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Coronavirus: Already In a Neighborhood Near You

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I talked Covid with my long term care / rehab center working brother and he mentioned they get fined 65k for every patient that develops Covid while they are there.  Technically the state has to prove they got it from a staff member, but they are a bigger facility and the only question the state asks is "has any employee tested positive in the last two weeks'.  If the answer is yes, they are fined and they also get some other mark against them that affects their rating and can impact federal payments.  Apparently it's a federal agency that set it up, but it's up to the State to enforce and Michigan has chosen to follow with the above procedure.  

Mind you, they can only enforce mask mandate in the common areas.  They aren't allowed to force testing, even on their own dime, and once family is in the room with a patient, they are allowed to unmask if they are vaccinated, but they aren't allowed to demand proof.  All visiting limitations were completely removed by the feds as we were heading up in our current spike as well.  Oh joy!  

Fast forward to today and my wife woke up with a rash all over her body.  Doctor office tells her to get a Covid tests before they'll let her come in or go to the emergency room.  Looked around the house as I knew I had a few, but with company/family in town, we moved everything and the kids helped.  Finally decide to run up to the store, none at Walgreens, try CVS, none there either.  Wife ended up going to the hospital.  They don't get her a covid test and diagnose her with an allergic reaction, but want her to follow up with her doc.  Tonight I searched again and found a test so now she can see her doctor tomorrow, but this crap is ridiculous.  Luckily I have insurance that covers most of the emergency bill and I can afford my 200 dollar copay.  Many people can't though.  



  On 12/28/2021 at 12:17 AM, Motor City Sonics said:

I just read an article online (which means it must be true) that the reason the Omicron strain is spreading so fast is that it is spread by sight.........SIGHT...............If you lock eyes with someone with Omicron you will get it too. 


Boy, if I wasn't vaccinated, I'd pour a bunch of bleach in my eyes..............

  On 12/28/2021 at 1:06 AM, CMRivdogs said:

I wonder if polarized sunglasses help, you know like a mask.


you can also disinfect by looking directly into an eclipse

  On 12/28/2021 at 2:46 AM, ewsieg said:

I talked Covid with my long term care / rehab center working brother and he mentioned they get fined 65k for every patient that develops Covid while they are there.  Technically the state has to prove they got it from a staff member, but they are a bigger facility and the only question the state asks is "has any employee tested positive in the last two weeks'.  If the answer is yes, they are fined and they also get some other mark against them that affects their rating and can impact federal payments.  Apparently it's a federal agency that set it up, but it's up to the State to enforce and Michigan has chosen to follow with the above procedure.  

Mind you, they can only enforce mask mandate in the common areas.  They aren't allowed to force testing, even on their own dime, and once family is in the room with a patient, they are allowed to unmask if they are vaccinated, but they aren't allowed to demand proof.  All visiting limitations were completely removed by the feds as we were heading up in our current spike as well.  Oh joy!  

Fast forward to today and my wife woke up with a rash all over her body.  Doctor office tells her to get a Covid tests before they'll let her come in or go to the emergency room.  Looked around the house as I knew I had a few, but with company/family in town, we moved everything and the kids helped.  Finally decide to run up to the store, none at Walgreens, try CVS, none there either.  Wife ended up going to the hospital.  They don't get her a covid test and diagnose her with an allergic reaction, but want her to follow up with her doc.  Tonight I searched again and found a test so now she can see her doctor tomorrow, but this crap is ridiculous.  Luckily I have insurance that covers most of the emergency bill and I can afford my 200 dollar copay.  Many people can't though.  


Urgent care is ideal in these situations, Most are also doing onsite teasting too.   

  On 12/28/2021 at 2:31 AM, ewsieg said:

97.1 was talking about football players as they head into january 1st.  You can be damn sure they need to be dying from Covid before they call the team doc up and let them know they have symptoms.  They want to play and even moreso, they don't want to be the reason themselves and those in close contact with them don't have to go into Covid protocol and risk missing the game too.


