 6 days trekking 185 miles on foot from that coast to the North Sea on the other side of England. Then took multiple trains to get to Manchester, overnight, continue onto Heathrow and fly home, arriving Saturday night. I've now been home 45 hours. In all that time, the Tigers have not hit one home run.

Awesome,  I have drooled over those maps many times.

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2 hours ago, Edman85 said:

Mental health, addiction, burnout, legal troubles are things I've seen it used for in the past. Or a family situation that lasts longer than 7 days.

None of those sound good. Thanks for the enlightenment. Hope it settles soon and in a good way. 

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6 hours ago, lordstanley said:

On June 3 I traveled 20 hours to get from Vancouver to a small town north of Manchester on the Irish Sea. I spent the next 6 days trekking 185 miles on foot from that coast to the North Sea on the other side of England. Then took multiple trains to get to Manchester, overnight, continue onto Heathrow and fly home, arriving Saturday night. I've now been home 45 hours. In all that time, the Tigers have not hit one home run.

Sounds like an awesome adventure.  

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I hate to copy from behind a paywall, but Will Carroll's newsletter is chock full of injury goodness, and I have been exchanging dm's with him every time Hinch tries to obfuscate the Mize injury. Unfortunately, the Tigers beat just regurgitates Hinch. This is from the newsletter.


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45 minutes ago, Edman85 said:

I hate to copy from behind a paywall, but Will Carroll's newsletter is chock full of injury goodness, and I have been exchanging dm's with him every time Hinch tries to obfuscate the Mize injury. Unfortunately, the Tigers beat just regurgitates Hinch. This is from the newsletter.


the interesting part is that surgically reconstruction is prefered to repair. From a purely mechanical perspective you might think the process would be aided by only having to do one end, but apparently not. I've haven't seen exactly how they do a UCL but I have seen schematics of  ligament replacement techniques (ACL) where they do a looping attachment, in which case the remains of the existing ligament aren't any help - not long enough.

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