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1 hour ago, Motor City Sonics said:

So Ron The Racist DeSantis quashed information about the Covid surge in Florida while tests sat around and expired.   

Very likely our next President...............

No way. He may run and even get the nomination but no way he'll win. Same think I said about Trump. Too much hate.

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1 hour ago, Motor City Sonics said:

So Ron The Racist DeSantis quashed information about the Covid surge in Florida while tests sat around and expired.   

Very likely our next President...............

Dude, up until the last few weeks, Covid was not an issue in Florida, but one could argue that as there hasn't been any federal oversight to help gets tests out, responsible states bought up what they could, and yes, they eventually expire.  I believe it was Abbot labs that the left complained about as they laid off an entire factory soon after the vaccine rollout started, but only after having folks destroy the remaining inventory as they couldn't find anyone to buy them.  

Biden completely dropped the ball on testing.  But since Biden says the solution can't be found at the federal level, I guess we do have to blame the governors now.   I live in Michigan and can't find any tests.  I had to stand outside for 2 hours with my daughter a few days ago in order to get tested so she could go back to school.  Do I blame DeSantis too?

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11 minutes ago, Jim Cowan said:

Labatt's in Canada spent a whole bunch of brand image money back in the 1980's, to change the product name from Labatt's to Labatt, on all the corporate logos and beer labels.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe they thought it sounded more dignified.  Anyway, it didn't work of course.  Everyone still calls it Labatt's.

Speaking of spending money to change names? UM hospital changed their name to Michigan Medicine and spent millions of dollars doing it. And then raised tuition to pay for it.

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1 minute ago, Sports_Freak said:

No way. He may run and even get the nomination but no way he'll win. Same think I said about Trump. Too much hate.

if inflation is high or the economy slows down or another covid variant is causing shut downs up north, desantis or trump could easily win.

hell, we dont even know who the democrats will nominate yet.  

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1 hour ago, ewsieg said:

So, do people drive Fords or a just a Ford?  Obviously they work at Fords.  My wife complains when I say Meijers and has my kids joining in on mocking me, which is stupid on their part, because we all know it's Meijers.  I've always just assumed they kept the S off to save money and in turn, share those savings with the customer.  That's how I want to believe Fred Meijer would have handled it.

In defense of Meijer's it used to be called "Meijer's Thrifty Acres".

Still doesn't excuse Fords, KMarts. etc.


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Turns out the vaccines may have played a part in my wife's recent ER/hospitalization.  They initially said allergic reaction and it seems they are leaning back towards that again as other things come back negative.  For anyone with auto-immune diseases, make a mental note to ask your doctor if you are good with stacking vaccines together (covid/flu for my wife) or spacing them out.  Current thinking is she had an allergic reaction to something and since her immune system was on overdrive building up the immunity to the vaccines, it overcompensated to deal with the allergy.

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21 minutes ago, Jim Cowan said:

Labatt's in Canada spent a whole bunch of brand image money back in the 1980's, to change the product name from Labatt's to Labatt, on all the corporate logos and beer labels.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe they thought it sounded more dignified.  Anyway, it didn't work of course.  Everyone still calls it Labatt's.

When I came of age drinking wise in the mid 90's Labatt was my beer of choice for a very long time.  I have the mirrors, hockey stick, helmet, etc.   Then I'd watch old hockey clips or whatever and see the Labatt's logo... dang.  I never knew it was the official name.  A good friend of mine at the time moved here from Windsor and that's how he said it but I assumed it's just him being all Canadian on me.... "Hey, you want to have supper here tonight?  I got some labatt's and we can go over the 'pro-cess' of how we're going to build the rink out back..."


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1 minute ago, oblong said:

In defense of Meijer's it used to be called "Meijer's Thrifty Acres".

Still doesn't excuse Fords, KMarts. etc.

I'll use that defense with my wife.  I expect her to come back with something like she'd buy that if I was saying 'Myers' vs what I say 'Mires'.