I wonder if they are getting tested daily?  I assume that’s why we saw a rash of breakthroughs in the nhl and nba the last 2 weeks. Asymptomatic overall. And especially hockey players…. Being on the ice and sweating so much.  they exhibit symptoms all season. How many times have you seen guys blow snot rockets on the bench or ice. 

  On 12/28/2021 at 2:31 AM, ewsieg said:

97.1 was talking about football players as they head into january 1st.  You can be damn sure they need to be dying from Covid before they call the team doc up and let them know they have symptoms.  They want to play and even moreso, they don't want to be the reason themselves and those in close contact with them don't have to go into Covid protocol and risk missing the game too.


No doubt. With such a short career span and a seemingly endless supply of practice squad guys ready to step in and take your place at a moment’s notice, every game could be your last. In a career situation like that, way do you take a sick day if you can avoid it.

  On 12/27/2021 at 5:41 AM, Mr.TaterSalad said:

If you show some of these anti-vaxxer Trump supporters data and they don't understand what they are looking at it's almost futile to try and correct them or reexplain it to them in a different manner. They will think you are getting hostile and condescending towards them. From there, they will elicit any number of reactions and emotions from lashing out in anger or getting defensive or shutting completely. These individuals have shown they don't have a propensity to become inquisitive and start asking questions with an open mind to help them better understand the data and science they are looking at. this problem is further compounded when they see the person the admire most, Donald Trump, trafficking in lies, misinformation, and misunderstandings of his own.

You don't even need to look at anti-vaxxers Trump supporters to see this type of response and behavior in action, look to Trump himself. His wild and crazy interview with Jonathan Swann of Axios, where he is talking about Covid highlighted this.



 This is a pretty old interview. Not defending the idiot, just saying we've learned much more about it since then. And we still continue to. When Biden first took office, the 2 shot vaccines were considered essential to protecting us from catching covid. It was something like 90% protective (or more). Along came Delta and that % went way down. A booster was needed to get out protection % back up. What we ended up doing was creating a bunch of asymptomatic people. People who could spread it but weren't sick themselves. The anti-vax idiots saw that as proof the vaccines didn't work. They actually hoped vaxxed people got sick and died to prove they were right. I have a (ex)friend I had a rational talk with. He came right out and said he really believes anyone who gets vaxxed is going to die from the vaccine. He really believes this. That rabbit hole is really deep and it isn't possible to change their minds. There is a very real possibility that by the middle/end of January, we'll be in a total crisis with overflowing hospitals and record numbers of serious cases and deaths from all the holiday gatherings. I really hope I'm wrong but all the signs point to that happening. I have a neighbor who is also an anti-vaxxer. These people will not wear masks or social distance. They call it "personal choice" but to me they're just inconsiderate and ignorant. Bottom line? IMO, we're doomed.

  On 12/28/2021 at 5:40 PM, Tiger337 said:

Perhaps, schools should have been left open, but restrictions for adults seem appropriate.  Of course, closing schools might have been the reason for lower numbers.  


Yup, we never closed schools in most of Indiana. I feel really bad for the kids that missed there senior year activities around the country for no real advantage.

  On 12/28/2021 at 9:32 PM, pfife said:

If my Twitter timeline is any indication, it appears the CDC is a laughing stock now.


Yeah, the CDC and the FDA. Whenever someone brings up the FDA, I always ask..." you mean the same FDA that approved and allowed all of those opiates on the market?" Prolly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.


I won’t lie and pretend that if this reversal happened under Trump that many people wouldnt be bashing it that are not right now.  But I also acknowledge that much of the criticism is politically motivated. 

given the contagious nature and explosion of cases combined with new knowledge of when we are contagious I don’t see the big deal.  It went from being overly cautious to “you are probably ok and let’s not have everyone out at once if they don’t need to be”. 

  On 12/28/2021 at 6:56 PM, Sports_Freak said:

It's pretty old though. Good basic read but not very up to date.


It is old.  These numbers pertain to the original strain of Covid-19 and maybe the numbers for the variants are different.  At any rate, it does support the conclusion that Covid is way worst than the flu for almost all age groups except under 15.    

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