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This season has been pretty brutal to watch.  Last nights game really took the wind out of my sails.  I was hoping for around .500.

Knowing that will not happen and just trying to figure out what is going on has been maddening.  They could have turned a corner and been a slightly above .500 team or they could have gone the other way, but this?  Just about every hitter is doing well below what you would expect.

When things are good the clubhouse is good, when things start to go bad....maybe they just kept spiraling until we got to this.  I have never heard about Baez being that bad of a team mate, but something is definitely off. 

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The ironic thing is that the fact that our guys are having such horrible years may be the best thing for Avila. For arguments sake lets pretend that Chris actually gives a shit about the team and is indeed thinking of firing Al.  He may be able to convince Chris that these guys are off to such flukishly bad starts that nobody could have foreseen coming which is why the team is losing and once those stats correct themselves the team will turn it around.

On the other hand if the guys were performing at or near their personal expectations AND the team was still losing Al would have no excuse, it would show that he constructed a team that wasn't capable of winning even when the players are performing to expectations. 

Edited by RandyMarsh
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3 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

Guess I'm not sure how people expect rebuilds to go? It's going to be for a few years before it gets better. I think the problem is the Tigers just don't seem to have the depth of the talent they should have after going through 4 years of tanking. 

How long is supposed to take?  How many seasons of below .400 baseball?

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Should also add that in 2015 and 2016 the Astros won 86 and 84 games. Not exactly championship caliber but the 86 wins was enough to earn a wildcard. Luhnow took over in 2012 after they lost 106 games and got them to contention by 2017. It took five years not including all the bad years prior to Luhnow. Fans want rebuilds until they actually have to go through them. My issue is that it doesn't seem like the Tigers have the depth of talent that Houston did after four years of rebuilding. 

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2 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

Should also add that in 2015 and 2016 the Astros won 86 and 84 games. Not exactly championship caliber but the 86 wins was enough to earn a wildcard. Luhnow took over in 2012 after they lost 106 games and got them to contention by 2017. It took five years not including all the bad years prior to Luhnow. Fans want rebuilds until they actually have to go through them. My issue is that it doesn't seem like the Tigers have the depth of talent that Houston did after four years of rebuilding. 

That's the issue.

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33 minutes ago, chasfh said:

Me: (Tells wife stat of the day, above)

Wife: “Wow.”

Me: “Yeah, Tigers suck.”

Wife: “Maybe you suck for following them.”

Me: “ … “

I remember being told a few times in 2003 how it was a bold move to be wearing my Tigers hat around.... 

It just is what it is.... I wasn't born a Dodgers fan, unfortunately. lol

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All this talk about "we might lose AJ".    That doesn't bother me like it would have 3 months ago.   Sorry, I think he's checked out too............

The whole thing is sinking

But the good news is.........

Only 45 more 2-hit games for Riley Greene at Toledo and then can finally call him up and put him in the middle of a lineup with no good hitters, where he won't be protected and will probably flop terribly. 

Can't wait for that. 


Oh, but what until THIS year's draft.   We're gonna get someone that can help us by 2027 !

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By the way, if they send Torkelson down (which might be good for the guy's psyche), the only other actual first baseman they would have on the entire roster (Active or 40-man) would be Miguel Cabrera. 

Harold Castro (second best hitter on the team), Willi Castro, Eric Haase or Jonathan Schoop would probably play first base. 



Because this team in all these years of drafting, have not drafted a viable first baseman.   I know they had Miggy, but I think they could have planned a little better for the day Miggy became a DH.  

What's Jeff Larish up to?  He's a career .224 hitter with a .308 OBP.  He'd fit right in. 

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2 hours ago, mtutiger said:

I remember being told a few times in 2003 how it was a bold move to be wearing my Tigers hat around....

It was a matter of pride to wear any Tigers gear back then. When I spotted anyone wearing the olde english D it would be a nod. Then 2006 happened and every dumb fan of the terrible Huge Show started wearing that gear and I was reluctant to engage in conversation with anyone who relied on that windbag for opinions on the Tigers. I stopped wearing it for a few years as a result.

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