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16 minutes ago, buddha said:

if inflation is high or the economy slows down or another covid variant is causing shut downs up north, desantis or trump could easily win.

2024 is a really long way away.

Not even saying that things will be better in 2024 or that there aren't scenarios where the climate in 2024 wouldn't redound to Trump or DeSantis' benefit, but rather it's unlikely that we're dealing with the exact same issues then as we are dealing with in Jan 2022.

Edited by mtutiger
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10 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

2024 is a really long way away.

Not even saying that things will be better in 2024 or that there aren't scenarios where the climate in 2024 wouldn't redound to Trump or DeSantis' benefit, but rather it's unlikely that we're dealing with the exact same issues then as we are dealing with in Jan 2022.

i might go so far to say trump is the favorite right now, but youre right that it is waaaaaay too early.

i dont see biden running again.  i HOPE he doesnt.  he's too old.  but im not sure who else the democrats would run?  harris seems a very weak choice.

and i'm beginning to think trump will run, if for nothing else than the attention and money he'll make himself.

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23 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

Turns out the vaccines may have played a part in my wife's recent ER/hospitalization.  They initially said allergic reaction and it seems they are leaning back towards that again as other things come back negative.  For anyone with auto-immune diseases, make a mental note to ask your doctor if you are good with stacking vaccines together (covid/flu for my wife) or spacing them out.  Current thinking is she had an allergic reaction to something and since her immune system was on overdrive building up the immunity to the vaccines, it overcompensated to deal with the allergy.

I had my flu shot and booster the same day. It kicked my butt for a couple of days. Even with MS, I was better in a few days. And that was back in November.

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25 minutes ago, buddha said:

if inflation is high or the economy slows down or another covid variant is causing shut downs up north, desantis or trump could easily win.

hell, we dont even know who the democrats will nominate yet.  

I think if inflation doesn't go down in 2022 and covid doesn't start to dissipate with these new antivirals Democrats chances are cooked for both 2022 and 2024. We saw in Virginia that being "not Trump" or running a January 6th playbook will not work. Most voters are looking forward and care little about what happened yesterday. When they go to the grocery store and pay higher prices for foods, when they pay more at the pump, when their couch takes 3 months to get delivered, they are going to blame that on Biden and the Democrats 1000%.

What message or platform do Democrats have to even run on at this point? The almost year old American Rescue Plan and . . . what else? The party is literally bankrupt of accomplishments and a message to run on. Combine that with high inflation, covid, rising crime, and culture war issues like CRT and defund the police and I think a 2010 style beating is coming the Democrats way. This time, with all the changes to election laws and gerrymandering, I think it is a good decade before Democrats see power in this country again. If we fall into Trump-style authoritarianism than Democrats may never see power again and democracy will have been lost.

If inflation tapers down to under 3.5% or so by June, these antivirals work for covid, and Democrats get their act together legislatively and pass a version of BBB, voting rights, and more, then they have a shot. Right now though, I think Democrats are headed for loses so big they will need to invoke the mercy rule. Not only on the House side, but I think Democrats will lose big in the Senate as well in Florida, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Warnock will lose to Herschel Walker in Georgia, Fretterman will lose to Dr. Oz in Penn, The Wisconsin Democrat will lost to Ron Johnson in Wisconsin, and on.

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6 minutes ago, buddha said:

i might go so far to say trump is the favorite right now, but youre right that it is waaaaaay too early.

i dont see biden running again.  i HOPE he doesnt.  he's too old.  but im not sure who else the democrats would run?  harris seems a very weak choice.

and i'm beginning to think trump will run, if for nothing else than the attention and money he'll make himself.

This is the best candidate Democrat's have for 2024 . . .


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7 minutes ago, buddha said:

i might go so far to say trump is the favorite right now, but youre right that it is waaaaaay too early.

i dont see biden running again.  i HOPE he doesnt.  he's too old.  but im not sure who else the democrats would run?  harris seems a very weak choice.

and i'm beginning to think trump will run, if for nothing else than the attention and money he'll make himself.

Biden too old? Trump will be the same age in '24 as Biden is now. But yeah, Biden is 4 years older than Trump. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I think if inflation doesn't go down in 2022 and covid doesn't start to dissipate with these new antivirals Democrats chances are cooked for both 2022 and 2024. We saw in Virginia that being "not Trump" or running a January 6th playbook will not work. Most voters are looking forward and care little about what happened yesterday. When they go to the grocery store and pay higher prices for foods, when they pay more at the pump, when their couch takes 3 months to get delivered, they are going to blame that on Biden and the Democrats 1000%.

What message or platform do Democrats have to even run on at this point? The almost year old American Rescue Plan and . . . what else? The party is literally bankrupt of accomplishments and a message to run on. Combine that with high inflation, covid, rising crime, and culture war issues like CRT and defund the police and I think a 2010 style beating is coming the Democrats way. This time, with all the changes to election laws and gerrymandering, I think it is a good decade before Democrats see power in this country again. If we fall into Trump-style authoritarianism than Democrats may never see power again and democracy will have been lost.

If inflation tapers down to under 3.5% or so by June, these antivirals work for covid, and Democrats get their act together legislatively and pass a version of BBB, voting rights, and more, then they have a shot. Right now though, I think Democrats are headed for loses so big they will need to invoke the mercy rule. Not only on the House side, but I think Democrats will lose big in the Senate as well in Florida, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Warnock will lose to Herschel Walker in Georgia, Fretterman will lose to Dr. Oz in Penn, The Wisconsin Democrat will lost to Ron Johnson in Wisconsin, and on.

Once we put the Trump Family Syndicate in prison, where they belong, the GOP will be toast. We know the democrats are dragging their feet with the 1-6 report, it should come out a couple of months before the midterms. But Hunter's laptop!! And Hillary's emails. Talk about weak sauce.

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6 minutes ago, buddha said:

i might go so far to say trump is the favorite right now, but youre right that it is waaaaaay too early.

i dont see biden running again.  i HOPE he doesnt.  he's too old.  but im not sure who else the democrats would run?  harris seems a very weak choice.

and i'm beginning to think trump will run, if for nothing else than the attention and money he'll make himself.

I think Trump is the current favorite.  That is really sad and makes our country look weak, but who is going to beat him?  Trump would clearly get the Republican nomination at this point.  If we still have high inflation (not Biden's fault at all) and the Covid situation is viewed as poorly managed (you can fairly blame Biden for some of that), the Democrats are in trouble.  Fortunately, a lot can change befolre the 2024 election.     

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14 minutes ago, buddha said:

i might go so far to say trump is the favorite right now, but youre right that it is waaaaaay too early.

i dont see biden running again.  i HOPE he doesnt.  he's too old.  but im not sure who else the democrats would run?  harris seems a very weak choice.

and i'm beginning to think trump will run, if for nothing else than the attention and money he'll make himself.

Had this debate with fife about a month ago, but to play devil's advocate, Trump is also not currently in the public sphere in the way that he would be should he be campaigning to run for President again. And his favorability/approval #'s (and the extent that they have risen somewhat) probably reflect that. 

But definitely, he can win. I don't know of many who believe he can't at this point.

I don't know what will happen with Biden.... although I think the chances he runs again are significantly higher than the conventional wisdom suggests.

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3 hours ago, buddha said:

nothing is worse than a deep minnesota accent...


Deep south drawl is the worst.

10 minutes to finish one sentence as they drag out each word over a 10-second lazy drawl...

Talk about stupid sounding. (OK, I'm exaggerating just a bit... my apologies to our southerners on here... I know that slow of speech doesn't mean slow of mind...).

But oh how I hate that southern drawl...

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